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The race just resumed without even mentioning Max. They didn't show him or his crash which was bad.
Lewis got a ten seconds penalty so he didn't win, Charles won. He won his home Grand Prix, I was so happy for him but I was so concerned.

He didn't text or call me, no one told me anything about his condition. For the first time today I saw Olivia running through the paddock. I quickly ran up to her. "Is there news yet?" She stopped running and looked at me. "He's in the hospital, I don't know much more" she was his girlfriend so I had no business going with her. She was probably the one he wanted to be with him. "I will text you if I know more" she smiled at me and walked out of the paddock.
I wanted to ask Christian or GP if they knew more but they weren't here anymore. They were probably at the hospital or complaining to the stewards.


I was home with Kai, I was watching the post race show. They also didn't know more either. Kai was laying on my lap, luckily he didn't know what was happening.
I was looking at the picture of his car, it was completely destroyed.

I got up, holding Kai in my arms. I wasn't gonna wait for Olivia's text. He was the father of my child and the love of my life. Fuck it, I wanted to know if he was okay.


I arrived at the hospital and walked up to the receptionist. "I am here for Max Verstappen" she looked at me, she probably recognized me but still had to ask if I was family. "He is his son"
I pointed at Kai. She nodded and gave me his room number. My chest was beating so fast right now, I just wanted him to be fine.

I walked in the room and I saw Olivia sitting next to his bed. She looked at me, it looked like she cried just seconds ago. "Sorry I forgot to text you but he didn't wake up yet" I looked at Max, he was laying in bed. His face was covered with bruises.
"I will stay here, you can go home if you want" I looked at Olivia, she looked so tired I felt bad for her. She may not realize or acknowledge it, but she really cared about him. It wasn't only for his money, I could see that in her eyes. She nodded and got up. "Keep me updated?" I nodded. She deserved to know how he was doing.

I sat down next to his bed, I grabbed his hand and looked at him. Kai was asleep in the little crib they gave me. "Don't do this to me, I need you, Kai needs you" I intertwined our fingers and looked at our hands. "I miss you so much, nothing is the same without you." I sighed. He looked peaceful but I knew it was bad. "Red Bull needs you, you have to be world champion this year remember?"

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now