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Quali went well for Max, he would start on the first row with no penalties as his car was fine. I knew he was happy about that especially with his family around. "Babe are you ready to go?" Max yelled from the other side of the room. I was getting dressed in the bathroom, I would meet the girls in half an hour so I was just fixing my makeup. "Go where?"  I yelled back. He walked in the bathroom, wrapping his hands around me from behind me. "Dinner with my mom and sister" he mumbled as he kissed my cheek. "God you're looking so beautiful" he continued. Fuck I totally forgot we agreed to go to dinner with them. He asked me even before Hungary so I totally forgot. "I'm sorry baby, I promised Charlotte and Isa to go out with them" I turned around so I could face him, his smiled dropped. "Okay cancel it then" He just said. As if my plans weren't important. "No, I promised them" He took a step back, turning his head a little. "And you promised me to go to dinner with my family" I rolled my eyes, why was he overreacting? We could go to dinner with them another time. "You can go alone right? We're always together" I regretted it immediately because I saw how his face changed. He probably couldn't believe I just said this. "I'm sorry I want you around me, but whatever have fun tonight" he put his hands in the air and walked out. I could hear the door slam behind him.
I couldn't believe this, he was so selfish. I just wanted to have some fun with my friends like he did after Hungary.

I walked into the club, I knew the girls must be here already because I was kinda late. I saw Charlotte sitting in a booth so I walked up to her. "Fashionably late I see?" She laughed but quickly stopped as she saw my face. "Are you okay?" she raised her eyebrow as I sat down. "Yes I just needs lots of drinks" she put some shots in front of me and winked. I quickly took a couple of them and drank them. "She really needs alcohol" Isa laughed at Charlotte. They didn't ask any other questions. They probably knew how it goes when you're dating a F1 driver or just any guy in general.

Just as I thought Selena wasn't coming anymore, she walked in with a guy which I assumed was her boyfriend. "I am so sorry but I was being held up by Christian. Being Max's PR manager is a lot of work" She laughed and sat down next to Isa. The guy sat next down to me. "This is Connor by the way, he's my best friend. He will also start to work in F1 after the summer break" I nodded quickly at him. It was a girls night and she brought a guy. I was so annoyed already. I quickly took another shot.

A couple of hours had passed. I was so drunk. I kinda felt like my younger self again, who drank a lot and messed around with every guy possible.
"Do you wanna dance?" Connor asked. He was actually a pretty cool guy, we've talked all night.  I nodded and grabbed his hand. He guided me to the dancefloor. We danced for a while. He was a good dancer and we had a lot of fun. He pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips on mine. I should've told him to get lost, that I have a boyfriend but I didn't. I put my hands on his face and kissed him back. His body was pressed against mine, as our tongues found each other.

We were kissing for quite a while, when he took my hand and guided me to the bathroom. Our lips crashed together again as we went into a stall together. He picked me up and pushed me against the door.
I could feel his dick against my body as he quickly pulled his pants down. I could feel his fingers touch my thighs and up to my panties. He pushed them to the side and I could feel his dick slide inside me. He was holding me up as he thrusted fast in me. I put my head in his neck. I could smell his parfum, it wasn't Max's smell. Fuck this wasn't Max. I quickly looked at him and put my hand on his chest. I pushed him away.
"I'm so sorry but I have a boyfriend" I quickly pulled my dress down and walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey what happened?" Charlotte tried to stop me but I needed fresh air. I was so fucking stupid. Why did I have to mess this up every time?

I looked at my phone. Max texted me a couple of minutes ago.

Max 🧡 : I'm sorry for earlier
Max 🧡 : I love you
Max 🧡 : I hope you're having a good time

I broke down, I sat down on the floor and started crying. Charlotte walked up to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me back up. "Let's go Rylee"

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now