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Max's POV

"What happened between you and George?" Charles asked all of a sudden. We were in Lando's room playing video games. "He was just being an idiot" I put my controller down and grabbed the beer that was standing next to me. "Is it true though?" Lando looked at me. I knew they all heard about it. I just nodded. Charles patted my back a few times. "Man, you really deserve better than someone who keeps lying" he was right. I just wanted a peaceful life with someone I could trust but she lied so many times.
Even Kai could be a lie.

"I found some more beers" Carlos walked in the room smiling. He put them down and sat down on the bed. "What were you talking about?" He looked at all of us, he probably noticed the tension in the room. "Rylee" Lando said. He was sitting on the floor. "Isa told me about it, I'm sorry" Carlos said and I shrugged my shoulders.
"So I think that you and I need to go out after the race" Lando said as he grabbed the controller again. "We are both single and I really want to.." he continued the game as I grabbed the other controller but Carlos interrupted him. "You're what? Muppet don't tell me you dumped Luisa" Carlos said as he slapped Lando's head. Lando grabbed his head which made him crash in the game.

"It was a mutual decision, not every girl wants to travel the world all the time just to support her boyfriend" he looked at Charles and Carlos as if it was a bad thing that their girlfriends actually did that, but we knew they were the lucky ones.
"That's why Max always dates his PR managers" Charles said laughing but he quickly stopped because he realized it was probably way too soon to joke about it. I just gave him a push so he fell of the bed. "Yeah I deserved that" he said as he was climbing on the bed again.


I was walking through the paddock with Selena the next day. "We are in Japan so that means..." she said, she was waiting for me to finish her sentence. "Uh.. Sushi?" I said but I guess it wasn't the right answer because she rolled her eyes. "No, it means Honda you big dummy, so please be on your best behavior" I guess she meant no swearing and think before speaking. She looked tired, I remember the time Rylee started at this job, she was overwhelmed at first so I guess Selena must feel the same.

"Are you okay?" I looked at her and she nodded. "Just not used to all the traveling I guess" we were walking to the fan zone. Daniel and I had to do a lot of appearances together this weekend.
It made me forget about Rylee. I haven't heard from her in quite a while but she agreed to meeting me in England before I had to go to America.

After the appearances we were walking back to the hospitality. We passed George and his PR manager. He didn't even look at me but he was looking at Selena. I guess she didn't notice it because she was busy on her phone. "You have an admirer" I said as I pointed to George. She quickly looked up and rolled her eyes. "Yeah I know, but I don't date drivers" she said as she looked back at her phone.
That was actually a very wise choice. I wish I never dated my PR manager either.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now