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Rylee's POV

I rolled my eyes. Red Bull's music was blasting through the pitlane. I used to love it but I hated it right now. I was leaning on the table, looking at the tv. They showed the Red Bull garage, Max was talking and laughing with Daniel. I was still wondering what he was doing in our hotel yesterday.

Quali was about to start, the first qualifying of this season. We were finally gonna see who's the fastest car on track. I was just hoping it wouldn't be Red Bull.

I was biting my lip, I was nervous. We were all in Q3 and Lewis was on provisional pole. Max was looking fast and to be honest, so was Daniel. I sighed relieved as I saw Max ending in P2 and Daniel P3. Lewis was on pole for tomorrow. I couldn't be happier right now.

Lewis and I walked in the press conference room, Max and Daniel were already sitting down in front of the journalists. I waked up to Olivia who was busy on her phone. She was smiling while she was typing something.
"Olivia" I nodded and sat down next to her. She quickly looked at me and smiled. "Hi Rylee" she quickly grabbed her phone again.
"Did you know Max was in our hotel yesterday?" I looked at her, she probably didn't know he tried to sign with Mercedes last year.
"Uh yeah he told me" she quickly looked at me and nodded. Wait? So he told her? I was so confused. I couldn't ask her more questions because she started talking to Daniel's PR manager. They actually seemed like they were good friends.
I sighed. These press conferences were always so boring.

After the press conference we still had to do the interviews in the media pen. I followed Lewis. He always gave great answers which I was happy about. It made my work much easier.
The only bad thing about being Lewis' PR manager was that I had to see Olivia and Max. I ignored them as much as possible.


"Who are we stalking?" I quickly turned around and saw George standing next to me. He was looking in the direction I was looking at. "No one I was just daydreaming"' I lied. I was actually looking at the Red Bull hospitality. Max was standing outside talking to GP. He probably was about to go to his hotel. "Yeah sure, are you alright though?" I nodded but it was another lie.
I was actually feeling really lonely. He patted my back and walked away. He was also going back to his room.
Just as I was about to go back inside, I saw Olivia walking out the hospitality,  her and Max walked away together. My heart stopped, was he doing this to make me jealous or did he actually start to like her?
Two could play that game.

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