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Max's POV

I sighed as I walked through the paddock with Olivia. "What is wrong with you?" She looked at me. "I am just tired, I am looking forward to the summer break" she nodded as she was typing something on her phone. "Are your parents gonna be there next race?" she quickly looked at me and I nodded. The next and last race before summer break was gonna be in Belgium.
My dad didn't come to a lot of races anymore, I told him he could only come to a couple so obviously he wanted to come to Spa.

"Your mechanic wants to talk to you" Daniel started to walk next to me and he patted my back.
I sighed again, my car seemed fine during the practices and qualifying but it was never good if he wanted to talk to me.

I walked in the garage, I saw him standing next to my car. "What's up mate?" I walked up to him and he looked at me. "The engine broke, we have to change it" I sighed. I was getting tired of this. "It broke over night? How is this possible?" I leaned against the table. I was gonna start on pole but I would get a penalty once again. "It's not possible, someone is still messing with it but it's not Luca because he isn't here this weekend" I was looking at everyone. Every single mechanic was part of this team for a while. "Do you think it's one of them?" I asked and he started shaking his head. "No, they want you to win too much, you can't fake that" I nodded, I was thinking the same thing. "Can you fix it before the race?" He nodded and patted my back. I had to get ready for the race.

I walked out of the garage to get changed. Olivia was waiting for me. "Do I have interviews or something?" I looked at her but she just shook her head. "Just checking if you're okay" I walked passed her but she followed me. "Yes I am okay, I'm gonna change" she was still walking next to me. "Is Rylee coming today?" She asked.
I sometimes wondered why she was still so involved with Rylee and I. I needed to get rid of her as soon as possible. "No, she stayed in Monaco"

I sat down on the couch of my drivers room. I looked at my phone. Rylee texted me a couple of minutes ago.

Ryls 🧡 : Good luck baby!
Ryls 🧡 : We will be watching

Thank you baby
I love both of you 🧡

I walked out of my room and walked to the track. We had to do the drivers parade before the race.
I leaned against the railing and I saw Lando walk up to me. "I heard you're taking another penalty?" He looked at me and I nodded. "Yeah I don't know what's happening, someone keeps messing with my car" I said and he raised his eyebrow. "One of your mechanics?" I shook my head. "Someone else but I really have no idea who" I shrugged my shoulders. "Damn someone must really hate you" he was right, someone really wanted to see me suffer. Was I too naive not to figure out who it was?

"With all the penalties, we are starting at P15. Manage your tires and try to finish as high as possible" GP said through the radio. I went from pole all the way to P15 because of this fucker. I was gonna show him I could still win this.

"It's starting to rain, box box for inters" I smiled, I was good in the rain and I knew most of them weren't, so I could gain some easy places.

As expected a lot of them struggled with the grip.
I was gaining. I could almost smell the podium.
A couple of laps later I passed the chequered flag.
"What a brilliant drive, that's P1!" I couldn't believe this, this car was honestly flying, too bad someone was always trying to mess with it.
I definitely had to find out who it was soon.

@F1News: Who can stop him? P15 to P1

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@F1News: Who can stop him? P15 to P1.

Liked by @RyleeWolff, @RedBullRacing and 103.294 others.

@RyleeWolff: No one can stop him 🧡
@RedBullRacing: he has wings
@user1: bro will even win from p15

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