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Max's POV

We worked on my car until 2 o'clock yesterday so I was feeling tired when I walked in the paddock.
I walked straight to the garage. My head mechanic nodded as he saw me walking in. "No one is touching the car anymore except for him" I pointed at my head mechanic. I knew everyone was probably wondering what have gotten into me but I didn't care at this point.

I stayed for as long as possible in the garage. I wanted to make sure they didn't mess up again.
Rylee's friend was standing in the garage, I didn't remember her name but I noticed how she was looking at me the entire time. She gestured to come to her, I sighed but I still walked up to her. "Hey Max, I heard what happened yesterday. I'm so sorry" I didn't know what she was referring to, was she talking about my car or about my fight with Rylee? "It's okay though" I smiled at her. I decided not to ask her about it. "I'm here for you no matter what" she put her hand on my arm and smiled widely. I chuckled a little.
Who needs enemies when you've friends like this.

I walked out of the garage, I needed to change and get ready for the race. Rylee was walking through the paddock with Kai. She walked up to me as she saw me and smiled a little. "He wanted to see you"
I took Kai out of her arms and held him in my arms. "I am gonna take him to my drivers room okay?" She nodded. I noticed how she wanted to say something else but I just walked away.

I changed into my racing suit and had a talk with Kai. He probably didn't understand a thing but he was a great listener. I chuckled when I saw him grabbing my helmet. I was always gonna protect him from everything, even from this fucked up world sometimes.


"So Max, as you know we received a 5 place grid penalty." GP sounded from my radio. Yeah obviously I knew because I was sitting in P10 right now. I was hoping my car would be competitive again. I knew this track very well, I could drive it with my eyes closed so I could definitely make up some places if I had a good car again.

The five lights went out and I had a great start.
I was already in P8. After a couple of laps I knew this car was better than before. I had a lot of pace.
"Let's fuck shit up Max" I smiled in my car, it felt so good to be competitive again.

I sighed relieved when I crossed the chequered flag. "And that's P1. Amazing drive Max" this time it was Christian who came on the radio. He sounded relieved as well. Our hard work paid off for sure.
I ran up to my team, I knew we could do this.

After the celebrations and interviews, I went back to my drivers room to change and get out of here.
I opened the door and saw a smiling Kai looking at me. Rylee was holding him. She was looking at me.
I closed the door behind me and leaned against it while I was looking at them.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now