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I really liked the Suzuka track. I think everyone did.
If I win this race, I would be World Champion. It really felt weird to possibly do this without Ryls and Kai but I wasn't gonna make the same mistake twice.
I was gonna grab this Championship whenever I got the chance.

I was sitting in my car, I was ready for Q3. I knew my car was fast so I could definitely do a fast lap. "We will be out soon, get ready" GP said and I nodded my head. I realized he couldn't actually see it so I quickly responded on the radio. "Copy"

"That's... P2. Great job" GP said as I crossed the finish line. P2 is definitely a good result.
I smiled as I drove back to the garage. As always I received a few pats on the back when I jumped out of the car. I was definitely ready to get this championship.

@Redbullracing: the bulls turned white this weekend

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@Redbullracing: the bulls turned white this weekend. #JapanGP

Liked by @DanielRicciardo, @ConnorH, @ChristianHorner and 629.739 others.

@DanielRicciardo: pretty boy
@VictoriaVerstappen: goodluck brother!! 🧡
@user1: oh i like it
@user2: c'mon Max let's get this championship


"What sponsor event do you have planned today?" I looked at Selena who was walking next to me. She told me to wear something casual again so I knew it wasn't really a sponsor event. "Okay so we are in Japan and that means..." she looked at me, her eyes were full with excitement. "Honda?"
I joked and she rolled her eyes again. "Yes but also.. Arcades!!" She said throwing her arms in the air. I laughed, she always looked so excited, I loved that about her.

"You know I'm gonna beat you right?" I said as we walked in. She chuckled a little. "In your dreams, I'm a pro at this"

We played a few games and she was actually very good at this. "Did you live in an arcade or something?" I looked at her smiling. She started laughing. "You can't be the best in everything Maxie" she looked around. Scanning the other games. "Oh you have to win me a big bear like that" she pointed at the bears. I laughed and nodded. "I will try, let's go"

"Are you happy with a small bear as well?"
I asked and she laughed. "Yes of course" she grabbed a bear and smiled at me.
I knew many people thought we liked each other, but it wasn't like that at all.
I wasn't over Rylee, you don't forget about a relationship that quickly, not when you actually thought about marrying the girl.

We were walking through the streets of Japan.
"Oh my God, let's get inside" she grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. I looked around and noticed we were in a karaoke bar.
We sat down and she immediately ordered two vodka Red bulls.
She started to move her body with the music and started to sing along. I laughed and shook my head.
"You're something else, you know that right?" She laughed while sipping from her drink.
Her eyes fluttered a little. "I think they forgot the Red Bull" she laughed again, pointing at the drink.

"So why don't you date drivers?" I asked and she just shrugged her shoulders. "It's just not worth the heartbreak and drama" the girl who always had a sarcastic answer ready was actually opening her heart right now. "Sometimes it doesn't end in a heartbreak though" even though it ended in a heartbreak for me, I knew a lot of drivers were with their significant others for a very long time. She chuckled but didn't reply.
Did she date a driver? I wasn't gonna push her for an answer, it didn't really matter anyways.

@SelenaRB: Judging by my face, who do you think won?

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@SelenaRB: Judging by my face, who do you think won?

Liked by @MaxVerstappen1, @RedBullracing, @GeorgeRussel and 82.739 others.

@MaxVerstappen1: I let you win though 😉
> @SelenaRB: suuuuureeeee
@LandoNorris: Next time I'm going with you
@Charlottesine: girlpowerrrr 💪🏻
@user1: look they went out together

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