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Max and I arrived early at the track today. Max probably wanted to check his car before the race and I had to finish my business with Mercedes.
"Good luck baby, I will see you in our garage later?" Max asked and I nodded. I kissed him quickly before we both walked to our own hospitalities.

I walked in the Mercedes hospitality. I immediately saw the person I was looking for. "Wow Rylee you're early" he smiled as he looked at his watch.
"Yeah, I'm quitting" he immediately looked up at me. "What? Why?" He looked confused but my mind was made up. "I always thought Max didn't belong here, but I don't belong here either. He nodded as he already was expecting this.
"I need to support my man" I put my Mercedes team kit on his table and walked out of the hospitality. I sighed relieved.

I walked in Max's garage holding Kai, Charlotte brought him because from now on, I would actually have time to take care of him during the races.
Max was standing with GP looking at some graphs. "Daddy" Kai yelled and Max quickly turned around. I walked to him with a smile on my face. "Hi daddy" I smirked and pressed my lips against his. "Don't turn me on right now" he mumbled against my lips. He turned his face to Kai and smiled at him. "Daddy is gonna win for you" Max smiled and turned his face back to me "And for you of course"

Max jumped into his car, he was putting his gloves on. I was praying he would have a good race.
I put Kai on a table and wrapped my arms around him while I looked up at the tv. I knew he was ready for this especially after last night.
I was right about it. Max was driving his heart out.

Christian walked in the garage halfway the race.
I quickly hugged him and he smiled at Kai.
"Good to see you in here again" I nodded and smiled. "I will be in here every race from now on" he smiled even more. He probably realized I quit my job at Mercedes.
"Are Max and you still coming to dinner tonight?" I totally forgot about that but I knew Max would probably like that. "Yeah of course" he patted my back and walked back to the pitwall.
Christian treated Max as if he was his son. It was actually really cute. He really cared about him.

I cheered as Max won the race. Daniel's PR manager took care of Kai while I walked to the pitlane.
I wanted to hug Max as soon as he got out of his car.
He ran to his team and hugged them. I looked at them smiling, Max looked around and quickly ran to me. I put my hands on his helmet and kissed it.
I was so proud of him.

A while later I was standing next to Christian and Helmut. I was looking up at the podium as Max was standing on the highest step. His eyes were searching for me and he smiled as he found me.
We were looking at each other for a while.
I was gonna support him no matter what.

@RyleeWolff: "you changed my whole life" 🧡

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@RyleeWolff: "you changed my whole life" 🧡

Liked by @Maxverstappen1, @RedBullRacing, @CharlotteSine and 312.124 others.

@MaxVerstappen1: we're gonna be the love that's gonna last ❤️
@LandoNorris: faves !
@RedBullRacing: 🥰
@user1: Toto is probably smashing his table right now

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