Chapter - 12

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So i was looking for somebody who could be Jo and i finally found the perfect person. So that is Jo.

Jo's POV

I took a quick shower and got dressed in my school uniform. I left my hair undone as they will be covering my stitches. I wore my watch and sprayed some perfume. I went to the kitchen and read the newspaper. After reading the newspaper I checked the time, it was 7:14 and the girls were still sleeping.

I decided to wake the girls. "Syd, Bella and Ter c'mon get up" I said loudly "Girls wake up" I called out again a little louder this time. Nothing, these girls won't wake up only so I tried again and this time I shook them a bit but no use. I got an idea to wake them. I took out some plates and started throwing them one after another and then the three of them rushed inside "What the hell Jo?" Syd said "Why are you throwing those plates?" Bella asked.

"I tried waking up you guys but none of you would get up so I tried something new" I stated very bluntly.

"What the hell? You threw those plates to wake us? They costed so much, right?" Ter said .

No , I actually won that dinner set some time ago. So those were for free" I said and continued "And you guys have got 20 minutes to get ready and have breakfast, we need to be at school on time" I said and made all of us breakfast. I could eat now so I got myself an apple and made pancakes and scrambled eggs for rest of them. You see, I don't eat non veg but I can surely cook each and everything.

Girls came down after quickly getting ready and had breakfast. I got my Black Volvo which I parked a little away and honked so they would come out. Syd got in her car and drove off after we said our goodbyes. Ter and Bells came out along with Mary and Dad. Bella sat in the passenger seat beside me and Ter in the backseat and Mary and Dad came my window "Thanks for the breakfast" Mary said and Dad just remained unimpressed , I just nodded and said them bye then pulled out of the driveway.

We reached school in about 20 minutes and I parked at my usual spot , actually I have my parking reserved so nobody and I mean nobody dares to park their cars in my spot. We all got out and I led them to the office, Jasmine was there and greeted me with a big smile. She gave me my schedule and then turned to Aster and Bella " You two must be the new students?" she asked them and Bells and her girlfriend nodded "Okay give me your names" she said and after knowing Bella's name she turned to me "She is your sister?" She asked " Yeah but nobody should know this, not even the teachers and I already spoke to the principal about this" K said and Bella turned to me , she looked disappointed "Why?" she asked "You will know later" I replied and left them.

Many jocks in the school don't like me because girls gave me more attention and they could use my sister to get back at me. I looked at everyone's class schedule , Aster and Bella had most of their classes with me and a few with each other and someone or the other from the gang was in all their classes so it was a good thing. I wouldn't have to worry about those two because gang will take care of them.

I went and sat in the playground and put on some music on my ipod. I heard the bell ring but dint feel like going, so sat there till the song finished then headed to my locker. I put my stuff in my backpack and went to the class. I had English first, I opened the door and everyone's eyes was on me "You are late, Dawson" Mr.K said , I don't remember names so I just try to remember their initials. I glared at him and he turned back to the board and continued teaching. I went and sat in the last row. I saw Aster and Bella sitting together and were staring at me when I met their eyes, they turned around.

Aster's POV

I woke up to the sound of plates breaking, I sat up and saw Bella and Syd waking up and looking at each other with the same confused expression as me. We all rushed to the kitchen and there was none other than Jo crashing plates , she stopped when she saw us. "What the hell Jo?" Syd said "Why are you throwing those plates?" Bella asked "I tried waking up you guys but none of you would get up so I tried something new" Jo said bluntly.

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