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Jo's POV

Pain, a very strong sensation, a very strong feeling that you can never ignore. It will keep badgering you until you take notice of it and give into it. It might help some people, make them tough but for some it will just be the end.

When I woke up this morning and  all I felt was pain. Pain everywhere, in each and every single part of my body. My head, my stomach, my hands and legs, everything just hurt. Even breathing was so painful. I sat up groaning in pain and with a spinning head. Is this a hangover? God! Hangover is a bitch.

I tried to get up but I felt really dizzy and legs very weak. What the hell happened last night? What did I do? I tried to get up again but failed. I decided to rest for a few minutes and try again. After I do not know how many minutes, I tried again and this time I fell on the floor. Well at least I am off the couch, yay!

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard the most angelic voice.

I opened my eyes and saw her beautiful face and just nodded.

"Let me help you" she offered.

I nodded my head, took her hand in mine and tried to get up. It was a hassle but we managed. She guided me down to the comfort room while I was only focused in how soft her hands were. She was so warm and soft, all I wanted to do was cuddle with her. Her hand fit perfectly in my hand, she was amazing and her scent. Oh my God, her scent! It is the most amazing thing in the world, I could spend hours lying in her arms and taking her scent in. She smelled great, a little lavender and vanilla. I don't know if its her shampoo or body wash but it smells great.

We reached the comfort room, she opened the door for me and helped me walk to the sink. I thanked her for her help and looked into the mirror.

"What the fuck?" I yelled after taking a look at myself in the mirror. I am battered, I have a black eye, a busted lip and a very swollen face. My face hurt. One of my eye has blood filled. What the fuck happened last night?

Anne just looked at me, she did not move or speak. I raked my brain for answers, pulling my hair trying to remember what happened but I got no clue. Finally I gave up. I have to ask her what happened and how I got home.

"Anne, can you please tell me how I got home last night? Do you know what happened yesterday? I have no clue. Did I get beaten up? Did I have a fight? What the hell happened?"

"You do not remember?" she asked me in a gentle voice. Her voice is so soothing, it always calms me.

I shook my head. It looked like she did not want to tell me what happened or she was thinking about what she should tell me. After debating with herself in her mind she exhaled deeply and started "So last night, you were brought home by Officer Matthew, he informed us that you were involved in a bar fight. He said he knows you very well and he knew you were underage so he hid you from the other officers and got you home in your car. None of us know any other details."

"Okay, thank you but I cannot recall any of that."

"That is probably because when he got you home you were passed out" she said.

I nodded my head. She closed the door and stepped outside. I splashed some water on my face. I looked into the mirror, a completely different me. I even have a small gash on my forehead which was stitched. I cannot recall anything from last night.

I started the hot water in the shower while I brushed my teeth all the while thinking about last night, trying to recall what happened. I hopped into the shower. The hot water stung in so many places but I know it is the best to calm the nerves and tense muscles.

After a very long shower or rather a long brooding session in the shower I got out. I wrapped the towel around my waist and struggled to walk out the room. I got into the hallway. I have to go up to my room to get my clothes. It is going to be painful. I wish someone would get my clothes for me. I came in the living room ready to go up when Anne called me.

"Hey, I got your clothes for you, figured you - aaaahhh.." she screamed mid sentence. I looked around trying to figure out what scared her. She turned away.

"Why are you like that?" she asked.

"Like what?" I questioned and looked at myself. Fuck!! I forgot to cover my upper body. I quickly put the towel on cover both upper and lower body.

"You can turn around" I said.

She did turn around and was blushing profusely. She looked so cute, I could kiss her right now.

"Your clothes are on the couch. Change and then come for breakfast" she told me.

"Thanks" I replied and got to changing.

She should be my girlfriend. She is hot, beautiful, loving and understanding. I love this girl but unfortunately she is taken.

"Give this ring to the person you love the most, confess your love, do not be afraid of rejection"

Those were my mom's last words in the hospital before she died. Sitting in the hospital bed with me, she kept on repeating that it was not my fault and to confess my love to the person I love and be afraid of rejection. Also the ring, give her the ring but how can I? She is my sister's girlfriend. What would mom say if she were alive? Both her girls falling for the same girl, madly in love but the girl loves back only one of her daughters.

I know its right to let them be, I know its right to back off but my heart aches, it aches every single time I see them together, kissing each other, loving each other, staring in each other's eyes with so much love and gentleness, it hurts. It hurts me to see them like that but also makes me happy that they found each other but my selfish side says 'What about me?' and I have no answer to that.

After getting dressed I went to kitchen where Anne had laid out breakfast for me. It was very difficult to do anything by myself, even eating food. My face had so many bruises that I could not even recognise myself in the mirror. Its like I have to put ice packs all over my body.

While having breakfast, I was thinking about last night, trying to remember what had happened but no luck. All I remember was visiting the cemetery and going to a very shady bar later. What the fuck happened last night?

I called Stacy after breakfast and informed her about my leave from the office, I know she will have a lot of work to do now but good thing is that she has an assistant now, so she should be able to manage. 

"Hey Anne, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"Umm.... tomorrow's Saturday so nothing, why?" Anne asked.

"I was planning something for tomorrow so I thought I'd ask you girls if you are free."

"Cool, as far as I know even Syd, Bells and Lon are free tomorrow. We can all go to wherever you are planning." Anne said while she sat comfortably on the couch.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school right now?" I asked, only now did I realise that it was a school day.

"I am on leave, somebody had to stay home to take care of you, right? Isabella could not stay because she had to submit a report and Sydney had some important client flying down today so she had to meet them and I was available as London has her hands full with Jenny and we know what happened the last time she was watching you" Anne said referring to when Lon's water broke and she went into labour. It is hilarious.

Anne and I chatted the whole evening and then I helped her as much as I could for the dinner. I got to know a lot of things about her today, like how she likes a hot chocolate fudge ice cream but hates the sprinklers, or how she can add and multiply very efficiently but for subtraction and division she takes time, and how she twitches in her sleep and does not realise it. She is very adorable.

Later that night, when I was having dinner with Anne, Bella and Syd I informed the other two that we'd be going out tomorrow and it will be a surprise. I made a few calls and made all the arrangements for tomorrow. Tomorrow is gonna be great!

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