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Jo's POV

The next day when I woke up, all I could feel was pain. Pain in each and every single part of my body. My head was throbbing so I decided to go back to sleep. I woke up to the noise of somebody talking.

I opened by eyes and was met with the intense lights, I was forced to shut my eyes. I groaned in annoyance and pain. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the light and I sat up on the couch. I stretched my stiff muscles.

I saw Anne talking over the phone. She looked really pretty in her lounge pants and tank top. She was walking from one corner to another while talking on the phone. It looked like she was arguing or bargaining with someone.

"Stop staring at her" said I voice beside me and I recognized it as Sydney's.

I did not realise that I had been staring at Anne for a few minutes now. I turned to the side to face Sydney. I raised an eyebrow at her in a questioning manner.

"What do you want?" I asked her, even talking was painful.

"God, you stink" she made a disgusted face "Shower while I fix you some food" and with that said she got up to leave.

I made my way to the bathroom. Brushed me teeth and did the regular chores. I just put on some boxers and a sports bra and went to the kitchen to eat. I was really hungry.

Groaning in pain, I sat down at the island waiting for Syd to give me my plate. As soon as she set the plate in front of me, I began hogging the food like some type of a hungry animal. Sydney looked at me amused and I just gave her the finger and continued eating. I hadn't eaten in days and lack of food got me drunk too.

Sydney sat opposite to me and waited till I finished my food. I got up with my plate to start cleaning. Rinsing the plate I started " What do you want to ask?"

"You fought again last night?"

"Yes" was my short reply.

"Why?" she asked

"No reason" I lied.

"Don't lie to me!" Syd demanded.

I did not like her tone so I rudely said "Why do you care? Aren't I just a murderer in your eyes?"

Sydney sighed and ran a hand through her hair in frustration. "It is very difficult to tell who is telling the truth and who is lying" she expressed.

"I gave you the evidence, it is not so difficult to know who is lying. You just don't want to accept the truth!" I said in frustration.

I dried the plate and placed it in its respective place and walked out of the kitchen. I headed to my room so that I could just put on some clothes and head out. Away from all this.

"Jo, please try to understand us. It is not easy for us either" came Sydeney's voice from behind me.

She followed me to the room. "And it is very easy for me?" I demanded while opening the door harshly. That startled Anne and Bella who were making out on my bed. Great! I just had to see that. Very nice.

I walked to my cupboard and started pulling out my clothes. "I know Jo it is not easy for you but please, just try to understand our situation too" Sydney requested.

I was in no mood to listen to her. "The truth is in front if your eyes. You have the evidenve and the killer himself. You are afraid to accept the truth" I yelled back.

I started pulling on my clothes when I heard a gasp. " Oh my God! Jo, we gotta get you to a hospital" came Anne voice.

"Yes" Sydney agreed.

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