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Jo's POV

How the fuck can I be so fucking stupid? I mean, I had to call her babe, I even yelled at myself in front of her. She must think that I am completely retarded. For fuck's sake, I even asked her out. What the fuck is wrong with me? I asked out my sister's girlfriend. I am a big fucking moron.




I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard someone yell my name. I looked up to see the science teacher glaring at me. Mrs.Bill was giving me a death glare. Wonder what's up her ass?

"Do you have anything on your mind that is more interesting than my lesson?" Mrs.Bill screeched.

"As a matter of fact, yes!"

Mrs. Bill fumed with anger while the whole class erupted into laughter.

"Principal's office" she yelled.

I took my sweet time to pack my stuff knowing that this would make her angrier.

"Now, Dawson" she yelled impatiently.

I packed my bag and got up to leave. Mrs. Bill was tapping her foot on impatience. She looked really angry. I think, I am getting a detention.

I walked to the principal's office, asked his secretary of I could go in, she nodded yes. I went into the office avoiding eye contact, I plopped myself on one of the sofas and placed my feet up on the table.

"Jo, how nice of you to pay me a visit" Principal said sarcastically.

"Hey there, Princie. No need to get all sarcastic on me now. I didn't do anything. All I did was get distracted and then tell her the truth when she asked me about it." I replied.

"You do realise that the things you have said were kind of disrespectful because you made the whole class laugh at her." Princie tried to reason.

"Look, Princie, if she didn't want kids to laugh at her, mock her or hate her then she should've chosen another profession. She knew what she was getting herself into. I merely stated the truth and she went Hulk on me. She needs to be more tolerant and patient. I wasn't disturbing the class, or annoying her. All I did was get distracted and tell her the truth. I don't think I deserve any punishment but I know you will punish me in some way so, might I suggest a detention?"

"Detention was the initial plan but I just came up with something really interesting. The school fest is coming up and the committee needs help with the preparation. You will help them everyday after school and on weekends"

"What? Are you crazy? I have work to do, I gotta go to the office. I cannot be here playing with kids." I retorted.

"You have to go, its final. No more discussions. Now, get out" Princie said sternly.

I knew there was no point arguing with him so I dejectedly left the his office and the bell rang. I walked towards the cafeteria to swallow my disappointment with food.

"Why the long face?" asked someone with an all too familiar voice.

Instantly my mood lit up, a smile plastered itself on my face and all more worries and disappointments vanished in a second.

"Its nothing. Have you eaten already?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Let's go, grab a bite" I said a little excited

We stood in the line for food when she asked  again "So, what's wrong? You looked quite upset about something."

"Anne, its nothing. I just got punished for not paying attention in the class and now I have to help out the Student Committee with the school fest. These kids are so annoying, I don't want to do it but this time, I was unable to get out of the punishment." I ranted to her.

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