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Stacy's POV

"What the hell is this?" I spoke to myself as soon as I opened the door of the house.

The house reeked of smoke, marijuana and alcohol. The whole house was silent and dark. I searched for the light switch and flicked it on. The room lit up brightly. I went on into the living room with others following me.

But as soon as I was inside the living room, my eyes could not believe the horror that stood before my eyes. The whole living room was surrounded by empty bottles of alcohol, cigarettes butts and what seemed to be the remains of joints. In the middle of all of this chaos, Jo was collapsed on the floor with one bloody foot.

I walked closer to the couch beside which Jo was passed out. I tried to wake her up by calling out her name and slapping her face. Jo didn't wake up though.

"She passed out after drinking" I said out loud to my companions who were Aster, Isabella and Sydney. I think we should set her on the couch and clean up her wound. Other agreed with me. I took Jo's upper body along with Anne while Isabella and Sydney took her legs. First we would turn her on her back then lift her and lay her on the couch.

"On the count of three, one, two, three" I said as we flipped Jo onto her back.

"We lift her up very gently and lay her on the couch. On my count, one, two and three" I said.

"God, she is heavy"

We all lifted Jo together then we moved each side of the couch and gently put her down. Now that Jo was all set we had to do some wound cleaning.

"Stacey, I will take care of her wound, would you mind helping me with that while these two lovebirds can clean up the house"Sydney suggested and I agreed.

"No way, we are not cleaning up.her mess. She does this every single time" the girls groaned.

"Come on, girls, don't be such a pain in the ass, just get some cleaning done. Jo cleans this whole house by herself every week, she has cleaned up your messes too, so many time so just suck up and get it done" I hollered at the girls.

The girls groaned again but then got up to do the work. I went inside to get the get the first aid kit and some painkillers for Jo's hangover. I set the first aid kit on the ground and started to prepare when I saw an injection. Panic struck me, I froze in my spot.

"Stace, what's wrong? What happened?" Sydney asked.

I knew Sydney was asking me something but I could not hear her. My mind ran wild with dreadful thoughts. Many different bad scenarios ran through my head, I tried to shake it off and come back to reality. As soon as I could form words I yelled "Call Dr.Mortimer, right now!"

"But what's wrong, Stacey?" Sydney asked.

"Syd, I really don't have time to explain things. Do as I say. Get him on line, tell him its urgent."

"Its ringing, here" Sydney gave me the phone.

"Hello, Dr.M, its Stacy. I need your help urgently, its Jo. You need to be here urgently, I think its a case of OD" I spoke swiftly on the phone.

I checked Jo's vitals and noted them down, I took her temperature and did the normal check up till Dr. M arrived. As soon as Dr.M arrived he took care of Jo.

Dr.Mortimer checked Jo, he set up saline water, glucose and everything else. Dr.M came back to use after about an hour. He looked enraged and disappointed.

"What's wrong, doctor? Is she going to be fine?" Sydney asked.

"I cannot say anything right now. Her vitals are not so good but that is because of the drugs and alcohol. Her body has a lot of toxins right now, mixing alcohol and morphine is very dangerous but apart from that she even smoked weed so its more dangerous for her. She has a medical degree, she know these things, how the hell can she be so careless?"

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