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Anne's POV

I stood shell shocked upon hearing Jo's story. The fact Isabella and Jo were born at the same time was big news. I thought that Jo was a year younger to Isabella. But turns out Jo and Isabella were twins or some kind of twins.

I could not believe what I just heard. And Jo said that she was their mother? She had aborted two  babies and buried them. How come nobody knows about this? Who is the father of these unborn babies?

Jo's sobs echoed in the air. The wind hustling and dancing around wildly. Jo's hair now completely disheveled  as the wind picked up more.  Jo was on her knees bawling her eyes out. I could not take it anymore, I had to be there for her. I had to comfort her.

I took urgent steps towards the sobbing mother, my best friend and my lover, who claimed that I was the love of her life. The least I could do for her was comfort her at a time like this.

I reached Jo, she was unaware of my presence. I kneeled down beside her the wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in a very tight hug. Jo was surprised and backed a little bit but relaxed when she saw my face. She let me hold her while attempting to wipe her eyes and stop her tears. She was trying to be brave and strong again.

"Jo, it's okay. Don't stop crying, cry all you want to, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Please don't hold back your emotions, cry all you want, Jo. Cry all you want. You don't always have to be strong for others. Crying is not a weakness, it shows that you are human too and you are allowed to express emotions. Cry!" I rub circles on her back.

Jo started sobbing, she held onto me like her life depended on it. She leaned further into me and cried harder. I had never Jo so broken in my entire existence. Jo never once showed fear, hurt, or weakness of any kind before. I have seen her vulnerable once before and that was when she confessed that she loved me. This is the second time that Jo showed such vulnerability in front of me and a surge of emotion flew through my body, I wanted to protect her in any way that I could. I held her tighter.

Isabella and Sydney too emerged from the hiding space. They stood by silently while Jo cried to her heart's content. Jo had stopped crying but still held onto me, she hugged me for a few more minutes before distancing herself from me.

Jo looked down at the ground, she refused to look up at anyone. She just stared down at the ground before wiping off her face. She bent down to kiss both the stones promising that she would visit soon.

Jo stood up and left the spot as if we weren't even there. She kept walking even though we called out her name multiple times. Jo was shutting us out again. We caught up to her when she was about to get inside the car.

"Jo stop being this way, stop shutting us. We aren't going to go anywhere, please don't try to push us away" I begged Jo to look at me.

When Jo refused to meet my eyes, I felt so dejected, I felt a sharp pain in my heart. Is this how she felt when I rejected her? Is this what she felt when she realised that she could not be with me? How much more pain did she have to endure?

Sydney and Isabella were trying to get Jo to open up but she did not even want to look at any of us. She just stood there like we weren't even standing by her begging her to talk to us.

Jo eventually drove off somewhere. We figured that she would talk to us when she got home or when she was ready. We arrived home and have been waiting for Jo since the afternoon but she is still not here. Its almost midnight, I am sure she must be drinking away her pain in some shitty bar.

I was lost in my thought when I heard the door open. My eyes immediately found Jo's back. She had her jacket in her hand as she closed the door with the other hand.

I quickly got up from my seat, ran over to Jo and hugged her back. Jo didn't pull away, she stood there letting me hug her. I pulled away from the hug and Jo turned around. She looked very tired but she still managed to give me a small smile.

"I am sorry for worrying you and keeping you up late" Jo said and kissed my forehead.

"Where were you? I was so worried about you. I thought you were out at some bar drinking" I cried.

I started sobbing, Jo quickly pulled me into a hug. My head rested on her toned chest while I cried my eyes out getting her shirt wet in the process.

"I am really sorry, princess. I didn't want to hurt you but I had to be alone. If I would have stayed. You guys would have kept on asking me questions and then I would have gotten angry. I just wanted to be alone."

Jo planted a soft kiss on my forehead once again before pulling away from the hug. She wiped the tears from my eyes and gave me a small smile.

"I am sorry to have worried you, princess. What can I do to make it alright?" she asked charmingly.

I swear if I wasn't in a relationship with her sister, I would have kissed her right then and there but I could not do that. I knew she was lonely and hurt so I did the only best thing I could think of.

"Sleep with me" I said.

Jo's eyes widened upon hearing what I just said. She slowly back away from me putting some distance between us. I realised how that must have sounded so I rephrased.

"I meant, don't sleep here on the couch alone. Please, sleep on the bed fully clothed with me while I hold you so that you are not alone tonight."

"Oh, for a minute I thought you were asking me to make love to you" Jo laughed. "Not that I would not want to. I mean you are so beautiful and hot and I love you. You are the only person I think about and the fact that I haven't had sex in a while, I would be willing to take you anytime anywhere but you know. That is what I think about when you come.out in those sexy clothe of yours, it takes every not to pounce on you. I must have touched meself in the shower so many times because of you or taken cold showers to get the thoughts out. You are sexy but I cannot have sex with you. Shit, I am blabbering"

I blushed upon hearing that Jo touched herself thinking about me. I bit my lip, I could see Jo's eyes darken a bit. I immediately stopped.

"Change and come up to sleep" I said before climbing up the stairs and going in Jo's room which was practically mine now.

I changed into a long tshirt with just my panties on. I was preparing the bed when I heard a knock "Come on in, Jo. "

I turned to face her and give her big smile while she frowned.
"Are you going to be wearing just that?" she questioned.

"Yes, this is what I wear everyday to sleep. What's wrong with it?" I countered.

"Umm.... it's uh- I better go back down" Jo started to turn around but I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me.

"Tell me!" I demanded.

"It's just that, you look very hot in those clothes. It would only turn me on and make it difficult for me to sleep beside you without having inappropriate thoughts about you. If you could at least put on some pants, I won't be thinking about ripping out those black panties and eating you out" Jo slapped her hand on her mouth.

I blushed furiously "I will put something on, go to bed"

I turned around to grab some shorts while Jo scolded herself and slapped her forehead. I got out of the bathroom after putting on the shorts which weren't too short. I slipped under the covers.

"Goodnight Jo" I said.

She wished me back. Jo laid completely still, she kept her hands stuck to her side. I laughed at her. I moved closer to her, made her wrap her arms around my waist as I moved my back into her chest making her the big spoon. Jo sighed but didn't pull away. I felt safe and secure, sleep slowly invaded me and exported me to the dreamland.

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