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Hello everyone, another update.
I was not going to update so soom but @Jensolhaz asked me for another update so this chapter is dedicated to her.

Please enjoy the chapter, share, comment, vote and follow me. Thank you.

Jo's POV

After Aman told them all what had  happened years ago, I could not control my anger. My mon had died because of me, only if I'd have shut my mouth then she would have been well and alive with all of us. But no, I had to ruin that.

I started my car and left the Dawson residence. I drove straight to the cemetery where my mom was buried because of me. It was all my fault, everything happened because of me.

I reached the cemetery and parked my car. I got out and closed the door slowly, it was a little late in the night and the gate to the cemetery was closed. I slowly opened the doors and walked inside. Don't want the caretaker kicking me out.

I walked past all the other graves to reach my mother's. There she lay underneath the ground, hopefully in a peaceful slumber. My mom, my beautiful mom. The tombstone had a picture of her and written below were the words "Here lays the most loving daughter, selfless wife, a very caring mother and a fierce warrior." She was indeed a warrior.


My mom had just been shot twice and we were now in the ambulance taking her to the nearest hospital. She says she won't make it but I want her to. I kneeled down beside her and stroked her hair tenderly. She got shot because of me. She was in and out, she regains consciousness every few minutes.

"Jo" she called out to me weakly.

I quickly responded "Yes maa, I am right here" I squeezed her hand.

"I want you...t-t-to take the r-ring" she struggled to get it out while pointing towards her wedding ring.

"Mama nothing is going to happen to you. Stay strong for me." I tried to give the both of us some hope.

"Jo, I know its time. J-j-just take the ring. Give it to the person you l-love t-t-t-the most. When you fall in love confess it t-to the person. Don't hold back your f-f-feelings because you a-are afraid of r-r-re-jection. Take that ring, its my mother's, which she got from her mother. Family ring you know. Use it wisely, propose the one you truly love and want to spend the rest of your life with"

"And remember Jo, what happened was not your fault. It was bound to happen. What happened was never your fault, either of us would have told them off some day or the other. I love you, please take care" she said before losing consciousness yet again.

We reached the hospital and mom was taken in the operating theatre and I was left with the nurses. They examined me and found that there was a bullet stuck in my forehead, the bullet went through and through from my mom's body and hit me. It was well away from the brain and in panic and shock I did not realise that I was shot. I was taken to the operation theatre as well. My surgery was done, I had a titanium plate in my forehead now and a bandage on it. The hospital had called my father who was now booking a flight from US to India. After endless waiting for hours, a doctor stepped in my room. He looked around until his eyes found me. He walked to me and kneeled down to get to my level.

"Hey Jo, I am Dr. Dubey, I was helping your mom. You should go and see her, she needs to meet you before she goes to sleep." The doctor tried to sugarcoat her death.

"How much time does she have?" I straight up asked. He was shocked by my question but covered it quickly.

"Barely an hour" he said and led me to the room.

Mom lay there on the white sheets looking as white and pale as them. I slowly walked towards the bed and sat by her side. She never opened her eyes. I held her hand and sat there whispering ''please don't die mom. I love you. I am sorry, please don't leave me.' That went on for 34 minutes before the machines showing her vital signs went off showing the flat line and beeping loudly. My mom just died because of me even though she tells me that its not my mistake I know it is.


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