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Pain, the thing that separates living from non living. Currently, this was the only thing I could feel. My whole body ached. I opened my eyes only to shut them again, I tried to open my eyes again to let then adjust to the blinding lights. I groaned in pain when another shot of pain ran through my stomach.

"Thank god you are awake, I was so damn worried about you" Isabella rushed to the bed.

"I will call the doctor to let them know you are awake" Sydney ran out of the room.

"You had us all worried, you haven't woken up for two, I was so worried" Bella said as she sat by the bed.

"Wh-uh where a..are others?" I manager to ask.

"They will be here soon, don't worry. Have some water" she extended her hand with a glass of water.

I took the glass gladly and sipped the content. My throat was parched, water was a relief. I handed back the glass to Isabella. A doctor rushed in the room with Sydney.

"Hello, I am your doctor, Dr. James. I will do your examination now." the doctor said, I nodded my head at her.

"Can you state your name for me?" she questioned.

"Anne Aster Wilson" I stated in a hoarse voice.

"How old are you?" she asked.

"17" she nodded and continued to examine me.

My parents rushed into the room as soon as the doctor left. My mom came and kissed my head. She was weeping. Gabby was crying too, she took my hand in hers and held it tightly.

"We were so scared, Anne. We thought that we lost you." Dad exclaimed.

"I am sorry for worrying you all but I am fine now. Please stop crying" I wiped my little sisters tears away.

"How is your boyfriend, Jo?" mom asked.

"Mom, Jo is not my boyfriend. She is my girlfriend, Isabella's sister. I cannot keep lying to anymore. I am a lesbian and I love Isabella, this is not a phase. I am not going to change" I said.

"After facing the near death experience, I have realised that life is short and I want to spend the rest of my life with this woman" I held Isa's hand.

My parents nodded. They even apologised for being such close minded people. Gabriel was busy chatting with Isabella. I realised everyone was here even Isabella's parents, everyone except Jo.

"Where is Jo?" I asked.

The room turned silent. Everybody turned to face me but nobody answered. Their silence was killing me, it was frightening. I repeated my question.

"Jo is in the ICU, she hasn't woken up yet" Sydney said.

"D-did she get s-s-shot?" I whimpered.

"Yes, she shielded your body with hers, she took all the four shots but one of the shots went through and through and lodged itself into your body. They have managed to pull out two of the bullets but one of the bullets is stuck in her spinal cord. The doctors are planning a strategy bu-b..but her cancer is a problem." Sydney said in a low voice.

"What do you mean by cancer?" I was so scared.

"After the surgery, the doctors informed us about Jo's cancer. Jo has had cancer for some months now amd the only people who knew about it were Jo and Dr. Mortimer. She has inoperable brain tumors, with time the cancer had spread to her spine. The surgery is a risky one, it could lead to complete or partial paralysis and even death. The problem is that even if they extract the bullet successfully without any side effects, the surgery would be too much for her body to take, her body is already weak because of the cancer and the chances of her recovering from the surgery are very slime."

Be My Only One (Completed)(Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now