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Jo's POV

I woke up at 5:00 am in the morning. I wanted to start my day with a new enthusiasm which has never happened before, I do not remember being excited about anything but today I definitely was excited. I started with a little workout, with all the bruises I could do very little, so I just walked for an hour and tried to do a few stretches.

After my workout which cannot be considered as one, I went to take a shower. It was still very difficult for me to walk but I had to get my mobility back, I'd need it. I took some very hot water, added turmeric and salt to it and began pouring it all over my body to relieve the muscles and get some relief from the pain. After draining a tub full of hot turmeric and salt water, I proceeded to take a hot shower.

The shower felt good, it relieved my tense muscles, and the pain was much better now. After air drying my body, I wrapper a towel around my body and climbed up the stairs towards my room, I took out a basic grey tee with black joggers. I needed to feel comfortable, so it is good to dress comfortably. After getting dressed I styled my hair, and put on my watch.

By the time I was ready, it was already 6:48 so I decided to wake up the girls. First I went to wake Sydney who was not very happy about getting up at this time. She even threw the pillows at me when I yanked the duvet off of her body. Next, I went to wake up Isabella who was already in a lucid state because of Sydney's shouts.

It was very easy to wake up Isabella, now only Anne was left. She had slept through the whole ordeal, these people sleep in the same room but I have to wake them up separately, God! I shook Anne and called out her name a lot of times but she did not even stir so I put on the tv to some music channel and turned the volume to maximum. Upon hearing the very loud music, Anne woke up with a jolt, the look on her face was so funny that I burst out laughing. She looked like a deer caught in the lights.

She ran from the bed with the pillow and began to hit me not realising that I was already battered from the other day. When I winced she realised and stopped.

"Fuck, I am sorry, I totally forgot. I am so sorry, Jo."

"Hey, its okay. Its my fault that I surprised you. Anyway, you gotta go and get ready now, breakfast will be ready when you get down" I said and walked out of the room, more like limped my way towards the kitchen.

I started on the breakfast for everyone, I started with making the batter for pancakes and went on to bacon. While the bacon was cooking I cut some fresh fruits for all of us. I then went on to make the pancakes. After a while the pancakes and bacon were ready to be served. Last thing left was scrambled eggs, I quickly got to that and in a few minutes that was ready too. I was about to set the table up when the doorbell rang, I guess Stacy is here, I invited her to join us today.

I went to open the door and there she was standing in all her glory, wearing a pink sundress. I asked her to put on comfortable clothes but she puts on this thing, I will ask Sydney to lend her some of her clothes as their size is almost same.

"Welcome to my humble abode"I welcomed Stacy into the house.

"Wow, you are being a wonderful host!" Stacy exclaimed. I smiled and led her in.

"You can wait in the living room or help me in setting up the table, choice is yours" I said and made my way to the kitchen.

Stacy followed behind me and started helping me in setting up the table while carefully watching me. "How are you healing?" she asked.

"I think I am doing just fine" I replied.

"You know there is something different about you today. What happened?" Stacy questioned.

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