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Aster's POV

After telling the whole truth to us, which I am assuming is the truth, Jo went into her room and locked it. I was stunned at knowing the whole story. It was just so tragic. I don't understand what Jo must have gone through. Seeing her own mother die in front of her own eyes, in her own hands.

Sydney, Isabella and I were all stunned after hearing the whole thing. None of us moved for several minutes. It was so shocking and terrible to hear.

After composing herself, Sydney went and checked the files. She read all the reports and files for at least half an hour. Bella still looked shocked so I went by her side and held her. This must be so hard on her. She started crying and I hugged her tightly. It took a little while for her to calm down.

"All the documents look legal and true. I have checked on the internet also. I don't know whom to believe and trust. Dad had a different story and he had no proof. I don't see any reason why dad would lie to us. Jo has given us proofs regarding her story. She has given us full information but I don't know if her proofs are all true. Tha man upstairs is one of the murderers but I don't know if he is the real nurderer. I don't know who is right and who is wrong!" Syd expressed.

"Jo is lying. She is fucking lying. Dad can never lie to us" Bella sneered.

It has been about 4 hours and we could not come to a conclusion. I decided to make coffee for everyone. I made 4 cups of coffee. I gave Bella and Syd their coffees and walked upstairs to Jo's room.

"Jo, open the door. It's me, Aster. I got you some coffee" I knocked on the door and said.

She did not respond so I tried again but still no response. After my fifth try, I was about to leave but then something slid out of the door. Jo had slipped a key and a paper from under the door. I took the paper and read.

'This is the key to that man's room. Serve him some food and you can free him if you want to. The key to his chains will be on a board beside the door. And I prefer calling you Anne so please don't call yourself Aster in front of me.' The last sentence made me smile.

I took the key and the note and went downstairs and gave them to Sydney. I sipped my coffee while we decided if we should free the man or not.

"Let's bring him down here, feed him and ask him questions. I want to know the truth" Bella suggested.

"But what if, after we free him he attacks us?" Sydney reasoned.

"So, we will feed him upstairs in the room and ask him what we need to know then if we are convinced by his answers we will decide if we should free him or not" Bella said, me and Syd agreed to it.

We all went upstairs to the third floor where this man was locked. We came to the door. I was still scared of that man's appearance. He looked a little scary, maybe because of the scar on his face and his condition. Syd hesitated for a moment before unlocking the door and pushing it open. It was dark and we all turned on the flashlights on our mobile phones and started looking for the switch.

I found the switch and flicked it on and then a scream left my mouth. Bella and Syd panicked and came near me.

"What happened?" Syd asked

"There was a rat here" I answered still scared.

"Oh, my God! You scared me. Don't shout like that unless you see a corpse" Syd exclaimed.

We walked further into the room towards the door which led to the other room. And as Jo had mentioned there was a soft board on the wall beside the door to which the key was hanging.

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