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Jo's POV

The nurse brought in London's baby girl and gave her in the arms of her mother. The girl was really beautiful just like her mother. She had the same dark brown eyes and the same set of thick brown hair. She looked very beautiful. I am sure she'd have a lot of suitors as she grows.

The way London held her baby was a sight to behold, the love, care and affection was seen in the way she held her and looked at her. I quickly took out my phone to capture this moment. It was beautiful to see a mother and a daughter share such a bond. Seeing them this happy reminded me of my own mother and how she used to love me and take care of me.

Everyone in the room was really happy, they all took chances to hold the new born and now it was my turn. I am sure this one would also love her auntie just like Justin. I took long strides towards Isabella who was holding the baby. I stood in front of her with my arms extended to hold the baby but Bella refused to give her to me.

"What the hell do you want? Why aren't you gone?" she asked me maliciously.

"I just wanted to hold her" I stated and extended my arms once again.

"You cannot hold her. We don't give our babies to people who are not family" she stated with so much spite that I could not believe that she was my Bella, my sweet sister. My hands fell to my side.

I turned around to look at Justin "Hey Justin, come here, boy. I heard the cafeteria has got some really nice pudding so why don't you go get some?" I handed him a $20 bill and he happily ran out of the room.

I believe that the things happening right now were not something that a child should be seeing or hearing. Family disputes do not have a good impact on kids.

I turned to Bella, "I wish to hold my niece. The only person in this room who has the right to not let me hold my niece is London" I turned to look at London "If you don't want me to hold her then I won't. Tell me if you don't want me on this room, I will just leave."

"You- I ...umm...after all you got your hand broken so I think you do deserve to hold her" London hesitantly stated.

"I don't want you to let me hold her just because my wrist was broken during her delivery. If you think that I am worthy of holding her then let me, I won't even ask you why you won't let me hold her if you choose to not let me hold her" I commented.

"Bella, please let Jo hold her" London directed Bella.

"Thank you" I thanked her.

Bella handed me my niece, I slowly held her in my arms making sure not to disturb her sleep. She looked so calm and peaceful. But I knew all too well that this calm and peacefulness will be gone as soon as she wakes up and starts crying.

"I will go talk to the doctor and see when can they discharge you" I said while handing my niece over to London. I started walking to the door when I remembered something. "What do you want to name her? The nurse had asked me earlier but I wasn't sure so I told her that I will tell her the name later"

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me, Joey. Her name will be Jennifer Bridget Owens" London declared.

"I like it, both the kids and their favourite aunt's names start with J" I commented and headed out of the room.

I walked to the front desk, gave them London and Jennifer's names. I completed all the discharge formalities and made the payments. I decided to call Drake and check where he was.

"Hey Jo" Drake greeted me.

"Hello Drake, where are you? I assume you do know that your baby has already come into the world. Everybody else has seen her except her own father" I stated in a sarcastic tone.

"I will reach in about 50 minutes. I am really excited to see her" Drake gushed.

"Come to Mary's house, London has been discharged. We will meet you there, come soon" I said and hung up.

I walked to the cafeteria to get Justin then the both of us went back to the room to pack up and head home. "London do you want me to come home with you?" I asked her.

"Of course Jo, why would you even ask?" she stated.

"Most of the people in this room do not want me in that house so I had to ask" I gave my reason. Jo Dawson will never be in a place where she is not wanted.

"Oh! You are welcome as long as me, Jenny and Justin want you there and I am sure Sydney does not mind your presence in our home" she smiled.

"Thank you" I appreciated whole-heartedly "By the way, is it fine if I bring a friend along with me?" London nodded her head.

"Can you send Justin to stay with his dad for tonight? I will get him home first thing in tomorrow morning. I have something very important to tell you all."

London agreed to it. I wanted all of them to meet a very special person. I had a great plan devised for tonight. A lot of drama was about to take place so it's better to have the kids out of the house.

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