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Around midnight, I heard a few voices and then a smash. I heard glass shattering and quickly got up from the couch. I switched on the lights and went to the kitchen to inspect, it was clean just the way I left it. I walked out, on my way to the couch I saw the glass pieces scattered on the floor and in between those was a rock, wrapped up in a paper.

Somebody broke the window to give a message, I am sure its Scarlett. I knew those few days that passed by peacefully was just the calm before the storm. I walked towards the pieces, picked up the rock, placed it on the table. I got the broom to clean up the mess. After cleaning up the glass, I got on the couch with the rock.

I carefully opened it, the paper read "You better prepare yourself for the worse or just be mine again, bitch. I will take all of you down if you do not submit to me. With love, Yours Faithfully, S." I crumpled up the paper and tossed it into a garbage bin. Its good that Anne is not here today or else she would have been scared because of this.

I have to find a way to deal with this. I cannot go to the police as they won't be able to arrest her and even if they do, she will be out in a day or two. I can hire bodyguards for everyone but for how long? Deciding that it will be a long night, I got up to get a few beer bottles from the refrigerator.

I switched in the tv, flipped to a cartoon channel with a beer in hand and my mind buzzing with ideas but none of them seemed very appealing.

Next morning

I couldn't get any sleep last night. I was up all night thinking of ways to keep my family and my love safe. I hadn't gotten anywhere but I have decided to take a few precautionary measures as soon as today. I called up a team to get the houses safe. All the houses will have alarms, safety fences, motion sensors, face recognition for doors, passwords,etc. All the houses will have a four level protection.

Another team will come and set up cameras around the houses and any and every single way of getting in the house will be locked and monitored and can be accessed by family only and of course this family is inclusive of Anne. I even hacked the traffic cameras within 2 miles radius of the housed and the school too. I hacked the school's cameras too. I have hired a team to watch all the cameras very carefully and if anything seems suspicious they are to report it to me immediately.

I got dressed for school very quickly and my way to the garage. I decided to take my bike today, speeding out of the garage, I rode towards school. As soon as I parked my car and got inside the double doors of the school, I started searching for Anne and Isabella.

I found them talking by Isa's locker. Avoiding bumping into anybody, I quickly made my way towards them through the sea of people.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them.

"Hi Jo" Anne greeted me back.

"Hey" said Isabella.

"So, I was wondering if you guys have any plans after school?" I asked very cautiously.

"No. Why do you ask?" Anne asked me.

"I have something planned for all of us. Meet me in the parking lot after school." I said walking away. Isabella and Anne both nodded their heads and got back to their conversation

I think Isabella is warming up to me again. I quickly walked to the parking lot and drove out. I went to the nearby mall to buy some stuff. After shopping, I checked with team that were to set up the cameras.

The cameras, alarms, passwords and other devices were all set up. The main door, back door were installed with motion sensors, cameras and alarms. The new doormat was also placed, this doormat is special, as soon as anybody steps on it, I get an alert on my phone and I can check who is at the door. Other than this, all the houseds now have unbreakable windows so that nobody can enter. They are bulletproof and very safe.

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