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After telling the whole story to Anne, Isabella and Sydney, I came to my room. The room that I haven't used in days so that my sister and her girlfriend could use it. I have stayed out of my own room for them.

After telling them everything, I could not take it. I just could not. All those memories came flooding back. Those and some other too. I could not bear it, I cannot let them see me like this. It hurt, it hurt so bad. I loved my mom and I had to see her die. She died in my arms and I could not do anything. The only person who loved me was taken away from me that too by some teenagers.

I could not stop the tears flowing from my eyes. I could not handle the pain, anger and remorse that I felt. It was too much to bear. I was feeling all my lost emotions all at once. The feeling were overbearing. I was forced to relive all those painful moments of my life.

How could I forgive someone for killing my mom? That is why I brought Aman here, so that I could torture him and then slowly kill him. But after giving him some pain, a thought occurred to me, my mother would have never wanted me to do such a thing. She would never appreciate such a thing. She never liked the idea of revenge and if I took my revenge by killing that man then my mom would not like it. I did not want to disappoint her so I gave up the idea of taking revenge on him.

I put on some music and began to paint. Mom taught me to put my emotions into art, any form of art.  She always told me that whenever I felt angry, happy, sad or nervous I should draw, paint, play music, write them down or workout. That one lesson has always helped me. I started with abstract painting and then I made a portrait. A portrait of my mom. The way I remembered her, she was a free soul. Always happy and trying to make everyone happy. She was always so full of life, she was an optimistic person. Her attitude, good nature and love for others made her the most beautiful person in this world.

The portrait took about three days to finish. I just worked out and painted. That was all I did for six days straight but the pain did not go. I even tried to play some music but the pain was still there, latching onto me like a chewing gum to the shoe. I decided it was time to deal with it my way.

I finally came out of the room, after six very long days and walked to the main door down the stairs. I heard Syd calling my name but I ignored her and continued towards the door. They never believed me, all of them still trusted that bastard. I was angry and hurt and I did not want to hurt Syd because she had always been good to me and supported me.

When I got out of the door Sydney came and blocked my way. "Where are you going?" she asked.

"I have got some work. I will finish it and be back in some time. Don't worry, I will be back and I will be safe. You guys take care too" I replied and tried to move past her but she blocked my oath yet again. It looked  like she had other plans.

"You are going in these clothes? Have you looked at them? You stink and those clothes have been on you for 6 days, at least change" she said.

"It's fine. I will change later, I really have to go now" I said and walked away.

I decided to walk till my destination instead of taking the car or bike. After about 35 minutes of walking, I arrived at my destination. I walked to the door where the bouncer was. He looked at me, nodded and then let me in. I got in and searched for Rick.

After searching for a few minutes I found him "Hey man!" I greeted him.

"Viper, after so long. You wanna fight today?" he asked me excited.

"Yeah dude. Got any tough guys? Like really tough ones?" I inquired.

"Well, we have the old ones. You know the Dragon, Death Eater and Jacky but there is also a new guy. Rookie's name is The Hunter and he has been giving a good competition to all."

Be My Only One (Completed)(Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now