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Anne's POV

Its been a week since Jo woke up from the coma. She has started eating better now and looks a lot more healthier. She has started working out again. For most part she is good, she goes to work everyday, works out everyday but she smokes a lot.

Like Sydney told me she might go back to her old ways, she actually has, just a little but though. Her behaviour has changed, she is always restless and fidgety, she snaps a lot and has become very irritable. She tries not to get angry or irritated with me or in front of me but she fails sometimes. I have noticed how frustrated this makes her.

To prevent herself from taking up more bad habits she has started fighting again. She fights almost everyday, every day she has some new wounds or her old wounds reopen. She is always sore. She smokes at least 5-6 cigarettes everyday, I try to keep her distracted so that she does not have the urge to smoke and I am doing so currently. I have engaged her in a game of Scrabble, she is obvious winning.

"That's 28 points" Jo says excitedly. She is like a child when it comes to games. She loves to win and is such a sore loser too.

"You are only winning because you are good at this game. Play a game that I am good at and then we'll see who wins" I retort.

"Fine but let's finish this first" I said.

"Hey, do you have to go to the office tomorrow?" I asked.

"No, Stacey has taken care of work so I am free tomorrow. You got something on mind?" she asks.

"I was hoping we could go watch a movie, Isabella, you and I. Just the three of us, hanging out. I really want my girlfriend and my best friend to get along well and as you both are sisters, it's even more important that you both get along".

"I don't know. She still doesn't like much" Jo replies.

"Jo, she likes you, she just doesn't like the fact that you are in love with me. She likes you, she just does not like you being in love with me" I try to convince.

"Fine, I will go to the movies with you both" Jo huffed.

"Aw, thank you so much, Jo, you are darling" I said hugging her.

Jo didn't return the hug. She just sat there awkwardly with my arms wrapped around her like she didn't know how to react. Slowly Jo put on arm around me when I was about to pull away. I waited ten more seconds to pull away and when I did I saw Jo's cheeks showing the slightest hint of pink. I smirked at her letting her know that I know she was blushing but she totally ignored me and continued playing the gamed.


"Which movie shall we watch?" I asked both Isabella and Jo.

"Men in Black" "Toy Story" both Jo and Isabella said at the same time. 'Today is going to be a long day' I said to myself.

"We are going to watch Toy Story, Anne wanted to watch it too" Bella said.

"But MIB is so much better. It has action, comedy and the right amount of drama. I am sure Anne would enjoy it" Jo responded.

"Let's ask her then" Bella said. Both of them turned to look at me with hopeful eyes. I didn't know which one to choose, I did not want to upset either of them. 'How the hell did I get stuck in this? Why do I have to decide?'

"Umm... guys look, both the movies look great, I am sure I would enjoy either of them so its better that you both decide and tell me. I am fine with any movie" I tried to get out of the situation.

"Toy Story is fun, this is the fourth installment of the movie. This movie has all the things that MIB has plus its animated. So it's decided, we will watch Toy Story" Bella concluded.

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