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Anne's POV

After the whole encounter the room was totally silent. Everybody was in shock, nobody could move or even talk. Everybody just stood in their places dumbfounded by everything that just happened.

I cannot believe that Brandon would do something like that, he always seemed so nice, caring and loving. I never would have imagined him doing such a thing. Why would he blame her for everything? Why would he tell that Jo stabbed her own mother in the heart? Why would he do that to his own child unless Jo was not his daughter? But, Jo looked exactly like him, a carbon copy.

There were so many questions jumping in my head and only two people had the answers, Jo and Brandon. I was debating weather or not to ask the questions when Bella decided to ask the question.

"Why did you lie to us dad? Why? What good did it do to you?"

"I don't think I am answerable to you." Brandon said and started to walk away but Sydney stopped him.

"You are answerable to us, we are your family and Jo is our sister, your daughter. You have to tell us why you did such a thing to her" Sydney said.

"I am not explaining myself to anyone here."

"Oh no, you are. You are explaining every single funcking thing to us this instant." Mary said in an angry authoritative voice. I have never seen Mary angry, she is so damn scary when she is angry. If she were to get mad at me I would just shit my pants.

"Mary, I am not justifying myself" Brandon tried to get out of the situation by using his authority.

"Oh very well then, you can leave this house and never come back. I will send the divorce papers too." Mary stated.

All colour drained from Brandon's face. He looked so pale. "You will not do something like that. You love me and I love you."

"If you do not tell me the truth then I will do that" Mary had made a decision.

"I need Jo here for that" Brandon said "She should be here only then can I explain it all to you people"

"Jo is probably home, let's go over to her place" London suggested.

We all agreed to London's suggestion. We waited for Dr.M to come and take away Aman and then London packed Jennifer's belonging and we all got in the van and headed to Jo's. The ride was very quiet and a little bit uncomfortable. Everybody's mind was occupied due to the event that took place earlier.

Sydney parked the car in Jo's driveway, the house was quiet and only one light was on in the entire house. We got out of the car, walked to the door where Mary rang the doorbell. We waited for two minutes but Jo did not open the door so Mary rang the door bell again. After we rang the doorbell five times and were still out, we decided to let Sydney punch in the passcode to enter the house.

We all got in the house, I closed the door behind me. Jo was nowhere to be found, we had checked her bedroom, bathrooms, kitchen, balcony, terrace, guest room and even the room where Aman was held captive. Only two more rooms in the house were left, the gym and Jo's music cum art studio. The studio turned out to be the wrong answer, now only one room was left, the gym. Of course she'd be in the gym, she needs to vent out.

I walked towards the gym, knocked on the door once, as if it would make a difference and walked in. The studio was pitch black, I searched for the light switch and flicked it on. To my disappointment the room was empty, all the equipment was untouched, nobody was in the gym.

I went out to the living room to inform everybody that Jo was not in the house. Sydney decided to go check the garage to see if Jo had come home to leave her car or take any other car but there was trace of her in the house.

We decided to settle in the house for the night and wait for Jo to show up. All the while everybody was anxious for the answers, everybody had something in their mind but my mind tell me that everybody had the same thing in their minds. I decided to walk around and explore the parts of the house that Jo does not let me see.

I went down to the basement which had two rooms, one was obviously the laundry room while the other was I don't know what. I decided to check out the room, I slowly approached the door. I placed my hand on the handle and sucked in a deep breath, I was afraid of what might be behind the door. This situation reminds me of the day I found Aman in the locked room.

Curiosity killed the cat. This saying is very popular but we are all human being and we are curious about things, we are thirsty for knowing the unknown.  I am no exception, so I opened the door, the room wad obviously dark.  I switched on the lights and found everything in the room covered in sheets. 

I walked towards the nearest object covered in sheets and unravelled it. Underneath the sheets were huge canvases with paintings on them . I went in to unveil all of them and sure enough they were all paintings and portraits. One particular one stood out the most, it was if a woman cuddling her baby, the woman had the brightest smile on her face. The woman looked exactly like Isabella, just a tad bit older.

I had learnt some time back that Isabella looks exactly like her mother and so I am assuming this woman in the portrait is Emily, mother of Jo, Isabella and Ethan. She truly looked beautiful. A lot of portraits in this room were of Emily and she looked so alive in every single one of them. I wish I could have met her.

I heard someone come into the room and stood up from my place. Standing by the door was London, she had a smile on her face.

"You are a curious one, aren't you?" she asked rhetorically.

I just gave her a shy and apologetic smile which she waved off.

"I am just like you. I always used to snoop around. Jo was always secretive so I was always curious to check out everything that belonged to her. Me and London spent most of the night checking out things in the basement and attic. We talked a lot and then retired to bed.

Jo had not come home all night, it was not something new but I am sure she is upset today and her being alone in this condition really worried me. With these thoughts I drifted off to sleep

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