Chapter 33

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Soon, Su Rian came out with the money and handed it to Xue Wenhan.

Xue Wenhan took the money.

After looking at it, he stretched out in front of Su Rilin and said with a smile, "One hundred and fifty papers, take it... Next time, remember to stop talking nonsense, otherwise it will not be so simple, it's you It's yours, not yours, it's best not to force it, you know—?"

Su Rilin took a step back, but didn't take the money.

Obviously not willing.

However, no one was willing to put it away. After all, receiving the hundred and fifty articles meant that they agreed that the grove in Quan Shanya belonged to Su Ri'an's family.

He is not the shopkeeper, he cannot do this master.

Therefore, he absolutely cannot accept this money.

Unfortunately, Xue Wenhan didn't play cards according to common sense. Seeing Su Rilin's reaction, he didn't force the money to Su Rilin, but said, "It seems that I am taking the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Since my cousin wants to Give those two trees to my house, and I won't be seen outside, otherwise it would appear that we are living together, cousin—are you right?!"

"What did you say? You don't want money?!" Su Rilin also said Before she had time to speak, she was lying on the ground looking for life, saying that Su Rian had crippled her Su Li's family and bounced off the ground, grabbing the money in Xue Wenhan's hand.

But Xue Wenhan curled his hand and avoided it.

Su Li was a little annoyed, and then heard Xue Wenhan say: "So auntie is fine, it's better to stand when it's all right, the ground is so wet, I heard that sitting for a long time will cause hemorrhoids, grandma...Are you right?"

Su Li Shi dare not speak out.

The old woman hated Xue Wenhan because she wanted to escape, but she raised her head and glared at Xue Wenhan when she heard Xue Wenhan's words.

Xue Wenhan was not angry, and said, "Aren't you going to talk about Douzi pushing Su Hecai into the water?"

After speaking, Xue Wenhan took Su Douzi from Aunt Fu's arms and patted Su Douzi's little butt, "Douzi, take it Let me tell you what happened today."

Su Douzi was originally a little showman, when he heard Xue Wenhan's words, he immediately pouted, sniffing his nose and taking the candy among the children, Su Hecai robbed him of the candy and broke his hairpin. I told everyone.

The two also fought because of this. In the end, he accidentally pushed Su Hecai into the water and said this.

Su Douzi started to cry again, and even cried and told everyone how the old woman threw him into the water.

Originally, everyone thought that it was wrong for Su Douzi to push Su Hecai into the water, but after hearing Su Douzi's words, everyone's expressions changed.

Start blaming the old woman.

Su Rian angrily scooped up a bucket of water. If Xue Wenhan hadn't held it, it would probably have been poured onto the old woman's head.

He was so angry.

After Xue Wenhan grabbed Su Rian, he carried the bucket three or two steps over and poured it on the old woman's head.

He knew that if he didn't pour it on Su Rian, he would definitely be angry, but Su Rian was the grandson of the old woman.

But Xue Wenhan is different. First, he is not the grandson of the old woman, and secondly, he is notorious. Even if it is poured out, others will at most say a few words behind his back, and he will definitely not dare to do anything in person.

However, even if he wasn't... the grandson of the old woman, and he was famous for his viciousness, when he really poured the water down, there were still people who came out to accuse him.

But soon the man was pulled back by the people around him.

Xue Wenhan glanced at it and didn't take it seriously.

The old woman was stunned for a while, and then began to splash again, crying and shouting that she would expel Xue Wenhan and Su Rian from the family. As a result, Xue Wenhan's sentence "Grandma wants to interfere with my Xue family tree?" Blocked back.

No matter how powerful she is, she can't manage the genealogy of other people's families.

Finally, seeing Su Li's and Su Rilin's husband and wife both looking at her with bad eyes, "Ouch", eyes closed, pretending to faint.

The old woman's skill in pretending to be dizzy is so poor that almost everyone can see it, and she is not ashamed, but the old woman's seniority is there, and they don't dare to say anything.

In the end it was over.

Several people carried the old woman away.

After the old woman left, the Su Li family looked at each other and wanted to scold Su Ri'an and the others, but their momentum had weakened.

But he didn't feel happy if he didn't scold him, especially Xue Wenhan stole the grove from his house and didn't give them the 150 wen.

Several people were even more upset.

But now they are at a disadvantage.

Didn't you see those people in the village pointing at them?

In the end, Su Li scolded Xue Wenhan twice and pretended to stumble, and passed out.

Su Rilin and He Xiaoqin helped Su Li to leave.

Watching this group of people come menacingly, they leave in a daze.

The neighbors were chatting and gossip, and no one even mentioned Xue Wenhan pouring cold water on the old woman.

When I got home, the old woman "woke up" after the people left. After waking up, she kept scolding Xue Wenhan and the others.

Ask Su Shiliang to invite her husband. Su Shiliang learned that they went to the grove of Spring Mountain Cliff and found nothing today. He got angry and directly replied to her, "There is no money at home." When the

old woman heard Su Shiliang say that her family was home Having no money, he started to scold Xue Wenhan again, but he didn't say anything about her good son.

As for Su Li, because he was afraid of Su Shiliang's fight, he didn't dare to "wake up" when he got home.

But even so, Su Shiliang didn't let her go. After coming out of the old woman's house, he went straight to their house, grabbed Su Li's hair and pulled Su Li up.

Then, while scolding Su Li's prodigal wife, she beat Su Li's.

Su Li's nose was bruised, and if it wasn't for Su Rilin and the others, they would probably have broken Su Li's leg.

But even if he held it, Su Li's injuries were not light.

Compared to this, Su Rian's kick was nothing at all, and it was no wonder that she jumped up from the ground after hearing Xue Wenhan talking about money.

Su Shiliang's family was restless, but Xue Wenhan's family was happy.

As early as after taking Su Douzi from Aunt Fu, Xue Wenhan asked Aunt Fu to make dinner.

So, as soon as you get home, you can eat after a while.

During the meal, Su Douzi vividly described how Xue Wenhan threw a small clod into the old woman's mouth, and how she used a stone to break the old woman's bones.

Said like he saw it with his own eyes.

In fact, he saw nothing.

Xue Wenhan didn't expose him, because after hearing Su Douzi's words, Su Rian's eyes changed when he looked at him, and Xue Wenhan liked the feeling of serving him diligently.

But Xue Wenhan liked it, and Su Douzi quit.

Because his Eminem served his daddy with food, it meant that he had no time to serve him, so Sudouzi became angry again.

However, he knew how to deal with his tantrums, so Su Rian turned his head and gave him some vegetables to stop the fuss, and ate happily.

This made Xue Wenhan both laugh.

After dinner, it was still early. Su Douzi wanted to go out to play. Su Rian was afraid that he would get sick. With Su Douzi's repeated assurances, Su Douzi let him go out, but he asked to be nearby and not to run far.

Su Douzi agreed.

They happily went out to play, Xue Wenhan and Su Rian were left in the room.

Su Rian thought of what Su Douzi said during the meal just now, and said gratefully to Xue Wenhan, "Thank you."

Xue Wenhan saw his expression and leaned over, "Thank you so much?"

"Then what do you want?" Su Ri An frowned, facing Xue Wenhan.

"It has to be a little bit of a disapproval." Xue Wenhan said not too badly.

Su Rian glanced at him, then suddenly blushed and said, "How about I make you a pair of shoes?"

Their custom here is that the matchmaker said that on the third day after the kiss, the two of them will be arranged by the matchmaker. Seeing the above, if they like each other, the man will ask the matchmaker to send half a bag of noodles to the woman or brother's house, and the woman or brother will make a pair of shoes for the man.

But sending insoles will be discussed by those who break their mouths.

He and Xue Wenhan, although he liked him at the beginning, didn't think he was worthy of him, so they didn't hold out hope, they just wanted to escape from the official match, and then Xue Wenhan left him alone for a lifetime.

But what happened in the end... Although Xue Wenhan didn't leave him, the endless torture also consumed all his affection for him.

Of course he wouldn't even make shoes for him.

Therefore, this is the first time he proposed to make shoes for a man.

Suddenly inexplicable shame.

But Xue Wenhan didn't know that he wanted Su Rian to kiss him, so he was a little disappointed when he heard Su Rian talking about making shoes, but this loss came when he saw Su Rian's head and ear tips bowed after he finished speaking. When it was a little red, it disappeared suddenly and inexplicably.

Because Xue Wenhan felt that things might not be so simple.

Although he doesn't know that well.

So, Xue Wenhan jumped over and hugged Su Rian directly, and asked him, "Why do you want to make me shoes?!"

"You...knowingly asking." Hearing Xue Wenhan's question, Su Rian thought he was teasing herself, and was a little embarrassed He pushed Xue Wenhan.

Of course, not pushed away.

"What do I know... I don't know anything." Xue Wenhan was still in that flirtatious tone, and Su Rian stared at him a few times.

Suddenly he was no longer shy, and said, "If you don't want it, just pull it." Then he softened his body and leaned against Xue Wenhan's arms.

Xue Wenhan hugged him and kissed his hair, but he felt that it was not enough, so he lifted Su Rian's head on his shoulder and kissed him fiercely.

At the end of the kiss, both of the kissing people reacted, and Xue Wenhan stopped.

After stopping, Xue Wenhan thought that Su Rian would leave in anger, but he did not expect that instead of leaving, Su Rian turned around and climbed on the kang.

Leaving him with a creepy back.

Xue Wenhan suddenly thought, why don't the tub still be made of fir wood? !

This idea had just been born, and it spread like wild grass in his mind, and it replaced the yellow pineapple tree in an instant.

Even Xue Wenhan even thought about the fir trees there.

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