Chapter 80

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That's how it was settled.

However, recruiting apprentices is more important than cutting down trees. So although Xue Wenhan asked him to choose, Su Shiping did not decide by himself, but pushed a few candidates who he thought were good to Xue Wenhan and let Xue Wenhan choose by himself.

After listening to Su Shiping, Xue Wenhan asked Su Rian to find out.

In the end, three people were selected.

Two teenage boys, a man who became a grandfather at the age of thirty-three.

The three were delighted to be selected.

Without much thought, he agreed to Xue Wenhan's proposal that he would have to work for them for a few years after he completed his studies.

Anyway, Xue Wenhan asked them to work, and it was not for nothing.

All are rich.

What's more, if they want to do it themselves, they may not be able to find work.

If you work for Xue Wenhan, you won't have to worry about finding a job.

Everyone is very happy.

As for the others that were not selected, I was a little disappointed.

However, this depression did not last long, because Xue Wenhan bought the land at the entrance of the village and was going to build a factory and needed workers.

They became the workers, regardless of the twenty-five pennies a day, which was much more cost-effective than going to the town to work.

Everyone is very happy.

Of course, some people are happy and some people are not happy.

For example, the Su Shiliang family, when Xue Wenhan taught Su Rihui to learn carpentry, they wanted Su Rixin to follow him, but it was not long after Xue Wenhan beat him up.

Feeling timid, I dragged on.

Later, I saw that Xue Wenhan not only taught Su Rihui, but also Li Hui, and even Zhou Shu and Xu Qiao in the back, and now... recruiting people from the village.

They didn't dare to quarrel with Xue Wenhan. After learning that Su Shiping was recruiting, their mother, Su Shiping's mother, ran to Su Shiping's house and asked Su Shiping to count Su Rixin.

Su Shiping refused.

As a result, his mother sat on the ground and splashed it in front of Su Shiping's house.

Su Shiping almost died of anger.

In the end, He Jianhong walked over and shook the kitchen knife in his hand: "If you continue to make trouble in front of my house, I will slash Su Rixin with one sword later."

"You..." The old woman was still scolding.

He Jianhong pushed the kitchen knife forward and said, "You still want to scold, don't you?"

After speaking, he walked towards Su Shiliang's house with the kitchen knife in hand. The old woman was so frightened that she stopped quickly, and scolded He Jianhong with malicious words while running away. .

"It's really shameless." Watching the old woman leave, He Jianhong scolded.

Turning his face, he saw Su Shiping's stunned expression.

He Jianhong frowned slightly and asked him, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." Su Shiping said, sighed and said with a bit of disappointment: "When did my mother become like this?

" Eccentric to the third child, but not so strong.

Later... I don't know what happened, even the second brother died, his mother didn't go because the third brother broke his leg, and she said why she didn't want to see the second brother-in-law, saying that the second brother's husband was a broom star.

Thinking of the broom star, Su Shiping looked up at He Jianhong.

When he went to serve in the military, his mother said that He Jianhong was a broom star, and that He Jianhong was not clean. If it weren't for the second brother and second brother-in-law, his husband and son would have been forced to death by his mother.

Why the fuck...

Su Shiping thought it was a little funny.

If his mother treated him and the second child a little bit better, and if the third child wasn't so excessive, let alone a quota, it would not be impossible for Su Rixin to study with Xue Wenhan like Brother Yue and Xiaohui.

An Ge'er and Xue Wenhan are not mean people.

But they...

Sure enough, in the thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, no one should look down on anyone, maybe someone will get up that day.

While Su Shiping was helping him buy land and select people, Xue Wenhan bought the carpenter's tools for the three people.

Su Rihui also came back from the set, and obediently learned to be a carpenter.

Because after the set.

On the first day, when going to the market, Su Riyue sold one hundred and forty-two to thirty cents.

He only bought thirty-two, two hundred and twenty cents.

Even Su Xiaoming has more than him, sixty-three-two-ninety articles.

Su Rihui was hit, but he didn't give up.

The next day he went again, but because the next day was not an episode, he only sold twenty cents.

On the third day, one or two dozen texts.

On the fourth day, when he went to the market, Su Rihui thought he would counterattack, but he only sold 12 to 40 yuan, of which one tael was given to him by Su Riyue.

Because that person originally wanted to find Su Riyue, but Su Riyue was too busy, so he pushed the person to him.

Finally got a deal.

Sold for a coin or two.

Su Rihui was completely hit.

When I got home, I didn't need to tell anyone, I told Su Shiping obediently that he was going to learn carpentry from Xue Wenhan.

The next day I went to Xue Wenhan's house.

Seeing him, Xue Wenhan smiled.

The sound is very light.

But at this moment, Su Rihui was being sensitive, and he caught Xue Wenhan's laughter at once, and the already ugly face became even more ugly.

Afraid of irritating the teenagers, Xue Wenhan quickly stopped laughing, reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "If you want to learn carpentry, come in." After speaking, Xue Wenhan gestured with his chin: "Your tools are over there. , go get it yourself."

"Oh." Su Rihui said, and left Xue Wenhan's side as if escaping.

He doesn't want to see anyone now.

No one wanted to meet, but he had to meet people.

Not only did they want to see Xue Wenhan, but also Li Hui and even Zhou Shu and Xu Qiao. Fortunately, Li Hui and the others didn't laugh at him, but even if they didn't laugh, Su Rihui couldn't bear the gaze.

Had a dull day.

A large section of wood was planed off by him.

In the end, Xue Wenhan really saw his panic and asked Su Rian to enlighten him.

Su Ri'an had received so many glances and abuse before, and he was very knowledgeable about this kind of thing, not to mention that everyone like Su Rihui didn't scold him.

With just a few words, Su Rihui was coaxed and turned into the confident and cheerful child before.

However, compared to before, Su Rihui, who came back from the town, was much more serious.

Xue Wenhan expressed his relief, and even praised Su Rihui in front of several people. Su Rihui was embarrassed and begged Xue Wenhan with a blushing face: "Fifth brother, please don't praise me any more, I'll have to praise you any more. It's heaven."

Su Rihui's voice faded, and everyone laughed.

In the afternoon, Xue Wenhan asked Su Rihui and the others to help vacate the room next door where the furniture was originally placed, and put the furniture in Zhou Shuxuqiao's room.

Because all those furniture were made by Xue Wenhan, and they all had special effects.

Zhou Shuxuqiao and the others are all willing.

The next day, the newly recruited apprentices came.

in the next room.

In the first few days, Xue Wenhan taught them theoretical knowledge and asked Zhou Shu and Xu Qiao to follow along.

After the theory, the next step is practice.

In practice, Xue Wenhan divided the three of them into categories. One of the two young men was the door and the other was the window, and the man was the wardrobe.

The reason why they were asked to do this was because Zhou Shu, Su Rihui, and Li Hui had chosen to make tables, chairs, beds, and trolleys.

Although classified, they still need planing wood initially - that's the basics.

The days are fast. In September, the school has been built, the factory has been built, and the order that Su Riyue received, Xue Wenhan, has also been completed. The learning of several apprentices is on the right track. .

In mid-September, Xue Wenhan went to Fucheng to lay the floor for the county governor Xu Ningze's house.

After returning from Fucheng, Xue Wenhan received a letter from the capital. When he opened it, it turned out to be a private letter from "Xue Wenhan" who had barely met the emperor's uncle.

First, he said a lot of affectionate greetings from uncles and nephews, and then asked about bean cakes and dumplings. Finally, he said that the royal heirs were thin, and he couldn't bear the line of his eldest brother (Xue Wenhan's father) to have no successor, and he couldn't bear the prince to live among the people. Ask Xue Wenhan if he wants to come back. If he doesn't, he will hand over his son.

When reading the letter, Xue Wenhan always felt strange, and finally knew where the blame was. This fellow didn't want him to go back at all, but was thinking about his bean cakes.

"Fuck!" Xue Wenhan couldn't hold back his foul language.

Xue Haoyu's husband should not be called the queen, Xue Haoyu's queen is his senior brother.

A man who was picked up by the host of Wanci Temple when he was a baby and lived in Wanci Temple since he was a child.

Yes, that's right, a man, a real man.

Infertility, but this does not prevent Xue Haoyu from loving him, not only in love but also in life and death.

Seeing him like that, the late emperor even gave him a lot of women and brothers, but he gave them to others quietly, thinking that he was the emperor Hui Nafei.

But looking at the content of the letter - he didn't even have it.

Even thinking about his bean cake.

And from the content of the letter, this guy has already checked all the eighteen generations of the Su Ri'an family's ancestors.

dtm, he's still unconscious.

No wonder he had been quiet for several months after returning from the sheriff.


Xue Wenhan was about to die of anger, his face was gloomy, and Su Rihui, who had low air pressure in the room, couldn't take it anymore.

He sneaked out to complain to Su Rian while he was going to the toilet, and let Su Rian take care of Xue Wenhan, "Fifth brother, please help us, if the fifth brother goes on like this, the three of us will go crazy before we die. ." It was an afternoon, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

"How can it be so exaggerated." Su Rian said to him with a smile.

Xue Wenhan was in a bad mood after reading the letter. He knew and asked, but Xue Wenhan said, "It's fine, don't worry about it."

He knew that Xue Wenhan was perfunctory to him, but Xue Wenhan couldn't help him if he didn't say it.

"Really." Su Rihui made a particularly exaggerated expression, "If you don't believe me, go to the house and take a look." With that, he grabbed Su Rian's arm and took Su Rian into the house.

Su Rian had no choice but to follow him in.

The door was pushed open, and Su Rian was also taken aback by the fact that there seemed to be substantial depression in the room. Su Rihui raised his eyebrows at him, looking like "Look, I'm not lying."

Su Rian glanced at him, then shouted "Husband" and walked towards Xue Wenhan: "Husband, are you tired? Would you like to rest for a while?"

"It's fine." Xue Wenhan said, grabbing Su Rian and reaching out his hand.

"You're fine, the other people should be tired too. Take a break and eat something before doing anything." After Su Rian finished speaking, the four people in the room looked at him gratefully.

Xue Wenhan saw it, but didn't say anything, said "um", and said to a few people, "If you are tired, take a rest and do it again."

After that, he said to Su Rihui, "Go to the next door and tell them to rest for a while. ."

After speaking, he took Su Rian's hand and left.

The four of them were used to holding hands when he didn't move, without lifting his eyelids. Going out and returning to the house, Su Rian suddenly hugged him from behind, buried

his head in his neck, and called out "Husband."


Su Rian raised his head, looked at him, and asked, "I'm still not your husband?"

"...Of course I am." Hearing what he said, Xue Wenhan probably already knew what he was going to say next.

Sure enough, he heard Su Rian say: "Then why don't you tell me anything." After speaking, he rubbed in his arms like a cat.

Although Su Rian looks like a man, he is not a man after all.

Such an action does not seem inconsistent.

Especially when he finished rubbing and said in a low voice, "I want to share with you too."

Xue Wenhan couldn't help kissing him.

After the kiss, Xue Wenhan hugged him and probably told him about things, from when he was a prince, to exile, being rescued by Su Ri'an, and even forcibly cleaned up for Slag Gong, saying that he changed from a prince to a prince at that time. Civilians, the identity gap is too big, so I do those stupid things, and I regret it later.

Su Rian was very surprised, holding Xue Wenhan's arm stiff, but not easy to deceive: "Then why are you beating beans?" The reason for beating me was because the identity gap was too great, and I couldn't accept it for a while.

What about beans?

Bean is your son.

You actually hit him like that.

"..." Xue Wenhan.

Can't wash it, forget it, don't wash it.

He just fooled around, but fortunately, Su Rian was shocked by the change in his identity, and did not break the casserole and ask to the end.

After saying his identity, Xue Wenhan told him about Xue Haoyu again, and told him that Xue Haoyu's current queen was a man and could not bear children. Xue Haoyu wanted to take over their son.

Hearing this, Su Ri Anteng suddenly got up from Xue Wenhan's body and grabbed Xue Wenhan's arm emotionally: "No, I can't send the bean cake away, the bean cake is my son, I can't send it away... Husband, you There must be a way, right? Don't send our son away, the bean cake is our son."

Like a drowning man who grabbed the last straw, Su Rian grabbed Xue Wenhan's arm, and the strong Xue Wenhan A big man couldn't take it anymore.

He quickly raised his hand and hugged Su Rian, trying to stabilize his emotions first: "Brother An, don't worry, we will definitely find a way, don't worry, don't worry."

He said don't worry, but Xue Wenhan didn't think so . Especially bottom.

In his previous life, he and a group of people went to the African forest and found a tree he had never seen in the African forest. Those people knew that the things he made had special effects, but they did not know that he had space, and he did not dare. The space was exposed, and there was no way to transport the trees back, so they made a small pendant for each of them with that kind of tree on the spot - it was too big and too heavy.

It is inconvenient to walk in the forest.

It's been a few months since I came back from Africa.

One of the men is pregnant.

But he wasn't quite sure if it was the trees that were to blame.

But nine times out of ten it is.

If he can get the queen pregnant, bean cakes don't need to go.

Su Rian broke free from Xue Wenhan's arms and walked over to hold the bean cake, tears came out: "Didn't you say you have many brothers? They should have many sons, why did he not want them, but he came to ask for them? Our child." After

saying that, Su Rian kissed the bean cake and whispered, "Son."

Xue Wenhan looked at him like that and felt even more uncomfortable, walked over, hugged their father and son, and said : "Probably our son is too good."

But he knew in his heart that it was because he was the weakest.

Other princes, he Xue Haoyu dare not.

Xue Haoyu had never thought of being an emperor before, nor had he learned the art of being an emperor, and was pushed to the throne. If it wasn't for the former emperor's confidants and ministers helping him stabilize the courtiers, it is estimated that he would not even be able to sit on the throne.

In the past few years, even if he is talented and smart, he is the material to be the emperor.

It is also impossible to easily disintegrate the power that his brothers have been operating for more than ten years, or even decades. Therefore, he did not dare to touch them easily, nor did he dare to touch their children.

There is a more important reason than the fear that these people will disagree.

He feared raising children who colluded with his parents.

Come to a forced palace.

Only him, only he, Xue Wenhan, was alone and weak.

"Xue Wenhan"'s grandfather's family was also beheaded in that incident. Although there was still an aunt, but after so many things happened, whether the aunt would recognize him is a problem.

Therefore, it is best to pinch soft persimmons like him.

Indeed, he is a soft persimmon.

If Xue Haoyu wanted to forcibly take the bean cakes away, there was nothing he could do.

Those great strengths of his... were vulnerable in front of the army.

Right now, the only hope is...that kind of tree exists in this world.

Thinking about it, Xue Wenhan hugged Su Rian's arm tightly, then released it, and said to Su Rian, "Don't worry, there will be a way."

Then she took out a piece of paper from the cabinet and began to write a letter .

First I asked Xue Haoyu how well he was, and then thanked Xue Haoyu for exonerating him, and then briefly told him about the fact that he could make wooden tools with special effects-because Xue Wenhan knew that Xue Haoyu must have investigated clearly, and he did not need him. One by one detailed explanation.

Last but not least, tell Xue Haoyu that there is a kind of tree that can make a man pregnant.

Xue Wenhan wrote down the habit and appearance of the tree in detail, and attached a picture for convenience, and told Xue Haoyu politely that he had never seen such a tree, and asked Xue Haoyu to send someone to look for it.

Xue Wenhan believed that no one would want to raise children for others if they had their own children—no, this should be considered raising grandchildren.

If you go to the bean cake, it will be the grandson of the emperor.

After talking about the trees, Xue Wenhan exchanged greetings again, saying that he would definitely take the time to bring bean cakes and dumplings to see Grandpa Huang, and so on.

After writing the letter, I received the pen.

Xue Wenhan looked up, but saw Su Rian staring at him in a daze.

Xue Wenhan knew that he couldn't read and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ah..." Su Rian came back to his senses, looked at Xue Wenhan and said, "It's nothing." After that, he asked Xue Wenhan, "What did you write?"

The characters he knew were the Arabic numerals that Xue Wenhan taught him, and the hairpin bracelet. Two texts, these words that are usually used for accounting.

I don't know anything else, and I don't know what was written.

"I'll tell you later." Xue Wenhan raised his hand and rubbed his head: "Don't worry about it."

Su Rian smiled, a little ugly. After laughing, she said to Xue Wenhan, "Husband, go and see Xiaohui. Come on, I'll sleep for a while."

"..." Didn't you just wake up?

Xue Wenhan wanted to speak, but stopped after meeting Su Rian's gaze.

He knew that the amount of information just now was a bit large, and Su Rian needed time to accept it.

He stopped disturbing him, got up and left the house, and went to the room where Su Rihui and the others were working.

Su Rian stayed alone in the room in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking, and didn't even eat much dinner at night.

Before going to bed, Xue Wenhan asked Aunt Fu to steam a bowl of egg custard and serve it to him.

Su Rian ate silently.

Xue Wenhan put the bowl on the cabinet and asked him, "What are you thinking about?" Su Rian didn't say anything. After a long time, when Xue Wenhan got on the kang, he asked, "Are you

really the prince?"

Thinking about this?"

Su Rian blushed, lowered his head and didn't say anything, but that already explained everything, Xue Wenhan smiled, leaned over, hugged him and kissed: "What? It's the prince, not your man. ?"

Su Rian said, "Yes." Then he rubbed his head against Xue Wenhan.

Xue Wenhan embraced him and held him in his arms: "Don't worry, no matter who I am, I am your husband."

Su Rian said "um", obviously still a little unconfident, dare not ask Xue Wenhan if he likes it He didn't dare to ask Xue Wenhan what he liked with him, so he just said, "I'm your husband


Most men get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and get married at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

Brothers and girls will be earlier.

If Xue Wenhan is the prince, it should be earlier, right?

Thinking of this, Su Rian suddenly became a little nervous. The confidence that he had brought from watching the shop in the past disappeared when he heard Xue Wenhan's identity.

Now he seems to have gone back to the past.

Extremely unconfident, extremely self-deprecating.

"!!!" Hearing his words, Xue Wenhan paused, as if he really had a fiancé...

the son of the Prime Minister's family.

The first beauty in Beijing.

The reason why the scumbag didn't touch Su Rian and didn't mess around is also due to him.

However, after so many years, they must have gotten married long ago.

Not to mention other things, even the princes could not break the rule that Brother Bai Cang'er got married at the age of eighteen, and the same goes for the sons of the Prime Minister's family.

He was fourteen when he was exiled.

Six years have passed, and it is now twenty.

Twenty early married.

Xue Wenhan was no longer worried, and said generously, "There was one before, but I was exiled, and this marriage will definitely be void."

"Is he particularly good-looking?" Su Rian asked.

The princes' companions must be good-looking, not like him...

"..." Xue Wenhan smiled and asked him, "Jealous?"

"No." When he came out of his arms, he was really jealous, but he didn't want Xue Wenhan to know.

I didn't want Xue Wenhan to feel that he was petty.

I heard that what people from big families hate most is jealousy and jealousy.

Xue Wenhan is the prince, not to mention.

So, he shouldn't be jealous.

But when he thought that Xue Wenhan might treat other people as good to him in the future, he felt particularly uncomfortable.

The more uncomfortable it is about cranky thinking, the more cranky it is, the more uncomfortable it is.

People, really can't be too spoiled.

If Xue Wenhan treated him badly in the past, he would never have thought so, wishing Xue Wenhan left early.

Even when he heard Uncle Langzhong say that Xue Wenhan went to town with Douzi, he wanted to buy a pack of rat medicine, poison Xue Wenhan and Su Wuniu, and then commit suicide.

But now...

"What are you thinking about?" Xue Wenhan looked at his blank eyes and frowned, "Is it possible that I am not your husband if I am a prince?"

"Yes." Su Rian was stunned for a moment, then said quickly.

"Don't think about it, didn't I tell you? I'm just an ordinary person now. Although the emperor has forgiven me, he has not restored my identity, so... don't think about those things? Of course, Even if he restores my identity and I become a prince, then I am your husband, and I will never change, eh?"

"What about bean cakes?" His son left him.

"Don't worry, I won't let him take the bean cakes." Even if that kind of wood can't make a man pregnant, as long as he looks carefully, he will definitely find the wood that makes a man pregnant.

"Mmmm." Su Rian nodded. Instead of escaping from Xue Wenhan's arms, he relaxed his body, leaned into Xue Wenhan's arms, hugged Xue Wenhan, and called out "Husband."

Very happy, Emperor Xue Wenhan's identity was not restored.

That way, they can be together forever.

Su Rian thought to himself.

Just think he is selfish. He was really happy when he heard Xue Wenhan say that he was a civilian.

But he forgot that if Xue Wenhan wanted to, even a commoner could have three wives and four concubines; if Xue Wenhan wanted to, he would be like an emperor, and he would be the son of the emperor. Every day, there were ministers who "learned from death", but still guarded the queen under pressure.

Even, for the queen, you can not have your own children.

Pass the throne to other people's children.

In fact, from this point of view, Xue Wenhan still admires the emperor very much. In the face of many temptations, he can still maintain his original aspiration for the queen. He has not abandoned him for so many years. This is something that many people cannot do.

Especially some high-ranking people, with a little bit of power, blinded their eyes and blinded their hearts.

Of course, if this other's child was not his son, he would appreciate Xue Haoyu even more.

Rather, it was his son.

Xue Wenhan didn't have any big ambitions, and he didn't want his son to become an emperor. He only hoped that his son would grow up peacefully and live a normal life.

When the emperor worries about this and that, it is usually short-lived.

He didn't want his son to go.

Whoever loves to be who should go.

It was probably Xue Wenhan's comforting effect, or maybe it was because he was tired from tossing for a long time, and Su Ri'an fell asleep shortly after finishing it.

When Xue Wenhan woke up the next morning, he was still asleep and said to Aunt Fu, "Aunt Fu, when An Ge'er wakes up, tell him, I'm going to the town, let him wait a while for Xiaohui and the others to come. Tell Xiaohui and the others, let them work hard, and I'll be back in the afternoon."

"Okay." Aunt Fu didn't know about them, so she quickly agreed when she heard Xue Wenhan's words.

With Uncle Fu by his side, he hurriedly went to the horse pen to lead the horse out, "Master, do you want to ride?" The

horse belonged to Song Chenglin's family.

No, I paid it back. I paid it back when I laid the floor for his house, but when I went to lay the floor for Xu Ningze's house last time, Song Chenglin sent someone to deliver it again.

It was said that Xue Wenhan did not ride a horse when he came, and it was inconvenient to go back.

That horse wasn't a good horse either, Xue Wenhan thought that a horse would be charged without much money.

Ride back.

In the end, horses are stronger than mules, and they are also higher-grade than mules. Xue Wenhan basically rides horses when he goes out these days.

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