Chapter 44

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"Daddy, where are you rabbits?"

Su Douzi carried a rabbit and walked into the kitchen with short legs.

Before reaching the kitchen, Aunt Fu, who was in the room for Su Riyue's shoe soles, saw it, and ran out and shouted, "Be careful, young master, I'll get it." She took the pheasant from Su Douzi's hand.

Su Douzi watched Aunt Fu take the pheasant into the kitchen, stood there for a while, then shouted "Daddy" and turned around and ran into their house.

Inside the room, Su Rian was asking Xue Wenhan why the hairpin could not be used indiscriminately.

Xue Wenhan glanced at his head, and then smiled meaningfully: "I'll tell you the reason later, you just need to listen to me." Saying that, Xue Wenhan's eyes shifted from Su Ri'an and Su Riyue's two brothers. His face crossed: "Can I still harm you?"

"Well." Su Rian believed in Xue Wenhan.

Although Su Riyue wanted to know, but seeing that his brother didn't ask, he was embarrassed to ask again, nah.

Xue Wenhan glanced at him, then said, "I met the little hunter from Dongpo behind Sancha today." Xue Wenhan didn't ask, and didn't know the name of the little hunter. Hearing Xue Wenhan's words, Su

Riyue raised her head and stared at Xue Wenhan, her talking eyes as if asking, "What did he tell you?"

A family, isn't the little hunter his fiancé? No wonder Su Riyue was like this.

Su Rian was amused by his appearance, raised his hand and slapped him on the head: "I don't know how to be ashamed."

Su Riyue pouted, "What's the shame." Intention, and then looked at Xue Wenhan.

Xue Wenhan said, "He asked me to bring you a rabbit and a pheasant. I put it on the porch. I'll take it back when you go back later."

"Okay." Su Riyue's eyes lit up, it was true Not at all shy.

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Douzi walked in with his short legs and chirps. As soon as he came in, he asked Xue Wenhan to hug him.

Xue Wenhan gently rubbed his head: "Daddy smells so bad, wait until Daddy washes it off before hugging you, huh?!"

There are all kinds of trees in the forest, and he encountered one today. Especially the smelly tree. He almost didn't leave the forest because of the smell. Although it's better after so long, he still smells bad.

Although he didn't know or saw that kind of tree before, Xue Wenhan probably guessed that the odor of the tree was poisonous gas. gosh".

Hearing Xue Wenhan's words, Su Douzi hadn't reacted yet. Su Rian grabbed him and asked nervously, "How did you get to the smelly tree, are you all right?" The smelly tree is deep in the forest. .

He didn't expect where Xue Wenhan had gone.

I was anxious, angry and worried.

"It's alright, it's alright." Hearing Su Rian's anxious words, Xue Wenhan subconsciously stretched out his hand and pulled him into his arms. Just as he was about to hug him, he thought that his body stinks, and pushed Su Rian away.

Su Rian was pulled and pushed around by him, instead of being angry, he was even more worried, and he didn't care that Su Riyue was embarrassed and grabbed Xue Wenhan's hand and dragged him to Langzhong's house: "Follow me to Langzhong's house to let Langzhong go. Uncle, let me show you, hurry up." He walked in a hurry, and his footsteps were messed up.

Su Riyue looked at the two of them, who were unattached, and the unmarried little brother blushed, coughed a little embarrassingly, then squatted down and hugged Su Douzi, who was also ignored, and said bravely. : "Fifth brother, don't worry too much, since the fifth brother-in-law is back, it means he's fine, and he won't come back if something happens."

Su Riyue was embarrassed, and she didn't know what she said after she finished speaking.

He knew about that stinky tree. It should be said that everyone in the village knew about it. In the deep part of the forest... it stinks and killed a lot of villagers.

Unexpectedly, Xue Wenhan came back alive after smelling the smelly tree.

Thinking of this, Su Riyue suddenly admired Xue Wenhan again.

I think his fifth brother is really good.

Su Douzi didn't know what was going on, but seeing how nervous he was, Eminem became nervous too. The small body was on high alert in Su Rian's arms, staring at him without blinking. , hold your mouth, it looks like you will cry in the next second.

Xue Wenhan saw it, grabbed Su Rian, patted his hand lightly, and comforted: "I'm fine, just like Brother Yue said, if something happens, can I come back? Don't worry?" Said Then he patted Su Rian on the back again: "I'm going to take a bath, you go and see Douzi." If you don't look at the little guy, he will really cry.

Su Rian was still a little uneasy.

Xue Wenhan smiled and raised his hand, "Look at me, isn't it okay? It's really okay, don't be afraid, eh?!" He stroked his cheek and repeated: "It's okay, don't I'm worried, I'm going to take a shower, I'll stink to death if I don't take a shower."

After speaking, Xue Wenhan left.

Su Rian let out a loud "um", still a little worried, but seeing Xue Wenhan's appearance, it really didn't seem like something was wrong, so she put down some snacks.

Turning her face, she saw Su Riyue staring at herself with red cheeks and burning eyes.

Su Rian choked at the sight.

I didn't feel it just now, but now that Su Riyue looked at it like this, he suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Wow, fifth brother, you and my fifth brother-in-law have a really good relationship." He sees his third brother and third sister-in-law every day. Although the relationship between the third brother and the third sister-in-law is also good, compared to the fifth brother and the fifth brother-in-law...

No wonder in the village So many people envy his fifth brother.

Especially those little brothers and girls, who cursed his fifth brother to be divorced every day. He even had a fight with those people about this, knocking out one of the front teeth of a little brother, and then he was killed by him. Daddy beat him so hard that his back still hurts when he thinks about it.

It would be nice if he had such a good relationship with that person in the future.

Su Riyue thought enviously.

"Your relationship will be good in the future." Su Rian was still a little embarrassed, raised his hand to take Su Douzi who was about to cry from Su Riyue's arms, and touched Su Douzi's head.

"Amu." Su Douzi pouted, Su Rian thought he was going to cry, but the little guy didn't cry, he sniffed and put his head in Su Rian's arms.

Su Rian patted his back and spoke to Su Riyue.

When Xue Wenhan came back from the bath, Su Rian felt relieved when he saw that everyone was fine, told Xue Wenhan about Su Sanlin's death, and asked Xue Wenhan if he wanted to go to Su Sanlin's house.

Xue Wenhan didn't even know who Su Sanlin was. He was stunned when he heard it, and asked, "Who is Su Sanlin?


However, according to their custom here, when someone died in the village, only men who had no hatred in the whole village would go to that house to sit and sit before burying, and then help to bury the person when they were buried.

Therefore, Su Rian asked Xue Wenhan.

"Go now?" Xue Wenhan didn't understand the customs here at all.

"No, just go at night." Su Rian said, "Just go and sit for a while at night and let people know that you went and come back?"

"Walk through the scene?" Xue Wenhan suddenly laughed.

"Uh... um." Su Rian was a little embarrassed.

Su Douzi giggled in Su Riyue's arms, then stretched out her arms, asking Xue Wenhan to hug him: "Daddy, I'm going too, you take me, and we'll go together."

"What are you going to do?" Xue Wenhan and Su Rian hadn't spoken yet, when Su Riyue slapped his little butt: "Where the dead are, what if they go to the place?

" It's too small, in case it gets hit by those unclean things and vomits and vomits when it comes back, it's too late to cry.

But Su Douzi said, "I've already been there."

Su Riyue: "..."

Su Ri'an: "..."

"When did you go?" Xue Wenhan asked.

"Morning, morning." Seeing the serious faces of the adults, Su Douzi suddenly became a little scared, her small mouths were tightly pressed together, and her small paws also tightly grasped the clothes on Su Rian's chest.

In the morning, he played with a few brothers in the village, and when they said they were going, he followed.

"It's alright, just go when you go." Xue Wenhan took Su Douzi and hugged him in his arms. It's gone, what else can be done, as long as it's okay.

Xue Wenhan hugged Su Douzi, and then the three of them said something about Su Sanlin's death—in fact, they weren't three people, mainly Su Riyue said, Su Ri'an and Xue Wenhan listened: It turned out that Su Sanlin was for his unmarried brother. Xu Dongjia went to the back of Sancha to build the wood behind the house, rolled down the mountain and lost his life.

Now the two are in a commotion.

Su Sanlin's family asked Xu Dong's family to return the money from the betrothal gift and pay a large amount of money. Xu Dong's family was unwilling. Su Sanlin's family found someone to beat Xu Dong and break a leg. Nemesis, killed his fiance.

Now, the whole Baiyanggou people know that Xu Dong is a evil star, Kefu.

Su Riyue was so excited that she completely forgot that Su Rian had also been scolded by the evil star and killed Daddy and Eminem.

He continued to say emotionally, "Finth brother, do you know? That family is so worthless, it doesn't matter if they don't refund the money, but they still don't see a doctor for Xu Dong, saying that they want to keep the money for Xu Dong's brother to build a house. , I'm really mad at me, how can there be such a family, if my father is like this, I, I..."

I've been old for a long time and I haven't come up with a reason.

If he was also born in that kind of family, he doesn't seem to be able to do anything.

The ball was instantly deflated, and softly complained: "Fifth brother, why do you think our brother is so miserable?"

After seeing Su Rian standing next to Xue Wenhan, he suddenly remembered that people used to scold him often. Su Rian's nemesis, his face instantly became wonderful, "No, fifth brother, I, I, I didn't mean that... No, I said I didn't mean to say nemesis, I..." stammered.

I usually have a very slippery mouth, but now I almost cried.

He didn't know how to explain it either.

Originally, Su Rian was a little sad when he heard the word "nemesis", but after seeing Su Riyue's helpless appearance, she was not sad in an instant, and she was even laughed at.

"It's alright, alright, I'm fine."

"I..." Su Riyue still wanted to explain, she paused when she heard Su Ri'an's words, and then she didn't believe it: "Really, is it really okay?

" People say it is a nemesis, he will definitely not be able to bear it, the fifth brother is really powerful.

Su Riyue thought.

Xue Wenhan held Su Douzi in one hand and supported Su Ri'an in the other, and couldn't help laughing when he saw his appearance.

Su Douzi is even more exaggerated. It is rare to see Su Riyue's embarrassing appearance, and she smiles very happily. Su Riyue, who is happy, lifts him from Xue Wenhan's arms and doesn't find it until Su Riyue slaps on his little ass. It took a few slaps to respond. After the response came

, he immediately attached the body, "ah ah ah ah", and screamed, and talked to tears and told it: "Daddy, Gusha hit me, you can help me hit him."



In the evening, Su Riyue went back after dinner at Xue Wenhan's house. When she returned, Xue Wenhan gave Su Riyue the pheasants and rabbits brought by the little hunter.

Su Riyue was surprised and happy, and a little shy, the expression on her face... It can be said to be quite exciting.

It was so wonderful that even the always steady Su Rian couldn't stand it anymore. She laughed and teased him a few times. The teasing Su Riyue blushed and had a thick neck. In the end, she grunted a few times, holding the pheasant and the rabbit in a snarky manner. gone.

After that, Xue Wenhan went to Su Sanlin's house.

——Actually, Xue Wenhan didn't want to go, but Su Rian kept looking at him, and said that the men here basically go, and if he doesn't go, no one will come after their affairs, and so on.

Xue Wenhan thought that he would still live here in the future, and he couldn't have too much trouble with his neighbors.

I agreed with what Su Rian said.

As soon as Xue Wenhan said that, Su Rian said, "You wait a while." Then he went out.

After going out, Su Rian went to Su Jianqiao's house.

Su Jianqiao's family and Su Sanlin's family are of the same clan, and their relationship is relatively close. Su Sanlin died, and Su Jianqiao must go every night. Su Rian went to see if Su Jianqiao went, and if not, let Xue Wenhan and Su Jianqiao go together - he was afraid that Xue Wenhan would go alone.

After all, Xue Wenhan had never dealt with these people before.

If Xue Wenhan went, everyone would stay far away... Although Su Rian wanted him to have a good relationship with the people in the village, he didn't want him to be isolated.

He was distressed.

When Su Rian went, Su Jianqiao hadn't gone yet. He was eating. Hearing Su Rian's words, Su Jianqiao immediately agreed, saying that he would go to his house to find Xue Wenhan after dinner.

After thanking Su Jianqiao, Su Rian went home and told Xue Wenhan to wait.

Xue Wenhan didn't know what he was doing, but he didn't think much about it, and he was bored for a while. Su Jianqiao came to call Xue Wenhan, Xue Wenhan kissed Su Rian, and then went to Su Sanlin's house with Su Jianqiao.

Su Sanlin's home is at the head of the village, not far from their home.

It might be due to the slack of the farming season, and there were a lot of people. As soon as Xue Wenhan and Su Jianqiao went in, they heard a bunch of people gathered in the yard and scolded Xu Dong. The scolding was especially vicious. Xue Wenhan frowned slightly.

Su Jianqiao also heard it. Seeing Xue Wenhan frowning, he knew that Xue Wenhan was thinking of the words that people scolded Su Rian. He was a little embarrassed, and explained: "I'm also angry.

" "Those who don't have the ball skills will put everything wrong on a little brother."

After that, he walked in.

If he hadn't promised Su Ri'an to stay for a while, he would have wanted to leave now.

I really don't want to be with these people.

Isn't all of this the fault of Xu Dong's parents? Why is all the blame on Xu Dong.

Even if Xu Dong was at fault, he just agreed to marry Su Sanlin—maybe the marriage with Su Sanlin was not the one that Xu Dong did by himself.

But even so, there are far more people who scold Xu Dong than those who scold Xu Dong's parents.

Along the way, Xue Wenhan only heard a few words about Xu Dong's parents, and the words were quite mild, but when he got to Xu Dong, he used all kinds of vicious words.

Hearing that Xue Wenhan was very angry.

Perhaps, because these people used to scold Su Rian like this.

Feeling unhappy in his heart, Xue Wenhan's face was also very stinky. When people saw him come in and offer a seat, he was not polite, and sat down with one buttocks, while Su Shiping sat two seats away from him.

Seeing his appearance, Su Shiping didn't even like to see him, and he gave Xue Wenhan a fierce look.

Xue Wenhan saw it, asked "Uncle" and ignored him.

He is in a bad mood now.

Su Jianqiao came in with him, and probably guessed why Xue Wenhan was in a bad mood. Seeing people yelling at Xu Dong, he was probably afraid that Xue Wenhan would not be able to resist doing something. He just sat down for a while. Su Jianqiao asked him if he wanted to go back.

Xue Wenhan didn't want to stay at all, but when he heard Su Jianqiao's words, he agreed immediately.

He got up and went out, but unexpectedly met Su Wuniu at the gate.

Su Wuniu was leaning on a cane. Although the swelling on his face had subsided a lot, he still looked very ugly. It looked like a pig's head. Compared to his previous appearance... it was like heaven and earth.

Xue Wenhan didn't recognize him.

Just as he was about to go around him, Su Wuniu suddenly dropped the crutches in his hand, fell to his knees with a "pop", and kowtowed to Xue Wenhan.

The knocked Xue Wenhan looked bewildered.

After the kowtow, Su Wuniu opened his mouth to thank Xue Wenhan, thanked Xue Wenhan for saving him, and said that Xue Wenhan had died long ago, so to speak.

Su Wuniu's voice changed, thick and hoarse, sounding like an old man in his 50s or 60s, Xue Wenhan frowned, he was not someone who was overflowing with sympathy.

Not to mention anything else, Xue Wenhan couldn't have any sympathy for Su Wuniu's actions against a child as young as Su Douzi.

He said, "No thanks." Xue Wenhan didn't even bother to look at him, and was about to leave.

Hearing what Xue Wenhan had done these days, Su Wuniu probably knew that Xue Wenhan was no longer the Xue Wenhan he used to be, and he did not ask Xue Wenhan to forgive him—or perhaps he had woken up.

Seeing Xue Wenhan leaving, he didn't stop him. He only looked at Xue Wenhan's back and shouted loudly, "Brother Xue, help me say sorry to Xiaodouzi and Ange'er."

Xue Wenhan sneered, then turned to look at him, the more he looked, the more he wanted to laugh.

In the end, he really laughed, and the laugh was penetrating: "There are some mistakes that don't matter if you say sorry, such as..." Xue Wenhan's eyes swept across his legs: "Your right leg is useless, right?"

"I..." Su Wuniu's face turned pale.

Indeed, his leg was crippled.

Not only his legs, but also his hands, and his hands could no longer hold a pen.

He is a scholar, but now he can't even hold a pen.

A scholar who can't hold a pen...

These days, he has been dreaming, dreaming of his father and his mother, dreaming of his childhood, when his father and his mother were still there, and the three of them were together, although they lived a good life. Not particularly rich, but food and clothing is not a problem.

He misses studying, and other people in the village say that studying is good on the surface, but they laugh at him behind the scenes, taking him as a counterexample to educate their own children, and his parents were told by his grandparents for this.

But because he missed him, his father put him under pressure and sent him to study in the town. His hard work paid off. He was admitted to the Xiucai at the age of fifteen. He is the youngest Xiucai in the county, and he is also the most promising to be admitted to the jinshi. of.

But there were unforeseen circumstances, his father and his mother went behind Sancha in order to make money, and were eaten by wolves.

As soon as his father and his mother passed away, he was a scholar who could not carry on his shoulders or carry his hands. Within a few days, the things in the family were divided up by uncles and uncles.

At the beginning, he was very aloof, disdainful to care about those people, but he couldn't eat as a meal, and it didn't take long for him to start starving.

But he can't farm the land, and he can't bear the pain of studying all the year round.

I don't know since when he has become disgusting with people.

Later, he bullied Su Rian and Su Douzi because he saw that Xue Wenhan hated Su Rian and Su Douzi, and he acted generously. From time to time, he bullied Su Rian and Su Douzi to please Xue Wenhan.

At the beginning, he also had an uneasy conscience, but slowly... time is the best solvent in the world. In five years, not only did he dissolve the basic principles of his life, but also his conscience.

It became a habit for him to make soda beans.

Don't say Su Douzi was crying, even if Su Douzi looked at him with such a fierce look, he couldn't arouse the slightest ripple in his heart.

There is a saying that the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, he used to drink soo beans like that.

Now his feet are broken and his hands are broken.

His uncles, uncles, brothers, brothers and sisters occupied their family's property, but they kicked him around like a ball. It was good to let him sleep in the woodshed, and some directly let him sleep in the yard.

Once, when he slept in the yard, he was scolded by his cousin-in-law for several days because he spread some straw.

Adults don't care.

The children are even more extreme. One day he was sleeping on the haystack in the yard, and a little kid from his cousin's house ran over and urinated on him.

Although it is not winter now, the weather is already very cold. His clothes have been divided up by his cousins, and the only one left is the one he wears. He urinates and has no clothes to change. There is no way to wash it. dressed.

These are only part of it, these days he has tasted the warmth and warmth of the world.

Although I have tasted it before, it is far less profound than this time.


He wanted to apologize to Su Douzi and Su Rian a few days ago, but he didn't dare to go, and he didn't have the face to go... Until Su Sanlin passed away in the past few days, he thought that Xue Wenhan might come here.

He just came here every day to wait for Xue Wenhan, even though no one in the village wanted to see him.

He thought it was hopeless after these few days of waiting, but he didn't expect to actually meet Xue Wenhan.

However, what Su Wuniu didn't expect was that Xue Wenhan, who always had his nostrils upturned, actually satirized him.

The ironic Su Wuniu was taken aback for a moment, but he was not annoyed after he reacted.

——Because compared to his uncles, uncles, cousins, cousins, and their daughters-in-law, Xue Wenhan's swear words are really nothing.

Su Wuniu clenched his fist and said it again: "I know that what I did before did a lot of damage to An Ge'er and Xiaodouzi, and I also know that they may not forgive me, but I still want to sincerely say sorry , sorry." Su Wuniu lowered his head.

Then picked up the crutches, stood up from the ground, and then... left.

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