Author's Notes

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I've been waiting for this day to come and finally say what I wanna say😭 Thank you all for voting and patiently waiting for the updates, it literally took me a year just to make a short story so I'm really sorry

And if you didn't see the description, this story is still in it's editing stage and it will take me a while to finish, but have you noticed something? There's a silhouette behind Whitebeard, I wonder who that is?

To people who knows, don't spoil.

You know, I don't think I can make a "good" OP fanfic since I can't even comprehend Oda's imagination, I'm more into gore stuff like FNAF or basically just horror things, so I think it will take me a while to start the supposed to be next book about Zoro.

Peace out, and I hope to see you again in my other books😄✌️

Once again, thank you everyone for the votes, reads and follows

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