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Felix typed his essay. God how he hated school. He was such a different person compared to who he was at night. In the light he was known as a smart person, always turning in assignments 1 week before they're due — but in the night he was nothing but a slut.

He adjusted his glasses, before feeling someone behind. Looking through the reflection of his computer he noticed jisung who was looking to scare him.

"You aren't gonna scare me sung."

Felix said, a smile.

He turned back looking at the pouty boy. "Hmm! You're no fun!" He said, his voice a little loud. "So how was last night." Felix asked. Jisung blushed a little.

"Hm it was fun. What about you?"

Felix smirked.

He slowly pulled down his shirt, showing jisung the marks. Jisung gasped. "Never seen you with those who did that?"

"His names hyunjin, I'm actually intrigued by him, he's handsome, i can tell he has money."

Jisung nodded, he pulled a book out setting it on the table from his small bag.

"I hooked up with minho yesterday —"

"Like always." Felix teased.

"Hm, it's not like I like him or anything." Felix gave him a side eye when he said this. Tilting his head at jisung. "You talk about him all the time jisung, just admit you like him."
Felix stated. "I do not.. he doesn't even like me back." Jisung said, he was obviously a little taken back at Felix's words.

He liked minho, alot, it was almost crazy how much he liked minho but he kept it to himself, considering his job was to flirt with other guys to keep them coming he didn't know how'd he manage a relationship.

"You know hyunjin goes to our college right? He's a pretty popular guy."

Felix nearly choked.

"He's goes to our fucking campus?"

"He's building B though, you should try and get closer to him, he seems like a nice guy." Jisung said.

"Hm.. i should tease him."

"Im sorry what?"

Jisung asked, he was a little shocked by what Felix said. "You said building B? Right?" Felix closed his computer, standing up, adjusting his jeans. Jisung nodded. A small smile watching felix leave, holding his things.

He just shook his head. Felix walked through the halls, leaving the first building which was known as building A. It was most likely that hyunjin was a junior in college, because of his department.

Felix smiled, as he spotted the raven haired. He was alone. It was more than perfect. He walked a smirk forming.


"Hm? What are you doing here?"

"I go to this school silly."

Felix put a finger on hyunjins chest. Reminding the boy of last time. "What are you doing?" Hyunjins breath hitched. Felix's eyes followed
His finger til he stopped at hyunjins crotch.

Slowly giving him the eyes. Tilting his head. "Felix stop looking at me like that.." hyunjin whispered, he put his hand around Felix's throat. Making Felix bit his lip.

"Remember what it was like inside of me?.. you loved it." He mumbled in hyunjins ear.

"Do you know how crazy you make me?"

"I'll make you even crazier love.."

Felix said, leaning himself into hyunjins face. But he only brushed his lips, teasing him even more. This motion was making hyunjin want Felix's lips even more.

"You came over here to tease me?"

Hyunjin grabbed felixs hair pushing him back. There was no one really in the hallway. Everyone had cleared out going to class, so it was easy —
"Go to class." He let go continuing to walk down the hall.

"Or.. we could do something fun." Felix said, catching up to him. "or.. you could leave me alone."
Hyunjin replied. Making Felix stop.
Why did he feel a little hurt, hyunjin kept walking checking his phone while he walked. He seemed unbothered while Felix just stood there.

Hyunjin smirked looking back at Felix who stood there. "You look so hurt." Hyunjin laughed. "Im not, bitch." Felix spat at hyunjins face as he caught up to him the two walked together. Some moments in silence, some talking.

They were slightly comfortable with eachother although they barely knew eachother it was like maybe something connected.

"Have you ever fallen inlove, besides just having onenightstands?" Hyunjin asked. Shoving his hands in his pockets as they sat down on the gym benches. The basketball guys were practicing, including chan.

Hyunjin waved to him from the benches.

"Hm, yeah, but.. never agian, I don't want a relationship with anyone."

"You've gotten hurt way to many times huh?"

"How'd you know?"

"Im the same way, I don't want a relationship, because i always get hurt. But you should always give it one more chance."

Hyunjin spoke. Staring into space. Felix just looked at him as he said those words.

"Hm.. no."

Felix giggled. He stood up, making hyunjin look him up and down, staring at his ass shamelessly as he walked down the bleachers.

He stood up calmly, following the energetic boy out of the gym they'd been sitting in the skip class.

But he was stopped by someone. The boy was cute. Almost adorable.

"Uh, are you friends with bangchan?"

"Hm. Yeah, why?"

Hyunjin asked. He watched Felix walk even more. He was anxious to see Felix but the boy infront of him was a distraction.

"Do you have his number?.. we wouldn't give me his." The boy clearly hurt. Hyunjin raised an eyebrow, pulling his phone out.

"You get rejected or something?"

"Ah no.. but I really like him.. I plan to confess." The boy smiled typing the number into his own phone. Bowing to hyunjin a little. A freshman huh. Most people really crushed on chan not knowing he was a complete player.

Watchung something unfold in the worst way was Killing him.


Next pov should be a side couple :)

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