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"I mean, least he was aware that you didn't like him anymore."

Jeongin heard, he was sitting in bed with the one and only chan. Chan obviously gave no fucks that jeongin was complicating life. He also gave no shits that seungmin was deeply hurt.

"But he shouldn't have found out like that.." chan just pulled jeongin close, his hands sliding deeply around jeongins waist, his head sitting on jeongins shoulder, nuzzling him closer.

"Forget about him, I've been waiting for you." Chan mumbled, placing a soft kiss against jeongins neck. Was this really the right decision to make?

Jeongin just bit his lip, looking down to his phone at jisung and felix who were texting him. He had no energy to text back. Seungmin did everything for him, so why did he have to cheat on him like this?

"But is being with you the right choice?"

Jeongin asked chan. Slightly removing chan away from him, or was it better to be single? He obviously had no more chances with seungmin so being alone was better right?

But he desired touch. Touch by thus one person specifically. Maybe because he liked the way Chan touched him, him and seungmin wanted to take it slow so they never did anything like that.

"Is it?"

Jeongin bit his lower lip.

He couldn't respond to chan. He looked over his shoulder at chan who was sitting, waiting for a reaction.

"If you don't want to do this stuff with me anymore I understand."

Chan said. It had infact been a week since this all went down. Jeongin still spoke to his friends in the hallway but his energy and commitment to things went down. He started sleeping with chan, why? Because he loved the attention, and loved the warmth of chans arms on his body. Making his body feel good.

He felt so used after though, as chan seemed to not care about jeongins full well being. He sometimes just left without word. Just like how they were in the beginning.

"No, i-i want to keep doing this with you, I just feel like I need to talk to seungmin."

Jeongin turned back around, sitting crissed crossed against the head board. Chan who was Laying down infront of jeongins legs just shrugged.

"about what? He's not really relevant in your life anymore."

"But.. I should still apologize."

"Apologize for how you feel?"

Chan chuckled.

Jeongin just frowned at chan, watching him stand up. He was currently shirtless. Jeongin watched him walk past, a small smile crossing his face. Yet he was happy around the wrong person.

He looked at himself in the mirror, fixing his slightly messy blonde hair. He just looked at jeongin through the mirror.

"You're so cute." He chuckled, he walked towards the boy, cupping his face. Looking at him in the eyes. Earning a flushed smile. "Ah, hyung!"
Jeongin giggled cutely. "Im going to take a shower." He called out.

"Okay, ill take one after, I'm gonna study for a bit." Jeongin stated, grabbed his computer, moving chans phone from above it. Chan had disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door.

But chans phone buzzed, indicating he was getting a call from a specific number. Jeongin looked down at the phone, he was going to give it to chan but he noticed the name of the contact.


Who was this?

Jeongin just watched the call end, he noticed numerous messages from this so called love person, the messages were things like 'Why haven't you been speaking to me?'
And 'was last weeks night not enough?'

Jeongin just scoffed. He slid up on chans phone. Staring at the number, it seemed it was a hook up of chans.
He quickly began typing, he furrowed his eyebrows. He felt a little angry about this guy texting chan, he was almost possessive about chan.

"Jeongin? Can you bring me a towel?"

Jeongin quickly put chans phone down, walking towards the bathroom, he reached over to the clean pile of clothes that were folded. Putting them in his hand, he opened the bathroom door, looking at chans slightly wet body, his hair running down his face.

"Staring much?"

Chan smirked.

Jeongin bit his lower lip and just threw the towel. "Hm! Get out I need to shower." Jeongin flusteredly said.


Jisung was sitting with felix, they both were waiting on jeongin who was oddly late. Felix quickly raised his eyebrows when he noticed jeongin and chan walking together. He was nearly quick to look at seungmin who noticed as well. But he seemed to hide his feelings for it.

Jisung was even more shocked when the two shared a kiss. "You're kidding." Jisung heard Felix say. The two became quiet, watching jeongin sit down, his tote bag being sat beside him.

"Hi guys."

"Jeongin what the fuck."

"You left seungmin for that?"

Jisung scolded.

"What do you mean?"

Jeongin mumbled, he was genuinely confused. "He was literally hooking up with another guy a week ago jeongin, seungmin treated you amazing, chan will only cheat on you." Felix said.

"H-He won't cheat.. I don't know why you're saying that."

"Jeongin, he's a player, he likes hurting people for fun."

Jeongin just stayed silent. Watching chan sit with hyunjin, the two beginning to talk. "I-Im gonna use the bathroom." Jeongin stood back up, he looked as if he was un easy.

But who was gonna truly warn him?



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