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Felix fixed his eyes upon the child who was sitting in the newly built crib that hyunjin recently made. He didn't know how to process this still, it was still new to him that there was now another human being sitting in his bedroom that wasn't hyunjin.

They hadn't gotten married yet, they'd been together for a while and they had ups and downs but hyunjin didn't ever bring up the fact of marriage. Felix didn't either, it was sort of a non-speaking topic.

"Have you fed him?" Hyunjin asked, walking into the bedroom. He seemed to be in a rush. He'd been in his head ever since the "thing" got here.

"Yeah, I have— what's wrong?"

"Nothing just stressed." He said, he flashed Felix a small grin. Still giving the reassurance that hyunjin still loved him.

Felix just pushed himself off of the crib, watching as the baby slept soundly. With the small snores coming from it. He turned to look back at hyunjin who was walking towards the bathroom. Grabbing a towel from the bathroom drawer.

He just smirked a little. The child was asleep.. so? He put his hands behind his back, Innocently approaching hyunjin who had recently taken his shirt off, running his fingers through his hair, something about that made him much more attractive.

Once he reaches the bathroom, he shuts the door behind him, of course almost scaring hyunjin.

"What are you doing?" Hyunjin asked, a small chuckle noticing the doe eyes Felix was giving him.
"You said you were stressed, let me help." Felix bit his lower lip. How could hyunjin resist those eyes? He was so attractive in every way.

But hyunjin couldn't for some reason, he just looked to the side avoiding Felix's eyes. "I'm just gonna take a shower and sleep, okay?"

He most likely wasn't in the mood,
Felix just watched hyunjin push him away. He hated how sensitive he was.

"I could take a shower with you. We haven't spent time together so—"

"No, it's fine." Felix heard.

"Do you not want to spend time with me?"

Felix asked quickly, noticing how hyunjin was practically pushing him away. "I didn't say that Felix, I just want space."

"We haven't done anything in a while, you always do this— are you getting tired of me? Am I not to your liking anymore?"

Felix asked.

"I'm not going to listen to this right now Felix," Hyunjin muttered, bending to start his shower. "As if you listen to me in the first place," Felix said under his breath.

"Don't fucking start with me, I'm not dealing with your attitude have I not made that clear?!" He said he raised his voice to an unnecessarily loud tone, looking into Felix's eyes as he said every word.

Causing the blonde to flinch a little, his eyes dilating at the sound of the frightening voice.

Hyunjins guilt began to rise when he noticed Felix's face. His lips were sort of quivering and his eyes were looking around so desperately to try and find some excuse to not look at hyunjin.

"I-I wouldn't have an attitude if you treated me like you loved me sometimes," Felix said he reached behind him at the doorknob, but this was before hyunjin forcefully pulled the blonde back, looking him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, I just got overstimulated and overwhelmed with everything. I'm trying okay, I'm sorry for yelling at you, I know you don't like it." Hyunjin said.

"It's okay, I was just being dramatic."

Yet, hyunjin watched as Felix slowly moved himself away from hyunjins embrace. His eyes falling as he left. He knew Felix was hurt by this.

That's all he ever did it seemed.

Was hurt Felix.


Uh ohh

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