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Jeongin swiped through the clothes at the mall. He wanted something light, as him and chan had a date tonight.

He hasn't really spoken to Felix in fears of the boys' judgemental comments that he has always had. He fixed his hair in the mirror between searches, trying to find much more to think besides the judgment.

Jeongins eyes began to look into the mirror harsher, looking at the background, noticing a rather familiar face.

It was minho.

Minho and their unfinished history.
Jeongin just looked down. Why didn't anything work for him. He was ignoring minho, sometimes jisung out of pure awkwardness.

He turned around in hopes of finding a different place to shop. But Minho was closer than the mirror appeared, and it only made him even more nervous.

Minho hadn't noticed him, so why was he caring so much? Jeongin just kept walking forward with his items he chose. His eyes lowered as he walked past minhos Lone's figure that only passed by him in the same moment.

"You can't ignore me forever," jeongin just shut his eyes and looked over his shoulder at minho. Minho was right. He couldn't. As it seemed, minho was everywhere he turned.

"Yeah, you're right." Jeongin said. He just stood more straight, pursing his lips in the same moment. Minho finally turned around, staring at jeongin for a moment.

"I heard you got back with him."

"Why is that what you guys only think about? He's not a bad person.. he's not like how he was."

"I didn't say that jeongin, it's just everything he's done to you it seemed you would have more self respect for yourself."

Jeongin nearly scoffed.

"I-I do have self-respect.."

"You went back to him, though."

"And jisung went back to you."

He said quickly. He held tightly on his objects he wanted to buy, strolling around to the checkout. He is leaving minho a little speechless.
What was that supposed to mean?

Jeongin didn't want to cause a scene in the middle of the clothing store. So he just bit his lip calmly and looked to the side as the lady scanned the objects, proceeding with the total.

Him and jisung haven't been doing well. It made him extremely nervous, only because he wasn't doing enough currently. He felt like he was messing up anytime he talked to jisung. Probably because he was.

They'd been together for over three months, and that argument stage has begun to hit.

He sometimes wanted to give up. Maybe them trying again wasn't meant to be. But he loved jisung, he couldn't just leave him after saying he wanted to try again.

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