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Felix felt as if he could cry. The campus he'd be going on looked humongous, so many guys and girls walking around infront of him, he could not believe he'd be going to this college.

"Hey lix, sorry I'm late."

Jisung smiled.

Approaching the blonde with curious but very tired and sleep deprived eyes. "Are you okay lately sung? You've been out of it." Felix questioned, he knew exactly what was going on. But knowing jisung, he would never tell him.

"Yeah. Just stayed up studying all night, don't worry." They didn't even have a upcoming test. It was the first day of there college.

Felix couldn't ignore the fact jisungs phone was ringing every 6 minutes they walked. Of course he looked at his messages, but he was just uneasy when he looked at them.

"Whose that? Did you find a boyfriend already?"

Felix teased.

"W-What? No! Y'know I don't believe in love."

"You did with minho."

Felix pointed out.

There was that look again, that Same uneasy look on his face. That let Felix know that something did happen between them and whatever it was hurt him greatly.

"Y-Yeah I guess."

Felix greeted hyunjin, hyunjin drove separately from him. He drove with minho, seungmin and chan. "Where jeongin?" Seungmin asked.

"He's already inside. He was helping his professor with something, I thought he would've told you?"

"No we got into a fight yesterday so he's been ignoring me." Seungmin shyly mentioned,"aw, a couple first fight." Hyunjin said, his voice high enough to cause a ring in someone's ear.

"Wheres minho?"

Jisung asked softly.

Hyunjin became silent, mostly everyone did. Knowing what was going on and how jisung practically got rejected.

"Ah, he's with someone right now."
Hyunjin said. "Oh okay." Jisung smiled a little, noticing the awkward air when he mentioned minho.
Felix bit his lower lip looking at jisung before grabbing his wrist.

"Let's go find jeongin mkay? Let him know class starts in 10." Jisung nodded, following behind Felix as they walked.

"Guys, whose gonna tell him?" Hyunjin said, he already felt guilty knowing minho had someone else whom he'd been talking to for quite some time. Which is why he's been rejecting jisung steadily. So he could talk to his crush.

"Just let him find out on his own."
Seungmin replied. Chan shrugged  when hyunjin looked at him, it wasn't like it was certainly his business but he would feel terrible guilt if he told jisung anyways.


Felix walked into his class. Noticing the people he was in, his major was psychology, he wanted to be a therapist. He wanted to help people,
He put his notebook down, a small nervous sigh. He didn't know any of his class mates for this year.


Felix quickly looked to his side, he regonized the voice. Smiling at his boyfriend,"what are you doing here?" Hyunjin sat down. They still had time to spare, Felix felt eyes on them though, looking over at a couple of girls who seemed to be giggling and taking a certian like to his boyfriend.

He frowned. They were very pretty,
Felix couldn't compete with that right? Infact there were alot of people who were looking at hyunjin.

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