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Jisung was sitting with his friends, but it seemed as if no one was really paying attention to other people, just themselves and their partners. Hyunjin and felix sitting together
The space between them was a little awkward, seungmin and jeongin. Jeongin hadn't really spoken to him most the night.

Minho was across the place they were sitting at. Except he was at the bar talking to some guy. Jisung gripped his thigh in frustration, he hated how minho smiled at someone else, he hated how the two basically flirted.

"Im going to go walk around maybe." Jisung lied, he needed a escape. He hated Seeing minho flirt with someone else. The same way he flirted with jisung. Felix nodded in approval, watching jisung step down. He couldn't lie he didn't want to be here, the only person who genuinely spoke to him was felix, he felt as if he was ignored most of the time.

Jisung decided to sit by himself, sitting down in a empty booth chair. His phone didn't have much battery so he didn't waste the percentage, so he was sitting alone, looking down at his lap.

"Why are you sitting alone?" Jisung just looked up quickly, staring at chan who was now sitting infront of him. Handing jisung a light percentage drink. He passed him a smile as well, he figured that jisung didn't remember alot of things from last night so he kept it silent.

"Just needed a moment to myself."

"Are you working tonight?"

Chan asked.

"No, why?" Jisung took a long sip of the beverage, waiting for chan to continue. "Do you remember anything about yesterday?" But chan was curious. Jisung was a totally different person yesterday.

Jisung just shrugged. He remembers details. But not the whole thing.

"Yeah, some things."

The two talked and talked with eachother, consuming at least 2 bottles of the achohol together. So they were both a little tipsy but aware of there surroundings.

"How long have you liked jeongin? I mean you two dated, right?" Jisung asked.

The air around them become awkward, chan took a breath and put the drink down, he basically slammed it down. Completely ruining the energy between them.

"We never dated."

Jisung just nodded, he looked around for a moment. "Do you still like minho? Did you ever date him." Chan asked, his voice mocking jisung completely. "Are you mocking me?" Jisung scoffed out, tilting his head. The tension angered between them. The conversations before were so much better.

But when he brought up someone like jeongin is became broken with anger.

"I mean, why else are you trying to get in my pants? Because I give you the same attention as minho did you, we all used to hang out together in school, I know how he treated you and how he truly felt towards you. He called you his toy Most of the time you realize that right?"

Jisung just looked away for a moment, looking towards minho who was now sitting alone.

Now he wondered, did minho ever love him? "N-No, he loved me, why would I believe you?" Jisung stuttered. "Jisung he never loved you, he was just bored, he even told us that." Jisung just stood up, passing a glare.

He ignored the fact chan was obviously looking at him with such annoyance as he walked away. He wanted to ask minho if it was true, but he was scared to even approach him. He was sitting alone so now would be the perfect time.

Jisung gathered himself and approached, it seemed minho himself didn't want to see jisung.

"Minho can I ask you something?"
Jisung slowly said. Biting his lower lip when minho looked back at him, he just sighed, it seemed he was rather frustrated though.

He hummed, waiting for a further response. Jisung looked down the bricked hallway towards the bedrooms.

"In private?"

Jisung requested.

Minho finally stood himself up, following behind jisung who was looking down to the floor, his heart was beating quickly very quickly when he stood face to face in the empty hallway.

"Did you ever love me?"

He hesitantly asked. Looking back up for a response to minhos eyes. He couldn't read a single thing, it seemed minho didn't even care he leaned against the wall, looking around at the scenery.

"Jisung, please, stop bothering me. Stop trying to talk to me, I'm moving on okay? I can't keep having you coming back into my live."

He harshly said.

"Can you please awsner the question.."

Jisung mumbled.

"No, jisung I never did."

He spat. Watching jisungs face fall, he turned pale, everything he went through. He thought. Every time he thought minho loved him. He was wrong. 100%.


"Minho, where should we eat? I'm starving!" Jisung asked a small giggle. He was walking underneath the street lights, hand and hand with minho. But as always minho looked uninterested. Jisung didn't see thus thought. He always thought minho wasn't a out going person, he thought Minho wasn't good at showing his emotions.

"Can't we eat at home jisung? I'm tired."

"Oh, yeah we can do that." Jisung smiled. A group of people from there very school was walking by, minho was quick to break the hands between them, just walking next to jisung as if they were good friends.
Jisung didn't understand why minho always did this. He ignores him sometimes in the hallway, or around other people at school and he sometimes barely texts jisung unless he's needy.

This is why today. Jisung decided to hang out, bc minho was always busy with school homework and things.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You always let go of my hand when people from school walk past?"

Minho stayed silent. He didn't response to jisungs question,"I guess it's just a coincidence, I'm sorry." Minho sweetly said. "Ah, okay!" Jisung smiled.

He was so oblivious.


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