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Jisung felt his blood pressure rise, he was walking with minho trailing behind him, he had left Felix and jeongin behind, well, Felix left leaving jeongin and chan.

Jisung felt as if minho had something to tell him.

He pulled him to the side, looking at him with strong eyes.

"Why can't I stop thinking about you?"

"What? - are you drunk?"

He was.

Minho was clearly tipsy.

"That's not the point jisung, you're in my mind. I want you."

Jisung blinked, watching minho slightly hug him. "Minho, you have a boyfriend.. you don't know what your talking about." Jisung removed him, but it seems minho didn't care.

"I do know what I'm saying, I tried to move on from you, but I can't, I wanted to start a new life with someone new but you.. you aren't leaving my mind."

"Minho, you've been rejecting me steadily and steadily what do you mean.."

Jisung scoffed.

His mind caught reality he was speaking to a drunk guy who didn't know what he was saying.

"I know." He slurred, leaning against the wall. He just frowned at himself whining as well, he was being a total softie, if only he was like this when he wasn't drunk.

"Minho, we should get back." Jisung said softly, he grabbed the other man's wrist attempting to pull him towards the crowd. But minho refrained, pulling jisung closer.

"Stay with me."

"No, minho please you have a boyfriend, you don't even love me stop making me feel like this."

Jisung slightly yelled.

He was almost off the edge with all of this. He loved minho, he knew minho didn't like him back. It hurt, knowing that minho was attempting to lead him on like this. He had been holding it in for a long time, every emotion. It was just slowly coming up, all the times he fake smiled for his friends but went home with a different feeling each time.

Minho only let go of him, he scoffed.
"Fine, sorry." He said, his words were giving out due to the fact he was a bit tipsy. Jisung reached into minhos pocket, grabbing his phone, luckily he hasn't changed his password.

He couldn't leave minho here drunk like this, it was almost dangerous. He wasn't gonna call minhos boyfriend, he was feeling petty about that.

"Hey, seungmin can you come drive minho home? Check on jeongin too I had to leave him for a second."

Minho just leaned into jisungs shoulder, his arms wrapping around jisungs waist. "Yeah, he's being a little clingy so -" jisung pushed him off, gently so he was against the wall again.

"Jisung, why are you making me go home?" Minho whined. "Because, it's safer when your not like this around people."

"Aren't you working today? Why are you worried about me?" Minho asked in confusion. Jisung of course didn't respond, he was waiting until seungmin approached to finally walk off back to jeongin.

He didn't even know why he was caring so much about a jerk who could care less about him. Let alone attempt to lead him on.

"Minho how much did you drink? Seriously." Jisung sighed in relief when seungmin approached. But he looked absolutely pissed, his tone was as if he was scolding minho.

"Who pissed in your cereal?" Jisung asked. "It's nothing, i want to leave now so let's go." Seungmin recalled, he dragged minho through the crowd. Leaving jisung to be alone, he just sighed in frustration. His heart was racing against his chest.

"Aish there you are."

Jisung looked at Felix who approached him. He looked a mess almost, most of all the slight marks on his exposed collarbones. Jisungs eyebrows raised. "So, I'm guessing you had fun."

Felix became flustered.

"Don't mention it! Where's minho, I saw you two leave together."

"He was sort of tipsy and i didn't want him here alone, because I have to leave a little earlier, so I asked seungmin to pick him up."

"Are you alright with minho moving on?"

Jisung became silent, letting the loud music over come the both of them.
Jisung just smiled a little,"yeah, it's okay, I'm glad he's happy."

"What about you? When are you gonna move on?"

"Oh come on lix, I'm gonna remain single until my death bed." Felix rolled his eyes. "You won't." Felix encouraged. As many guys that wanted jisung, yet jisung was stuck on one. It was annoying to notice.


jeongin slowly knocked on seungmins door. Apprantly seungmin had already gathered jeongins belongings, putting them by the door inside.

Plus jeongin wanted to talk with him as well. He just hated the fact chan had to be with him, infact he drove jeongin here by himself.

Seungmin opened the door, revealing himself.


Jeongin smiled a little.

Yet there was nothing to smile about, it was like seungmin was annoyed by jeongins presence.

"If you didn't like me you could've just said that."

"W-What?" Jeongin asked, he had stepped into the house, he was very familiar with. "Im glad you and your new boyfriend are having fun together, switching from relationship to relationship isn't healthy, especially with him."

Seungmin muttered the last bit, yet it was loud enough for jeongin to hear.

"We aren't dating."

Jeongin pointed out.

"Then why do you let him fuck you? I mean I thought you liked taking things slow you did that with me, so why aren't you doing it with him?"

"Seungmin stop, please." Jeongin mumbled, he grabbed his things quickly. He wanted to dissappear completely. Seungmin just watched him walk away, he had noticed the tears rolling down his face.

He had also noticed how completely deprived he looked. Sleep was what he was lacking. Why was he crying? He nearly didn't deserve to cry. But he was feeling slightly overwhelmed, plus he hated being yelled at.

He took a deep breath when he entered chans car, wiping his tears quickly, so chan wouldn't notice.
"We're you crying?" Shit. Jeongin just nodded, he watched chan lean himself over, dragging his thumb across jeongins face wiping the tears that were vulnerable enough to fall once more.

"It's okay." He said quietly. "Y-Yeah." Jeongin blushed. But all of a sudden chan just stopped, he scoffed at himself, quickly putting his hands back onto the steering wheel.

Was chan becoming soft?



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