My Heart Got Hijacked By You - Part 1

145 12 4

17th August 1986


Brian's POV

"Yes...that's the one..."  I advised as the clerk touched the box for the vintage airplane model I wanted.  He pulled it from the stack and I paid for the model kit.  Smiling as I left the shop.  I had found the plastic model kit I wanted for my Dad.  Something to occupy him since he couldn't do as much these days.  He needed something to do with his hands that wasn't too taxing on him.  I remembered the stories he told about this plane from his days in the service and thought he would enjoy building one.  As I went to leave the model shop I saw a model for an Austin Healey Sprite automobile.  A convertible and the same time period as the car I had bought Roger all those years ago.  I smiled seeing it but felt a sadness well up in me.  So many memories flooding my head as I turned and left the shop.

I spotted a phone booth and stepped inside.  I was running late and wanted to let Chrissie know when to expect me.  My errands this morning had gone long.  I dialed the number for the house and waited.  Knowing she would be cross with me.  This pregnancy and the resulting morning sickness left her tired and easily irritated.  I got the answering machine and left a quick message saying I was on my way home and apologizing for being later than I had planned.

As I drove home guilt filled me up.  I had been avoiding home a lot since the tour ended.  Between Chrissie being in a foul mood and Jimi only be interested in going to his friends I had found reasons to leave most days.  Not all days, but most.  Using the new country house as an excuse mostly.  Needing to meet builders or needing to visit my parents.  I did feel bad and actually made a quick stop on the way home and grabbed a bouquet of flowers.  Wanting to offer something of consolation to Chrissie.  I parked the car and went in and found the house empty.

I went to the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase.  Planning to surprise her when she returned.  I spotted a note on the kitchen table and picked it up.  Dropping the flowers on the counter as I read her hastily scribbled words.


I started having some pain and discharge and have gone to the doctors.  My appointment is at 3pm.   Iris is taking me since you're not home yet.  


My stomach twisted reading it and I worried something was wrong.  I checked my watch and saw it was 2:50.  I immediately picked up the phone and called the doctor's office.  The number on a list next to the kitchen phone. I explained to the receptionist that I had just got Chrissie's note and was on my way to the doctor's office now.  She said she would let Chrissie know.  I hung up and rushed to my car.  Driving as fast as was safe to the doctors.  Feeling terrible for not coming home sooner and glad Chrissie's friend Iris was able to help out.  She could at least sit with Louisa while Chrissie saw the doctor.  I arrived and rushed to the floor where the office was.  Walking in to find Iris seated in the waiting area with my daughter.

"Iris...I am so sorry..."  I said a bit out of breath as she looked at me. 

"It's okay...go on back...I've got Louisa..."  she told me.  

"Thank you for being here..."  I replied as the receptionist buzzed for the nurse.  I was taken back to the room and the door was opened and I saw Chrissie sitting on the exam table wearing a paper gown.  She had tears in her eyes and my stomach twisted at the sight of it.

"Are you okay?"  I asked her as the door was closed behind me.  She shook her head and I went over.  Reaching for her hand.  

"I was certain of it when I left the house...but the doctor just confirmed..." Chrissie told me.  "I've miscarried..."  she said as I pulled her into my arms.  Feeling horrible about the news.

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