Hot Space...Let's Go! Part 2

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20th December 1981


Roger's POV

Things were a bit better in the studio but I observed Brian struggling.  He and Deacy found a way to move forward and get on with recording.  A strain remained between them but it was a manageable one. I knew I needed to make our holiday break from work a really good one.  We flew home and began focusing on Christmas and I had no idea what to get him as a gift.  I called Clare and we decided to go shopping together.  She knows him so well and could help me out.  I picked her up at her flat and we headed for some shops in Mayfair.

"Are you thinking of something unique?  One of a kind?"  Clare asked as walked from the car down the pavement towards a street of Antique shops.  I shrugged.  

"I don't know...I'm really at a loss this year..."  I confessed.  Clare smiled and stopped me to peer into the window display of the first shop.

"You can't go wrong if you get him something stereoscopic..."  Clare remarked as we both scanned the curiosities in the window.  

"Good idea...."  I replied as we continued strolling the pavement.  The weather was decent for walking at the moment but was going to turn colder with rain and possibly snow later on.  I felt rushed to make a decision and find something.    "I guess we need to make it quick...with the weather turning lousy..."  I commented.  Clare put her arm around mine as we walked and leaned into my side.

"Don't worry...we'll come up with something..."  We chatted and went to a few stores and I found nothing that garnered my interest.  I was beginning to feel a bit panicked as we stepped out of a  book shop empty handed.  I noticed the air had got colder and the sky was beginning to look a little threatening.

"I have a bad feeling I'm not going to find something before we have to seek shelter..."  I told my sister.  We kept walking as I tried to wrap my scarf a little tighter around my neck.  The skies were getting darker.  We both felt a few drops of cold rain and began to move faster as Clare pulled her umbrella out.  "Shit!"  I cried out as we both began running to the nearest building for shelter.  I pulled open the door to the first business we found and stepped inside.  Clare had not quite got her umbrella open so she closed it and tucked it inside her bag as we surveyed our sanctuary from the frigid rain.   It was a travel agency.  A few other people were standing around and looking over some travel brochures.  

"At least we have something nice to occupy us why we wait out the rain..."  Clare remarked as she walked over to the wall and pulled a copy of a brochure for a tour of Italy.  I joined her and watched as she flipped through the booklet.  I glanced around at the other people and noticed the travel agents speaking to some customers.  I couldn't complain about missing out on shopping at the moment.  We were mostly dry and warm.   "I'd love to visit Tuscany..."  Clare commented as she pointed to a page in her brochure.  I saw a photo of the Italian countryside and it did look inviting.  We had not actually played any shows in Italy and hoped to make it there someday.  I looked out the front windows of the shop and saw the rain was really coming down.  I sighed and realized I wasn't going to find a present today.  Clare heard my noise.  "Sorry you're delayed in shopping..."  Clare told me as she nudged my side with her elbow and returned the brochure to the wall.  

"It's's not like I knew what to get him anyway..."  I said quietly.  Clare leaned against a blank spot on the wall and looked at me. 

"Let's try and brainstorm while we wait...what does Brian want?"  she asked me.  Well - what Brian wanted right now was something I couldn't give him for Christmas.

"What he wants is for things to be different in the studio right  now....and that's not something I can give him..."  I replied.  Clare gave me a sympathetic smile.   "And as far as anything else he might want...he probably already has it...."  I pointed out.  "That's the downside of having lots of tend to get what you want right when you want it...."  I explained.  "It ruins Christmas!"  I said to be a bit dramatic and Clare chuckled at me.

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