It's An Illusion - Part 3

331 24 13

26th May 1983

Surrey / London

Brian's POV

"I really like that fill..."  I told Gary, the drummer.  "Let's run this again..."  I suggested. I turned and looked at Mack who nodded approval and I smiled at his encouragement.  Mack leaned over and pressed the button on the tape machine and we began again.

It felt kind of wild to be a producer for another group.  I had been flattered when Jim Beach contacted me to advise that Polydor records had a new heavy rock act and asked if I was interested in producing some tracks for them.  They liked my work and knew Queen had self produced a lot so they offered and I accepted.  I needed something to do as I was growing restless being away from music.  I had called Mack in Munich for some advice and he told me he was free right now so he flew over to sit in with us.  It helped me with my confidence and actually improved my relationship with Mack.  We had been at odds when we first met but now we seemed to understand each other better.  I liked working with him and he let me steer the session.  

This was my third day in the studio with Heavy Pettin.  They are from Glasgow and I enjoyed hearing their accents.  Since my mother is Scottish it felt a bit like home.  We got acquainted and began work on the backing track for a song titled, 'Shout It Out.'    I felt we were close to getting the best possible sound and wanted a few more takes that Mack and I could use for mixing.  When we completed the run through I checked the clock and saw it was about time for a planned visit.

"Do you want to call it a day?"  I asked the group over the intercom.  The men all nodded as a few lit some cigarettes and started packing up their things.  They came through and we agreed to a start time for the next session and they left.  I walked them out and said goodbye and returned to the studio.  I resumed my seat and got busy with Mack at the mixing board.  About 20 minutes later the door to the control room opened and Tiger Lily came bounding in.

"Hey poppet!"  I said as she came over to me.  She stopped when she saw Mack and stared at him.  They had never met before. Jimi arrived next and was a bit shy as he stepped in the room.  Mia and Clare were right behind him.  

"Mack...I'd like you to meet Tiger Lily...."  I announced.  He smiled at her.

"It's nice to finally meet you...I've heard a lot about you..."  Mack said to her and she smiled in return.

"You're from Germany....right?"  she asked him.  He nodded at her.

"Yes...I work with your parents in Munich..."  he confirmed in his distinct accent.   I appreciated Mack referring to Roger and myself as parents.  I gestured towards my son.

"This is Jimi...."  I announced and gestured for him to come over.  He hesitated a little but was coaxed by Clare so he walked towards us.

"Jimi...can you say hello to my friend Mack?"  I asked him politely.  He stared at Mack and then finally spoke.

"Hi...."  he said quietly.  

"Hello Jimi..."  Mack replied.   "I've heard about you too..."  he commented.  Jimi's gaze moved over to the mixing board and his eyes grew wide with curiosity.

"What is that?"  Jimi asked as he pointed at the board.  I realized he had not been around a studio that much and wasn't familiar with it.  Mack and I both swiveled around in our chairs and I gave Mack a look to take over and show him.

"This is our mixing board...."  Mack began to explain as Jimi walked up to it and got a closer look.  "It is where we put everything together to make a song..."  Mack stated as he pointed to some of the knobs and levers.   I quickly introduced Mia and Clare and Tiger Lily climbed into my lap as Jimi stood and listened to Mack explain what you can do with the board. 

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