My Life Has Been Saved - Part 1

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A/N -   just a reminder this is complete fiction despite some factual events happening in this chapter.


5th Nov 1987

London to Miami

Deacy's POV

"Right this way Mr. Deacon."  the attendant told me.  I smiled and nodded and kept hold of my bag as I walked down the corridor towards the plane.  It was nice to escape the photographers and reporters as I disappeared into the quiet of the loading bridge.  

I had received an invitation to fly on the inaugural flight for Virgin Airlines from London to Miami Florida.  Since I had nothing else going on and had grown a bit bored at home, I accepted the offer.  Ronnie and the kids remained home since the children were in school.  I only planned to fly over and stay a day or two in the city.  Just interested in a break from home life.  Surprisingly missing travel.  

Welcome aboard."  the pilots told me as I stepped onto the plane.  I smiled and thanked them.

"We have you right here."  the attendant advised as she escorted me to a business class seat.  Taking my bag and putting it up in the hold as I took my seat.  Another attendant appeared with a glass of champagne which I accepted from her. 

The seat next to mine was soon occupied by a businessman who received his champagne and got settled in.  We both quietly people watched as others boarded the plane.

"I wonder what celebrities will be aboard?"  the man asked out loud as we observed the plane entrance.  I fought a smirk as I realized he did not know who I am.

"I'm keen to see myself."  I replied.  Appearing just as curious as he was.  I did note a few familiar faces as the plane finished boarding and the doors closed.  There was a nice speech given over the intercom by the pilot commemorating the flight and then a video from Richard Branson played on the large television screens installed in the plane walls.  Welcoming us aboard and thanking us for being part of Virgin history.

"Have you ever met Branson?"  the man next to me suddenly inquired.  I pondered whether to answer truthfully.  I had known Richard since 1976 when he sponsored our Hyde Park concert.

"I have actually."  I replied.  Getting a look of surprise and delight from the man.  

"Are you in the airline business?"  he asked me.

"No.  I work in the music business."  I responded. Enjoying being vague.

"What do you do in the music business?"  he then asked me.  I smirked as I decided on my answer.  Knowing he wanted to hear I worked for a record label or was a producer or video director.  Maybe even for Virgin Records.

"I help run a music based firm.  I spend a lot of time looking at the accounting."  I replied.  I could see that wasn't something he was interested in.  I was relieved as I wasn't interested in a long conversation about Queen.

"What do you do?"  I asked to be polite.  

"I'm in insurance."  he advised.  Instantly losing my interest.

"That's nice."  I remarked as I saw they were starting a film on the television screen.  I picked up my headphones.   "I'm going to watch the film."  I said as I put them on.  He did the same and I enjoyed blocking him out along with the rest of the world as I watched Dirty Dancing.

The plane eventually landed and we were handed our bags as we left the plane.

"You here to do some work?"  the man asked me as we walked down the bridge together.  

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