Don't Lose Your Head - Part 4

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A/N -  A quick warning about mild violence.  

11th November 1985


Voyeurs POV

"Yeah...I've got to talk to Brian about the holidays..." Roger told Freddie and Deacy.  They were seated in the control booth waiting on their bandmate to arrive.  All 3 had cigarettes dangling from their fingers and a can of Coke nearby.

"Are you going to try and sneak off together again?"  Deacy inquired.  Roger appeared reticent.

"I'm not step Dad hasn't got back to me yet with a report on my father..."  Roger advised.

"I hope you can manage least for the children..."  Freddie wished.  Roger smiled as he picked up his can of Coke.

"Me too..."  Roger agreed.  They dropped the topic when the engineer for the session appeared in the room.  Martin was a professional but didn't need to know their private business. 

"I guess we can start on the overdubs..."  Freddie suggested.  Standing up from the sofa and walking to the mixing board.

"Alright..."  Roger advised.  He got up and grabbed his can of Coke as he walked into the recording booth.  Going straight for the drums as Deacy followed and reached for his bass.

"It's odd for Brian to be this late..."  Deacy stated as he took a seat on a stool in the recording booth.  Looking over at Roger.  

"I'm sure he'll call if he's going to be any later..."  Roger advised.  The two of them began setting up to work on overdubs for 'A Kind of Magic.'    Roger was bent over fine tuning one of his snares when he heard someone approaching.  He stood up to see Brian had arrived and watched him walk briskly right into the drum booth.

"You're late!"  Roger declared as Brian glared at him.

"And you're a fucking liar!"  Brian spat back.  Roger glared at him.  Instantly on the defense.

"What the hell are you talking about?"  Roger asked.  Unsure what he was referring to.

"You didn't tell me about Dominique!"  Brian informed him as he placed his hands on his hips.  His entire body expressing his disdain with this husband.

"What about Dom?"  Roger questioned, but had a feeling he knew what Brian was referring to and his heart began sinking.

"She's pregnant!"  Brian answered in a short tone.  "You are having another baby with her and it hasn't even been three months since she gave birth!"  he explained in a judgmental manner.

"Her getting pregnant wasn't planned Brian..."  Roger tried to point out.  "It was an accident..."  he argued.  Seeing Brian was livid about the situation and not entirely sure why.

"And I suppose you not telling me she was pregnant was planned!"  Brian shot back.  "That apparently is not an accident because I wasn't told about it...but Chrissie was!  By Dom herself!"  he practically shouted.   Roger saw Deacy motioning to the recording booth and Freddie was coming inside as the engineer was clearly asked to leave.  Martin disappeared from the control room.

"Why don't you try and calm down and we can talk about this..."  Roger attempted as he tried to quell Brian's anger.

"Yes Brian...I think you need to calm down..."  Freddie chimed in as he stepped just inside the doorway to the drum booth.

"I don't want to calm down!"  Brian argued back.  His hands gesturing madly as his anger grew.   "You fucking lied to me!"  he repeated.  Ignoring Freddie's presence as he focused on Roger.

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