This Is Where We Are Today...People Going Separate Ways - Part 3

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A/N - Just another friendly reminder that I don't always follow the timelines to the exact letter. 

I want to state that this is fiction and my representation of Eddie Van Halen in this chapter is based on a lot of reading about him during this time period.  I love Eddie and have immense respect for him.  He is human and lived the life of a hard core rocker during the 80's.  I feel my depiction is fair and I apologize if anyone is offended by it.  I know he just passed and this is not meant to diminish his memory.  Thanks

4th January 1983

Surrey England

Brian's POV

"I love you..."  Roger told me in a whisper as I held him in my arms and thrust into him from behind.  He was leaving early in the morning for Montreux and we had laid in bed talking about his plans for his record and our time apart.  It had eventually shifted to snogging but in a lazy comfortable way.  Soon I had Roger laying on his side as I laid behind him.  It felt intimate and so familiar in the best possible way to make love to him as I cradled him to me.  We have enjoyed this position since our first time and he had turned his head so that we could continue kissing as we were connected together.  I loved the feel of his soft skin, warm back and the scent of his hair close to my face.  Savoring every movement into him and knowing it would be a while before we would be together like this again.  I lifted Roger's leg and gently rolled him onto his back as I shifted myself to be between his legs.  I bent over him and ran my hand up his chest as I resumed moving inside him.  Feeling the intensity building between us.  Pressing our mouths together; both of us making sounds of desire and contentment.  We soon finished and just stayed still; looking at each other and smiling with bliss.

"That was nice..."  Roger told me as we shared some soft kisses.  I remained inside him and lowered myself onto him and rested my head against his shoulder.  He hugged me close and I sighed heavily.  Wishing he wasn't leaving so soon. 

"I wish we could stay like this forever..."  I told him quietly as I breathed him in.


"Have you given anymore thought as to whether you might do some work while I'm gone?"  Roger asked me as we waited for his car to arrive to take him to the airport.  His luggage was standing by the door and he was pulling on his coat. 

"I don't know..." I said; being non-committal.  "I think I'll just play it by ear..."  Roger looked disappointed but I smiled at him.  "I promise I will find something to keep me occupied..." I assured him.  "Don't worry about me..."  I said and tried to look confident as he accepted my response.  Roger looked like he was going to say something and then his face softened and he smiled.

"Alright..."  he replied.  I could hear his car pulling up to the front drive.  "That's my car..."  he announced.  He pulled me to him and we shared a lingering kiss.  I embraced him and held him close for a moment.  We parted as there was a knock on the door.  I stood back in my robe and watched as Roger answered the door and the driver took one of his bags.  He waved to me before stepping out.  "Love you..."  he mouthed to me as he left the house.  I watched the door close behind him.

I went back upstairs and was walking towards my bedroom when I saw Tiger Lily standing in her doorway.  She looked up at me. 

"Is Papa gone?"  she asked me.  I nodded to her and she walked towards me.  She took my hand and walked with me to my bedroom.  Without a word we both crawled into the bed and she snuggled into my side as I pulled the blankets up over us and closed my eyes. 

5th January 1983

"I'm almost finished..."  I told Tiger Lily as she held her foot still for me.  I got the final bit of dark pink nail varnish on her tiny pinky toe and checked to make sure it was completely covered.  "All done!"  I told her and she leaned over to examine her toes and determine if I did an acceptable job.  

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