It's An Illusion - Part 4

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A/N - Watch for changes in the POV in this chapter.  The photo above is the Montreux Palace Hotel  This is where Queen often stayed when in town.  This was before they began to use the infamous Duck House.

18th June 1983

Montreux Switzerland

Roger's POV

I finished my track in the studio and decided to call it a day.  I had been fighting a headache since morning and finally gave in to it.  Dave was wrapping things up as I grabbed my bag and found Crystal.   "I'm heading out..."  I announced.  

"Don't forgot that Brian May called for you..."  Dave told me as I went for the door.  I nodded to him.

"I'll call him from my hotel...thanks..." I replied.  We had not told Dave about us,so I kept things professional.  Crystal and I headed out to the rental car and he slipped in the driver's seat.  

"Do you need to stop for anything?"  he asked.  I shook my head as I rubbed my temples.  Grateful for my sunglasses on this bright afternoon.  

"No...just want to lay down for a head is still throbbing..."  I mumbled as Crystal started the car and took off.    He arrived at the hotel and we parted ways as I entered my suite.  I shed my clothes and decided on a shower to try and shake off my headache.  I put on a robe and turned off the room lights as I laid on the bed and closed my eyes.  Hoping for a respite from my cranial torture.

I fell asleep at some point and woke up to just a dull presence of pain in my skull and a rumbling stomach.  My appetite had been marred by my head earlier today.  I got up and found the room service menu and called for something to eat.  I got some water and drank half a glass before I remembered I needed to call Brian.  I picked up the phone and sighed heavily.  


"It's me..."

"Hey Rog...about time you called..." Brian sounded annoyed; which only served to make me annoyed.  

"Sorry...I finished at the studio but have had a killer headache all day and I came back to the hotel to lay down and I fell asleep..."  I reported and rubbed at my temples as I rested the phone against my shoulder.

"Any better?"  Brian asked me in a nicer tone.  I appreciated his empathy.

"Yes...not completely gone though..."  I responded.  "Dave said you called...what's up?"  I asked as I decided to lay down on the bed again.

"I wanted to talk to you about something...but to be honest...if you've got a headache now is not the time..."  he answered.  I instantly wondered what he wanted to discuss that might be marred by my headache.  

"What is it Brian?"  I asked him.  "Just tell me anyway..."  I requested.  

"It can wait for another time..."  he said but I knew from his tone that it was something pressing at him.  I didn't need him stewing about it so I pressed him for it.

"Go ahead...really...I mean it..."  I said with a bit more enthusiasm in my voice.  Brian sighed in the phone and it went right through me.

"No...because you'll just be annoyed with me and we'll probably get into a fight..."  he grumbled.  I was annoyed now that he had already started a battle to get to the heart of why he called.

"Just fucking tell me already!"  I shouted as I lost my patience with him.  

"Fine!"  he shouted back.  "Were you going to tell me that you went to Paris with Dominique?"  he suddenly questioned. I don't know how he knew about the trip but I guess it didn't matter.  He knows.  

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