You Know I'm Talking Of Love - Part 1

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17th June 1987

Los Angeles 

Brian's POV

"This almost feels normal."  Anita remarked as we walked out of LAX airport together.  I was pushing the luggage cart as she strolled beside me.  Putting her sunglasses on to manage the intense sunshine.  Her curly auburn hair styled to perfection and her makeup pristeen despite her long flight.  She had to have freshened up before landing.

"It's one of the reasons I like coming here."  I told her.  "We're not as recognizable in America so it's nice to just be a regular person."  I observed.  We reached the car and I loaded her cases in while she got in the passenger seat.  I took off and headed for the house.  Showing Anita different points of interest that we passed as I drove.  She got her first look at the Pacific ocean and leaned out the car window.  Enthralled with the oceanside view.

"Wow! This is gorgeous!"  Anita declared as I pulled the car up to the house.  

"Wait until you see our little patch of beach!"  I told her.  I left her cases in the car and we went into the house.  Showing her around and then heading out back so she could see the covered patio and the private beach available to us.  I opened the back doors and we walked past the pool down to the sandy beach.  It was quiet and the sun was shining and a light breeze was blowing.  The water looked serene and inviting.  I could see she loved it.

"This is better than some resort."  Anita stated as she walked down towards the ocean wearing a bright smile.  "Oh this is just marvelous!"  she said as she turned and lifted up and kissed my cheek.  "Thank you for inviting me here."  

"You're welcome."  I replied and instantly was happy I had decided to make her the offer.  "Let me get your cases."  I said as I began walking back towards the house.

"I'll help!"  she called as she rushed to catch up to me.   "I can carry one." she offered.  "There is no help here.  Just us regular people."  she teased with a laugh as we returned to the car to get her things.


Anita looked over the menu at the Mexican restaurant and I explained what some of the dishes were.  Finding it fun to show her a new type of food.  She decided to try some enchiladas and I ordered some cheese ones for myself.  There was mariachi music playing over the speakers and Anita looked around admiring the waitresses wearing colorful cotton dresses.  I enjoyed observing her discovering a new experience and felt privileged I could give it to her.

"Muchas gracias."  I told the waitress as she set down our margaritas.  I picked mine up and raised it in the air as Anita did the same.  "Welcome to Los Angeles!"  I toasted as we both had a sip.

"Oh!  That's really good!"  Anita declared.  Having another sip.  Running her finger over the salt on the rim of her glass.  Wearing her big bold smile as she looked at me.

"I like how many different kinds of food you can get here."  I remarked as I had a sip of my drink.  "I like variety when I can get it."  I said as she appeared amused by my words.

"I wouldn't say that applies to your shoes though."  Anita responded as she set her glass down and peered over the edge of the table.  I stuck my leg out.  Showing my white clog.

"What about my shoes?" I questioned.  

"Every time I've seen're wearing those clogs."  she mentioned.  "Didn't those go out of style around 1975?"  she asked me.  I shrugged.  Peering down at my beloved shoes.

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