It's An Illusion - Part 1

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There is a new point of view in this chapter.

1st March 1983

Los Angeles

Dominic's POV

It was fascinating to watch up close.  I didn't care that Roger was involved with another man.  These things never mattered to me.  But I had never witnessed a relationship like theirs and I found it touching and sweet.  Brian seemed fragile and Roger was so attentive and loving with him.  And they were both so natural and affectionate with the children.  Their children.  It is so odd that they have kids.  It wasn't something I had ever seen with other gay couples I know.  How they managed to have them was something I was intrigued by.  What I did know was that their relationship was definitely something to keep private.  This becoming public knowledge would certainly damage their careers to the point of no return.  

Brian had been quite upset about the article printed about his accident and hospital visit.   He worried that the people who had leaked the story had possibly revealed his and Roger's relationship to a reporter.  I had scoured the newspapers and magazines and found nothing to indicate that was the case.  I also placed a phone call to someone in London who was a trusted source of news and gossip surrounding the music scene in the UK and Europe.  If anything was stirring she would know.  Patti said she would check into it and to call back in 24 hours.  The time had passed and I picked up the phone to call her.

"Patti Dunn..."  

"Hi's Dominique...I was checking back in with you..."

"Hi Dom!  I guess no news is good news...there is nothing in the papers here and I heard from a few sources they were aware of the story about Brian May but it didn't pass muster for any real interest no one printed it..."  

"And there was no mention of Roger Taylor?"  I questioned.

"No...just the story about Brian... and the usual stuff about Queen in general..." 

"Wonderful!  Thanks Patti...I will take you to lunch when I get back..."

"I look forward to it...take care..."


I hung up feeling confident no one had mentioned Brian's remarks to any news reporter.  If they had it would be bursting all over the gossip pages by now.  I couldn't wait to tell Roger and Brian and switched off the light in the study.  It was late and I was certain everyone had gone to bed so I was quiet as I walked down the hall.  I noticed a light in the kitchen and heard voices.  I went to see who it was and then realized it was Roger and Brian.  I prepared to announce myself but stopped and listened to them.

"I called Mum and told her we would be home for Jimi's birthday..."  Roger said.  "We need to put some plans together for his party..."  he told Brian.  I peered through the crack of the door and saw Brian leaning against the counter and drinking a glass of water.  Roger was next to him and reached over and tugged at one of Brian's low hanging curls.  A smile spread across Brian's face at the gesture.  "It's a shame Jimi never really got your curls..."  Roger commented as he played with the clump of hair.

"You never know...people's hair can change as they get older..."  Brian replied and set his glass down and pulled Roger closer to him.  "He's got too much Taylor in him..."  Brian said and I remembered that Clare is Jimi's mother.  I was impressed with how they had managed to create a cover for their relationship and went as far as Brian and Clare having a child to project the idea they are a couple.  I would have to ask Roger about that when the opportunity presented itself.

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