This is Where We Are Today...People Going Separate Ways - Part 4

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A/N -   I know it's been a while since this was updated.  When we last visited this story, Brian had got quite drunk and slipped in the bathroom and hit his head on the back of the toilet.  

A reminder that I am not a medical expert.

20th February 1983

Los Angeles CA

Brian's POV

"Shit Brian!  Are you okay?"  I could faintly hear someone asking me this.  "Hey man...wake up!"  Whoever it was, they were telling me to wake up.  I hadn't realized I was asleep.  I wondered if my eyes were just closed.  I willed myself to open them and my eyes were shocked by the harsh light.  I blinked several times to adjust to the intensity and immediately felt I had a horrible headache.  I tried to reach up to touch my head and felt so out of it.  

"You're awake!"  someone else said.  "Thank god!"  they said next.  "Don't touch your're bleeding..."   As soon as I heard these words I felt the warm wet spot on my head.  It was painful to touch and I brought my hand down to see it smeared with blood.    

"Ow!" I said and felt worried as I realized I had hurt myself.  I looked up to see Fred Mandel peering down at me.  Next to him was Eddie.  Both of them looked concerned. 

"You okay?" Eddie asked me.  I was laying on my back and I wanted to try and sit up.  I lifted my arms up and Eddie grabbed hold of one to help me.

"Don't move him!"  Fred shouted at us.  "He might have a head injury....a concussion...or hurt his back or spine or something..."  Fred remarked as Eddie refrained from helping me.   Panic rose up in me in hearing this.  

"What happened?"  I asked them and Eddie gestured towards the toilet.

"I don't came in here to use the john and I heard something and came in and found you on the were out!"  Eddie was telling me I had passed out.  I must have hit my head on something because it hurt and there was blood.  I looked at my hand again and groaned.

"Here...I'll clean your hand up..."  Fred told me as he grabbed my hand and used a towel to wipe the blood away..."  he looked me in the eyes; appearing worried.  " They called an don't move...alright?"  he then said.  "Just in case you're really hurt...."  I realized that I might be seriously injured and remained laying flat on my back.  I know my eyes went wide at the news.  

"I'm going to go wait for the ambulance at the door..."  Eddie announced.  "Hang in there Brian..."  He patted my leg and then got up from the floor and smiled at me,  He left the bathroom.  Fred took hold of my hand and gave me an encouraging look.

"You're going to be okay Brian...the ambulance should be here any minute..."  he said in a gentle voice.  The reality of the situation hit me and I began to get emotional.  The last time I had been in an ambulance was when I was taken off the plane in London and was put in hospital for weeks.  I almost died.  The panic I already felt escalated as the memories and feelings of that time flooded back to me.   I began to cry and felt overwhelmed with a sense of dread.  I was going to go to the hospital and something could be horribly wrong with me. 

"I want Roger..."  I suddenly blurted out and tears spilled from my eyes as my mouth trembled and I felt really nauseous.  My head was throbbing and I really thought I might pass out again.  The thought of it freaked me out.  What if I pass out and have a concussion and never wake up?   

" know Roger isn't you want me to try and call someone else?"  Fred asked me as there was commotion in the hallway.  Eddie reappeared in the doorway.

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