Action This Day

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18th September 1987

Cheltenham England

Roger's POV

There he was.  Laying helpless in a hospital bed and oxygen being fed through a cannula in his nose.  His eyes were closed and he looked 10 years older than last time I saw him.  His face somewhat slack and his mouth the same.  Drooping deeply on the left side.  He was raised up in the bed and propped up by some pillows.  Some under his arms and his legs were supported as well.  It was obvious he was truly immobile.  Truly incapacitated.  When I took a step closer he opened his eyes.  They went wider seeing me there.

"Hello father."  I spoke to him.  Watching as he tried to move his mouth.  Some garbled noise coming from it as he attempted to speak.  I could see him trying to move his arms as well and struggling.  Barely lifting his right one a little before it fell.  Despite not being able to say a word, the expression in his eyes told me he knew the score.  He knew the game was up.

"I guess under the circumstances I will be doing all the talking."  I declared as I came over and sat down in the chair next to his bed.  Looking straight into his piercing eyes and enjoying this.  He made another garbled sound which only proved to me I had his silence.  

"I wanted you to be the first to know that Brian and I are back together and we plan to live the rest of our days that way.  With our children and with the love and support of our mothers." I stated.  "I also plan to discontinue my payments to you and am delighted to find you aren't going to have anything to say on the topic!"  I declared with a smug grin. My father's eyes narrowed and I could feel his disdain at the turn of events.  I stood up.  Not interested in the sight of him any longer and having told him what I needed to.  

"I guess this is goodbye."  I remarked as I got up and leaned closer to him.  "Enjoy the rest of your days."  I told him.  "I'm going to enjoy mine.'   I said as I turned and walked from the room.  Ready to leave this place and go home to my family.

As I stepped out of the care home I saw Moira closing the door to her car.  She looked up at me and her face showed surprise and shock at seeing me.  I walked towards her and could see panic in her eyes.

"Roger..." she said and then went silent.  Her eyes darting to the entrance of the care home.  Her expression showing she trying to decide what to say.

"I just saw him."  I confirmed before she could ask.  "I know he's completely incapacitated."  I said as she nodded and her lips trembled.  Her eyes filling with tears as she dropped her handbag and placed her hands over her face.  

"I'm so sorry..."  she muttered between her hands and her tears.  "I know what he did was wrong.  I know he was blackmailing you and it was wrong."  she told me as she moved her hands away and then shook her head.  Showing her regret all over her face.  "I told him he shouldn't do something so terrible but he never listened to me."  she stated.

"I don't blame you Moira."  I instantly replied.  "He always did exactly what he wanted to do."  I pointed out.  "It was the same with my Mum."  I said as she nodded and sniffled.

"I am sorry Roger."  she said as she stepped closer to me.  A pleading look in her eyes.  "I should have called you the minute he had the stroke.  To let you know and to tell you not to send the money."  she explained.   "But I didn't have your phone number and couldn't find it in Michael's things."  she told me.   She then laughed nervously.  "It's not like you're listed in the public phone directory."  she said as I smiled at the reality check.

"I know he got that house with my money."  I stated with a touch of irritation.  "He was also gambling with it."  I said as Moira sighed.

"I begged him not to leave Cornwall and move here."  Moira replied.  She slid her hand up to her throat.  "I got a right good walloping for fighting him on it."  she remarked and appeared meek as she said it.  She then tried to smile but it was a weak one.  Embarrassment in her face.  There was that shame my mother used to carry around when she was with my father.  I knew it so well.  I suddenly felt terribly sorry for Moira.  Something I never planned on.  She was a victim of my father's abuse just like we all were.

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