Part 24

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I never thought I will share my past with anyone but I had to tell her what happened and I wanted to. If anyone was going to know who I really was, it was her.

"Okay " I signed inhaling a deep breath

"Well let me start off by saying that I am not some saint or anything. I was never a good kid. But for my parents, I was world's best kid, their Sunny" I smiled remembering them and Tejasswi nodded.

A few strands of hair falling on her cheek. I softly tuck that behind her ear and continued.

"Actually my parents died in a car accident when I was 5" I said and Tejasswi gasped in deep breath.

"Ohh I am so sorry Sunny" Tejasswi said in trance feeling bad for him.

She said actually that word 'Sunny' made my heart race. I smiled "Then one of my uncle took my custody. But he was no good for me". My heart ached at the memory. "He was heavy drunker. He told me to steal food and even money for his drinks. He used to hit me with belt, hunter or whatever came to his hand to make me suffer, if I don't and used to make me stand out whole night" I said and Tejasswi's expressions changed into sorrow. Her eyes became glossy. "I was so fucking scared Teju. I was so small. I couldn't do anything but listen to him" I said and she nodded understanding every word I say. "But as I grew. I became more violent and one night when he was passed out drunk on the couch, I grabbed some lighter fluid and matches" I said feeling guilty.

"You didn't?" She gasped her hand covering her mouth in shock.

"I did" I nodded. "I was fucked up I know. But he only had a couple of burns. I told police why I did this so they sent him to jail and me to some orphanage". I said and took a minute to examine Tejasswi's shocked expressions. She was scared. Scared of me?

"Teju I wasn't like- I mean I have changed. I was just a scared kid. I didn't want to live with him anymore and god dammit I shouldn't have told you. I am sorry". . .

" Shhh.. It's ok" She interrupted putting her hand on mine but her expressions was unreadable.

"What are you thinking?" I asked getting worried. What if she hate me after this.

It took her moments to find the words. "I don't blame you" She finally said.

"What?" I asked now even shocked at her reply.

"I mean of course what you did was awful. But what your uncle did to you was disgusting. Burning him wasn't the solution but you were around violence so you became violent. That makes sense" She assured me.

Now it was my turn to be surprised. "Thank you for understanding me" I said.

A small smile from on her beautiful lips. Her eyes filled with pity.

"When did you finally get out from orphanage?" She asked

"When I was 18" I told her. "And when I left. I had no place to go then I got job in a farm but my boss was an asshole and he hated me for no reason. But I didn't quit. I made enough money to get my own apartment and things continued on like that for a while. That was kind of shitty life. That was until I met her" I said.

"Who?" Tejasswi asked hanging on to every word I spoke. I love her curiosity. How she was so interested in everything.

"Her name was Dhara" I said a small smile growing on my face as I finally remembered my sweet past.

"God Teju she was beautiful. You would have loved her. She had long black hair and lovely brown eyes like a dream girl. She was daughter of my boss and came down to the farm every once in awhile and one day we started talking and my life was perfect ever since. She was the sweetest girl I have ever met and I was so fucked up but she loved me anyway. She made me forget about my past and brought out the best in me. I loved everything about her. She was my favorite person in the world".

Each word I spoke hurt like hell but it felt good to finally let out. My mind became filled with images of her. Her eyes. Her laugh. Her kisses. Her hugs. "God I was so happy but then someone took her away from me. Killing her for no reason. Hell he probably raped her. I should have protected her but I failed. Such a failure I am" before I knew a tear escaped from my eyes. Then another. Shit. Now I was crying. "I always wanted to find someone-" I started. My shaky voice cracking in mid sentence. "I always wanted to find someone like her. I think I have -" I looked over to Tejasswi and she stared back at me. Tears beginning to form in her eyes as well. She didn't break her gaze holding my hand even tighter. I grinned at her through my blurry eyes.

"If you don't mind me asking. What happened to her?" She asked her voice was soft. I can see sadness in her eyes.

"She was. Uh. She was. Was one of the victims" I said and Tejasswi gasped.

"No" she said as if don't want to believe it.

"Yeah her parents hated me. They thought I was bad boy because of my bad past. So I was immediately accused as a suspect. I had a shitty lawyer while her parents paid thousands for best lawyer. All of the murders were linked up and I was accused for every single one. And now everyone think I killed her. How could I? She was my love, my life. But thankfully my lawyer was smart enough so he proved that I am insane and put me in mental hospital instead of Jail"

"That's so awful Karan. I am so sorry" She whispered

"It's alright. It's not your fault "I sniffed wiping away the last few pathetic tears.

"I just miss her Teju"


Karan loved someone else🙂

How will Tejasswi react🤡

What will happen next? Are you guys excited?

I was very nervous writing this, I hope I did justice with this part. Please let me know how was this

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Next part I'll update after 🎯80 as fab is near and I don't have much time🥶

Spread love<3

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