Part 26

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She took a deep breath and looked side to side making sure no one is hearing. Then she looked me in the eyes.

"Alright it's time you should know" she signed. "But I am only telling you this so you don't go around asking more questions" she said and I nodded relieved that finally she is going to tell me something.

"To be honest. I don't even know what's going on in here. All I know is that Nikita is gone and Mrs. D'Souza wants us to keep quiet about it. You are new so she wasn't worried about you but people like me who visit Nikita everyday and have her records on file. We are the one's she worried about. So she came to me and told me to burn my files of Nikita and to never speak of her again or I would lose my job. And that's it. That all I know. I am as confused as you are" she told me.

I was shocked and disappointed with this information. How could she do this? What is her purpose? I thought I will solve this matter but it is more complicated now.

"Okay. Thanks for telling me?" I signed.

"Sure but don't you dare telling anybody else. Just don't worry about it. Don't ask questions. Something is going on and whatever it is. It's better to stay out of it" She said.

"Ok I will" I nodded in agreement.

"And stop hanging around Karan so much. Mrs. D'Souza asked me the other day if something is going on between you two. She is already suspicious" she said

"What you told her?"

"I told her that she is just being professional and helping him and wouldn't do anything stupid"

"Thank you so much" I signed relieved. "And I will be more careful" I said

I walked out of the hospital and into the cool atmosphere of upcoming winter. Karan's story is still replaying in my head and I am terribly missing him. What would he be doing now? May be just sitting in his room. I wanted to make sure he is ok but I really need to go home now.

Finally a long day was over and I could go home and get some sleep. I was looking for Kunaal as we walk home together but hadn't seen him coming out of the building or waiting for me. It is really cold I should probably go without him. I was just about to walk without him when the headlights break through the dark. A black car moving its way down the street besides me and completely halt beside me. A wave of panic struck through my body. I wondered who could be behind the wheels and I found out soon enough when the window was rolled down.

"Hey Tejasswi " Kunaal said grinning widely.

"Hii "I said relieved it was just Kunaal and not some creep.

"Is that your car?" I asked curiously.

"Yes it's mine" He said proudly.

"Really?" I asked. I didn't know he has a car.

"Yeah I got it yesterday evening "He told me still grinning widely.

"Wanna ride?" He asked

"It's ok. I can walk" I said.

"It's not a big deal. I can drive you" He told me.

For some reason I hesitated, though I wasn't sure why.

"C'mon it's cold out" he said.

I finally gave in and walked around to passenger seat, opening the door and slipping into the car.

"Thanks" I said.

"No problem" He smirked.

We drive silently for a while and then Kunaal spoke. "Shit I think I am running out of petrol" He looked at me. "I don't know if I will make it to your house. Do you mind if we stop by my place really quick? It's closer and I have petrol cane there" he asked.

"Sure" I said although I suddenly became nervous. I watched carefully as we made our way to his house following several turns through thick trees before coming to a brick house.

"Nice place" I said. The house was medium size with well kept lawn.

"Thanks" He said pulling out his key as car stopped. "Come in" he told me nodding his head towards the house. I stepped out following him as he opened the door of his home. Living room was cozy. A couch and two chairs were arranged.

"While we are here. Do you want some coffee?" Kunaal asked.

"Sure" I said. I really need a coffee in this chilly weather. Kunaal went into the kitchen while I took a seat on the couch. I sat for about another minute before getting up to look for the bathroom. I walked off into the hallway. I kept walking along the Hall as I noticed a small wooden door on the right. This might be a bathroom. My hand rose up and my fingers extended. When I was about to reach the handle-

"What are you doing?" A dark voice asked from behind me. I jumped jerking my head to the side. Phew. It was Kunaal.

"Ohh you scared me" I smiled. "I was looking for a bathroom" I said.

Kunaal expressions remained emotionless. "Well this isn't it" He said. "It's one of the ends of the Hall" he stood his ground at the door of the room as if he wanted to keep me from seeing inside.

"Okay" I said. I became more nervous as I scurried to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and took a deep breath. That was weird. Why was he being so protective about that room? What was he hiding? May be nothing. I was just overthinking. I took my time in bathroom. When I opened the door again curiosity was eating up at me. What if there is really something in that room. I know this was stupid but I needed to know.

"Kunaal?" I called out. No answer. He was still in the kitchen and in that case I can go and check the room. I quietly rushed to the door. Looking over my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't be able to see me. I slowly turned the knob. Slowly slowly...almost there

"What do you think you are doing?" Kunaal's voice demanded again.

His body so close to mine and I can feel it behind my back. I barely had time to turn around before I was roughly shoved against the wall. His broad chest pushing against mine. 


Phew long time, I hope you like this chapter.

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