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We sat in silence. I looked down at my lap and Sunny did the same. I was tensed because I wasn't sure of his mental state and had no idea what he will do next. But he was aware of what he did. I saw the shock and worry on his face when he almost hit me. May be he is back. But I am not sure yet.

"I am feeling much better" I said quietly still not looking at him. "So I should probably go" I said after a pause and stood from the bed and so did Sunny.

"No Wait. I jus-"

"I will see you tomorrow" I interrupted.

I was tired and wanted to lie down in my room. I started to walk towards the door but he was next to me in seconds.

"Tejasswi wait" He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. I didn't protest but I didn't meet his eyes either. My back was against the wall and he was inches away. I looked down still not meeting his gaze.

"Look at me please" He pleaded.

Finally I obliged and meet his beautiful eyes.

"I am sorry. I am so fucking sorry. I am sorry for getting caught. For getting punished. For not remembering. For all of it. These past few Days were shitty for both of us and it was my fault. But I am back Teju. I swear to God I remember everything" His eyes searched for mine for a response.

"How can I be sure?" I wanted some assurance that it had all faded and he would not freak out like he did.

"I don't know" He said honestly. "But seeing you like that scared me. This fear sort of snapped me out of it. I have no idea how to prove it to you but you have to believe me" He pleaded.

I could see it in his bright eyes and hear it in his desperate voice. It was Sunny. My Sunny. He was telling the truth. I was sure of it.

"I need you to believe me Laddo because I was wrong" he continued after a long pause "About Dhara being the girl I love. I don't know why I said that, may be because I was lonely. May be because I was afraid. May be because I really needed someone that time. I know you were with me all the time but my mind was clouded by so many things. I couldn't remember anything. I was not myself. Ahhhh It was you Tejasswi. I am in love with you. I mean I loved Dhara with my life. But what I feel for you is more then I feel for her. I am in love with you Tejasswi Prakash"

He confessed and I could do nothing but stare in complete surprise and awe. Love? Karan? The boy that had been hurt by his careless uncle. The boy who lost the first girl he ever loved. The man who can give his life to someone he loves, was in love with me. As I stared into his eyes with tears I knew I feel the same.

"I don't know when this irritation towards you turned into attraction. I really don't know when I started falling for you, maybe the very first time my eyes laid on you. Adda told me we have a new patient here. He is a psycho and murdered three women. But one glance at you and my chotu sa heart knew you couldn't. I used to hate talking to you at your initial days in here because you always irritated me (complaining) but at the same time, it make my heart at ease. I started to love spent time with you. I used to wait for you at lunch. I crave to speak with you. I know I hurt you with my words many times but I myself didn't know why I was doing that. Maybe I was battling with my feelings. Sunny I'm not good at expressing my feelings and I don't know how to say it but I love you. I love you Sunny"

I had never been so sure of anything in my life. No matter he loves me or not I love Karan madly. He closes his eyes and rested his forehead against mine in relief. He cupped my face and my hands rested on his. Our lips met slowly, a tender delicate kiss being shared between us. Then another, My hands threaded themselves through his hair and pulled him close while his lips began to move hard and passionately with mine. From this point he was mine and I was his. When Sunny pulled away he was smiling with such an elated happiness. I couldn't suppress my own grain. He wrapped his arms around me and we both hugged tightly. My head rested in the crook of his neck, his head resting on mine. It was even more satisfying than the kiss. Both of us yearned to really feel each other. To be even closer but it was hardly possible in the nurse's office.

"I wish I could make love to you right now" He whispered.

"We would probably get caught" he grinned slightly but his eyes look serious.

"It's ok. We will get out of here soon" I said still hugging him.

"We have to" he nodded

"But until then I guess we are kind of stuck here"

"I guess so" I whispered the words.

"But it will be different this time. This time I'm going to try and make us happy here. I know this place isn't exactly paradise but we can create our own" he said and I smiled at his words. "Come on I will show you some" he said pulling back.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked confused what he is up to.

He leaned down hooking his arm behind my knees as he picked me up bridal style.

"Sunny what are you doing?" I giggled he didn't answer but just bite my cheeks. I smiled as he walked me back towards the bed, setting me down on the mattress before I could ask any further question he laid down beside me. "Close your eyes" he whispered grinning like a child. His eyes fluttered close doing the same and I didn't ask any questions.

"I want you to picture something yeah?" he said and I nodded.

"Imagine that you are lying in soft warm sand. There is a beautiful blue sky above you full of puffy white clouds" I could almost hear the smile in his voice as he painted the picture in front of me. "The sun is making your cheeks warm and you can hear the sparkly blue waves along the beach going woosh woosh" he said laughing a little as he spoke. "You are on beautiful beach on the beautiful day. It's perfect. But except none of that matters. What does matter is that I'm right there next you and we are side by side. You have me and I have you and that's the real paradise"

I opened my eyes, he too. And I realized that his words were true. At the same time, we didn't need to paint an unrealistic picture of the future in order to try to be happy. All we could do was try our best to be happy now.

"I love you" I needed to say it again and needed to hear from him again.

"I love you too mera laddo" he whispered and planted a sweet kiss to my forehead.

Worst days turning into good days so I let go of the bad and held on to the good. I have no idea how long it would last but I don't care. Now Sunny is back. He is healthy and is with me that's all I care.

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