574 69 11

Although I hadn't known Riya well, her memories still lingered in my mind. Her soft voice. Her beauty. His innocence. I was sitting at one of those round tables for an arts and crafts session. I didn't feel like painting or drawing anything. I was feeling really sad and depressed.

Suddenly I heard a deep voice a few inches away from my ear. "That's look amazing laddoo" I jumped in surprise seeing Sunny’s face hovering over my shoulder.

I laughed looking at my blank white paper. "Isn't it?" I asked sarcastically. Then I said more seriously. "I don't feel like drawing anything"

"No, I'm serious" Sunny said moving towards the blank white paper. "It's fascinatingly beautiful" he said.

"Shut up"  I laughed. "Let’s see you try and paint something"

"Okay" he agreed.

Sunny choose a dark blue color and a thick brush. He mixed colors in small cups and sprinkled them on the paper. Then he repeats the action but before spraying it on the paper he turns it towards me. I let out a small cry, as the liquid hit on my cheeks. Sunny laughed and I tried to suppress my smile. "What are you doing?" I asked laughing.

"I don't know. Just lightning the mood I guess" he said leaning close to me.

"Look lunchtime was bad but we can't dwell on it. I know she was nice and innocent. She didn't deserve this. But if we keep thinking about those things it will drive us crazy. Right now we can't do anything about it" I nodded and forced a smile but didn't feel like it because the matter wasn't resolved.

"Hey, look at me" Sunny said placing his hand on my cheek. "Don't think too much about what's happening here. One day I will take you far away from this place. I promise there will be no death and surgery. We’ll run away and I’ll keep you safe, okay?"

"Okay" I nodded and he pulled me in for a kiss but it ended before it even started. I looked at him disappointed but noticed something strange in his expression. He was trying to press his lips into a tight line but he couldn't suppress his smile. I was a little confused until he pulled his hand away from my cheeks and I felt a big wet spot there. I looked at his hand and saw that it was stained with blue color.

"Sunny" I protested and hit his chest and he burst out laughing. "I did mean it though. I mean it, what I said but I just had to do it" he said still laughing.

I smiled and shook my head. I then quickly put my hand in a small container of the paint and before Sunny could react, I spread it all over his face. He tried to run away but I was faster. Sunny was shocked when he realized what just happened.

"You are gone now" he said and picked up the cup with blue paint. My eyes widen as I realized his intention. I spoon around and took off. Running through the people. He ran behind me. I looked behind and saw Sunny accidentally threw the paint on another patient.  Shit. Now that patient was up to something but Sunny quickly grabbed his cup of paint and approached me. There was a small area at the back. Just barely out of sight. It was an extension of the room. Almost a small hallway. I ran through there and stood with my back to the wall but Sunny was watchful and he found me moment later.

"You are gone now" he said while picking up the cup of paint. My eyes widened as I understood his intention. I turned in other direction and ran through the people to save myself. He chased me. I turned back to look at him and saw he had accidentally poured paint on a patient. Damn. Now that patient was about to do something but Sunny immediately picked up his paint cup and came towards me. There was a small area behind, which was just out of sight. It was an extension of the room. He approached me slowly as he knew I was stuck in there.

"No! No! Please Sunny don't" I begged.

He poured paint in his hand and spread it all over my face and neck. There was no use in pushing him back so I tried to hold his hands but suddenly he held both my hands and pinned me against the wall, pressing his chest to mine. "Now on one can save you" He smirk and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was sweet and our lips were still smiling. He caressed her cheeks against mine then he shower kisses on my neck. His hands went under my top and he grabbed my breasts, pressing them gently. I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled him up so that his lips were back to mine. I kissed him many times but still feel butterflies. "I love you" I said breaking the kiss.

"I love you" Sunny breathed. Footsteps echoed across the corridor and we both turned our heads to see all the patients throwing colors at each other. I gasped at the sight before me and Sunny laughed as hard as she could. "It's all your fault" I said grinning widely.

"I didn't do anything. Yes, I spilled some color on a man but it was unintentional" he said smiling. "Now before someone comes to us" he said pulling me into the crowd of crazy people who were practically playing Holi. We sat back down at our table and actually tried to draw on paper. Sunny kept pushing my shoulder to spoil my painting and I kept moving my brush on his paper, so none of the paintings turned out well.

"I need your help with this" Sunny said showing me the painting. My eyes fell on his paper, dark blue color was spread below and light blue color was spread on the top. And light orange color in the middle. "What is this?" I asked. His jaw dropped at my question.

"It is sunset over the sea. Look above there is the sky and below there is the sea"

"Yeah you definitely need my help" I said trying not to laugh. The painting was horrible.

"Like you're a brilliant painter" He said slowly, shaking her head and showing fake hurt. I again laughed at him.

Our art and craft session ended and we were taken back to our room, while going back I saw the same guard who had taken Nikita to the surgery room. He was coming towards us while my guard was walking with me. He looked at me. He was shocked to see me as a patient. He frowned and seemed troubled by this fact because he knew I wasn't insane. I looked back at him. I had only one word to say as he passed me. And I spoke when he was very close to me. "Riya?" I said. He wasn't making eye contact with me but a slight nod of his head gave me all the conformation I needed.


Hey, so here's another chapter. Hope you all like it. I am very disappointed by the reaction on few last parts. I know I am not updating on time, but will try to. Please do vote and comment, it encourages me to write further.

I'll update after you will complete 80 votes on this and previous 2 parts. Thanks❤

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