Part 29

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Shit this was the moment I had been dreading since I have arrived here. I would have to tell him sooner or later. I was just hoping it would be later. I don't know how he will react. I don't know what he will do. If Karan does anything to him he will be whipped or even have to go under electro shock therapy. I couldn't let this happen. I couldn't let him take another punishment. Good thing I haven't seen that bastard today. He must not be at work.

"Tejasswi who did this?" he was already angry. This is not a good start.

"Sunny just listen to me. Don't freak out. If you do they will make me sedate you and then they will punish you. Whatever you just...Just stay calm". I explained him.

He didn't say anything. He was just fuming.

"Sunny. Are you getting me?" I said and he just nodded but I could tell he wasn't really listening.

"These are from. Umm he- he pinned me against the wall and grabbed my wrist but I got away" I said really didn't know how and where to start.

"Who?" Karan demanded. His voice was dark. I flinched before I said the words.

"It it was Kunaal. He tried to kill me. He is the killer" I said and Karan's hand immediately gripped the table, holding on so tight his knuckles grew white. His breathing became deep and heavy. His jaw was clenched so tight. And the veins on his neck became prominent under his skin. He was almost shaking with anger.

I knew he would explode at anytime. I waited for his response. Praying that he wouldn't do anything stupid. A jolt ran through me when he standing up abruptly as he almost threw the table.

"Where the fuck he is?" he shouted. His voice angry as hell. His eyes searched around for Kunaal but he didn't find. What he did find though dozens of eyes staring at him worriedly.

"Sunny calm down" I pleaded but I doubted he was even listening. His guard was making already his way towards us. If he causes a scene he will definitely have to go under punishment.

"Sunny" I demanded pulling his arm with full force. My goal was to make him face me. But he didn't even move then I reached up to him and cup his face with my both hands pulling it down to face me. His eyes were wide. His breathing was still heavy. "Listen to me" I said staring him right in the eyes. Everyone was looking at us but I don't care. My only focus right now was to keep Sunny from getting hurt.

"He is not here" I said my voice too low that only sunny could hear. "Kunaal isn't even here. Going all wild isn't going to help you. Please Sunny they will punish you if you do anything. And I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt "

His jaw was still clenched and he was still angry but at least he was listening.

"I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt either" He retorted." I have to get him back Tejasswi. I have to" He said slowly, anger from his eyes fading.

Before I could reply sunny was pulled away from me. The guards grabbed the hold of him. "I think we should get him back into his room" His guard Paras said.

"Get the fuck off of me" Karan spat. His anger returned.

"Sunny it's ok" I said nodding my head as if telling him to go to his room. I would find a way to get to his room. I doubted if I could convey this thought to him with my eyes. But he seemed to understand as he nodded calming down a bit. He gave me one last look before turning and walking with guards. I have to talk to him about this whole thing. We have to figure out what to do about Kunaal.

My legs acted fast as they carry me to grab the tray of food. I gripped it with both hands and walked over to the door. "Where are you going?" One of the guards said. "To get this food to a patient. I think you guys can handle things while I am gone". I said hoping that I was right. I turned through the halls and down corridors eager to reach up to my sunny soon. But I was shocked as I turned the last corner.

Mrs. D'Souza presence drawing a gasp from my lips. Panic struck through me as I realized she is a mother of a killer. Her son just tried to kill me. But I wasn't sure about her involvement in his crimes. And if she didn't know about that I won't tell her because I know she will not believe me.

"Tejasswi you are the person I wanted to see" She said. Her face was tired and dull. "I need to talk to you about something"

"Yeah?" I asked hoping that it wasn't about what I m thinking right now.

"It's about Karan. I think you like him more than necessary. Isn't it?"

Now I was more eager to talk to sunny. He has to know everything. I didn't know how to answer her. When I didn't answer she spoke again. "Whom are you carrying that tray for?" She asked

"I- I need to take it to Karan. He had to be brought back to his room and didn't get to eat"

She nodded raising her eyebrows and half smirk making the action Condescending.

"Well you take that tray to him and come back to me. I need to discuss with you about changing your responsibilities. You are not going to work in lunchroom anymore. I have other advanced job for you to do other than to sit and chat with that boy everyday plus it will be good to separate you two. I think you guys have something going" She finished her speech.

"No" I objected. "There is nothing going on really. I just wanted to make sure that he was properly taken care of so he didn't hurt anyone" I said

"Hmm" she hummed. And with one last look of superiority she turned and walked down the corridor. I can understand that look said stay away from Karan. But she did tell me I can take this food to his room now. So that's what I did. Finally at the end of the corridor I saw him. He was sitting at the edge of his bed, gripping the mattress while looking at the floor deep in thoughts. I unlocked his door stepping in his room. He didn't look up as I entered. "Sunny" I said.

"Hey" he said. His bright eyes finally meeting mine. The room was quite for a moment. He sighed.


Mrs. D'Souza pyar ki dushman 🤪

Hola, aa gayi me besharmo ki tarah chapter update karne😁 I hope you'll like this❤✨
And God bless me for my physics exam🥺🥱

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